Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1196 Lonely swordsman, frozen to death on Lonely Mountain

After reading the preface of Li Fan's new work on Weibo, everyone was a little confused. Is this the preface of a mythical work? How does it feel like a martial arts work?

Of course, this description is excellent, giving a very strong sense of the picture.

In winter, under the setting sun, it is a lonely swordsman, standing alone in the cold wind.

Everyone can clearly feel the coldness of the sword in the swordsman's hand, can see the cold eyes of the swordsman, and can also feel his colder heart.

Although there are not many words, it renders the environment, pictures and atmosphere very well, and it also leaves a lot of suspense.

Who is this swordsman? Why would he stand alone in the cold wind? What will happen next?

It's just that no matter how good this text is and how strong the picture is, it is also a martial arts work!

Don't you mean to launch a long-form mythological work? How come there is a martial arts work?

Besides, Li Fan has never written martial arts works!

Of course, if Li Fan wants to write martial arts works, everyone absolutely believes in Li Fan's strength, not to mention that he can write Gu Yong, but it is estimated that the gap will not be big.

It's just that this channel is completely wrong.

Is this a mythical work? It's just that this sequence is a bit like a martial arts.

Some of the two monks in the crowd were at a loss as to what was going on.

And Li Fan's latest Weibo, after being seen by more and more people, was quickly uploaded on the Internet.

More and more people are confused.

However, there are also many people who are very happy.

"Wow, haha! Mr. Li Fan is going to write martial arts? Judging from this sequence, it seems to be no worse than Mr. Gu Yong, I am looking forward to it!"

"Mr. Li Fan writes martial arts? This is really unexpected, but I'm looking forward to it, wow! I believe that Mr. Li Fan's martial arts works are no worse than Mr. Gu Yong."

"Mr. Gu Yong is very lonely in the martial arts novel world. If Mr. Li Fan also writes about martial arts, then Mr. Gu Yong will definitely not be lonely."

"It seems that this sequence has not been written yet,

'Afterwards...', what happened afterward? Mr. Li Fan didn't write it. Could it be that an enemy of such a swordsman came later, and the two fought a battle? "

"It's also possible that the swordsman was on an assassination mission, and then the target person appeared, and the swordsman killed the target person with one sword. After all, from the description, the swordsman is very cold."

"I think this swordsman is waiting for a thief from Jiangyang, and then prepares to kill him with a sword to eliminate the harm for the people. The swordsman, although cold, is mostly just."


Many people began to discuss this sequence with interest, guessing the identity of this swordsman, is it a lonely walker or a cold killer?

Standing alone in the cold wind, is he performing some task, or is it just a simple daily life of a swordsman?

After all, if not, how can it be shown that he is a ruthless swordsman.

At the end of the preface, Li Fan ended with "later...", obviously not finished yet, what happened later? It also led to a lot of speculation.

Their interest is very strong, and they seem to have forgotten that Li Fan is going to launch a mythical work, not a martial arts work.

Of course, it is also possible that they have not forgotten, but if Li Fan launches martial arts works, they are equally excited and excited, and look forward to it!

This made those who were more inclined to mythical works depressed. Li Fan did not launch mythological works, but launched martial arts works instead. Everyone seemed very happy.

It's just that since Mr. Li Fan said that he would launch a mythical work, there is no reason to suddenly change it to a martial arts work!

I don't understand the situation, I don't understand the situation at all.


Ordinary netizens can't figure out the situation, and many celebrities and celebrities are also puzzled.

Cen Geng, Shen Cong and the others frowned slightly, "Didn't you mean to launch a long mythical work? What is this kid doing?"

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan, who lived in the room next to Li Fan, were even more strange, "Didn't this kid just say this afternoon, is the mythical work going to be released in the next two days? What does this mean now?"

Only Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng from Sansheng Village were not deceived. They knew that Li Fan would definitely not use the identity of "Li Fan" to launch martial arts works.

This Weibo, it's that kid who is just making up mysteries.


in the hotel room.

Li Fan happily watched everyone's reaction, which was similar to what he thought before. While most people were confused, they were excited and looking forward to his martial arts works.

At this time, Weibo was also quite lively.

"Li Fan, did you not finish writing this sequence? Then... what happened afterward?"

"That's right, Li Fan, you are going to release a martial arts work instead. We are also looking forward to it. It's just that you have to finish this sequence. It's too appetizing."

"A lot of people are discussing what happened next? Did you say it right? Li Fan."


What happened afterward? Li Fan smiled, reckoning that the time should be almost up, so he updated a Weibo again.

"Later...later...later, this lonely swordsman froze to death on the lonely mountain, and then the whole play ended.

Well, I'm not planning to launch martial arts works, I just want to remind everyone that winter has begun, everyone should wear more clothes, so as not to catch a cold. "

As soon as this Weibo came out, everyone was collectively stunned, obviously none of them, and reacted from this divine turning point.

It took a while for everyone to react, and then... Then there were countless "poof, poof" sounds that were heard all over the country.

Not laughing, but spraying blood again, a mouthful of old blood.

"Wo Cao!" Then came such a voice again, with a firm tone!

After that, everyone's reactions were somewhat different.

However, one thing is the same, that is, the admiration for Li Fan, which is quite a five-body.

"I'm going! This is definitely a turning point. My admiration for Li Fan is like the surging river, which is endless."

"Lying on the grass! This is the best short story of the year."

"This is the most wonderful martial arts novel I've ever read. The final turn of the gods turned me three liters of old blood. No, no, I can't anymore, my body is very weak."

"In my opinion, Li Fan is the first person in martial arts novels. This turning point directly blinded my eyes and turned my old waist."

"Li Fanda is too talented, he deceived all of us. However, I like this kind of deception, and Li Fanda will do it again."

"Wow, haha! This is the most talented novel I've ever read. It's definitely a classic among classics."

"The weather is getting colder, everyone should add an extra piece of clothing! Otherwise, you will be like that swordsman, haha!"



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