Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1197 Now is the real new work preview

Li Fan's second Weibo took a turn for the worse, making everyone gasp in admiration at the same time.

It's really quite talented, and I don't know how Li Fan came up with it?

Using this method to remind fans of the cold weather is also considered unprecedented.

Many stars have met, and in addition to the word "admiration", they are even more envious.

Because of this special work by Li Fan, and the reminder later, in a very short period of time, it became popular all over the Internet.

After attracting countless people in astonishment, surprise, admiration and admiration, they couldn't help but laugh.

Cen Geng, Shen Cong and others also laughed dumbly, and after scolding "that stinky boy", they were also quite admired. This kind of "magic" work might be something that kid could have imagined.

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They all wanted to knock on Li Fan's door and ask Li Fan what was going on.

Fortunately, I didn't go, otherwise I'd have to listen to that kid again and talk nonsense in a serious manner.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng laughed, and they knew that Li Fan was playing tricks again, and it turned out to be true.

However, this little story is indeed very interesting, and the final turn of the gods is definitely a stroke of genius.


hotel room.

Looking at the shock, admiration, and admiration of countless people on Weibo, Li Fan felt quite proud in his heart.

This is a joke on the Internet in the past life. It is used in this world, and the effect is quite good.

Of course, the reason why Li Fan used this joke tonight is not only to remind everyone to wear clothes in the cold weather, but also to liven up the atmosphere.

Next, he is really going to announce the news of the new book.

So, tonight there is a third Weibo.

"Okay, in addition to reminding everyone to wear clothes in the cold weather, the first two Weibo are mainly to liven up the atmosphere.

Now, is the real teaser for the new book.

Don't be nervous,

It is not a martial arts work, but really a mythical work, or a mythical love work, called "The Legend of the White Snake".

Its main content is probably about a legend of love between a snake demon and a mortal.

Finally, there is the serialization method that everyone is very concerned about. I plan to follow the example of Mr. Gu Yong and serialize it through Weibo serialization.

At ten o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, that is, at ten o'clock in the morning on December 1, "Legend of the White Snake" will officially start serialization.

At that time, everyone is welcome to read. "


Li Fan updated his third Weibo tonight. When we just received the Weibo update reminder, everyone couldn't believe it.

Li Fan actually updated three Weibo posts in a row, which is very rare.

Although I thought so in my heart, the movements in my hands were not slow, and I opened Li Fan's latest Weibo at the first time.

After watching it, I was really excited.

"Lying on the grass! I can't believe it, this time it's actually a new book preview."

"Wow haha! It's a mythical work, it's finally here, Li Fan is very mighty."

"As for the active atmosphere, I only serve Li Fan, it is quite active."

"About the love legend between the snake demon and mortals, the title of the book is also called "Legend of the White Snake". Then, the White Snake should be the snake demon."

"Snake demon? Why snake demon? I am most afraid of snakes. Besides, I feel that snake demons are all insidious and vicious."

"Can this person fall in love with a demon? Isn't there a saying called a different way for a demon?"

"Cut! It's because of the different ways of the human and monster that this person is in love with the monster, so that's called a legend. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"This is no nonsense, this is Mr. Li Fan's mythical work, can you not look forward to it?"

"Li Fanda also adopts the method of Weibo serialization, which is really great. So, among all the authors, I like Li Fanda and Gu Yongda the most."

"It's great! When Gu Yongda serialized pure love works through Weibo before, although I didn't like pure love works very much, I really liked the way of Weibo serialization, it was so convenient. I didn't expect Li Fanda 's new works will also be serialized on Weibo, so I'm so happy."

"The serialization officially started on December 1st. Now that I know the specific time, I can't wait even more."


Li Fan's new book will be serialized through Weibo, which will surprise many readers.

Since Gu Yong created the way of microblog serialization, many readers have liked this very convenient way of reading.

However, apart from Gu Yong, no second author has serialized his works in this way.

Of course, the authors do not need to serialize on Weibo, and readers can understand it.

After all, the absolute majority of authors can only eat manuscript fees.

Now, Li Fan wants to serialize through Weibo, and readers are naturally pleasantly surprised.

Then, readers were very interested in the title and content of Li Fanxin's works, and there were many discussions on the Internet.

Among them, many people were a little puzzled about why Li Fan chose the snake demon.

After all, there are too many people in this world who are afraid of snakes. This snake monster... makes people shudder just thinking about it.

Many people have asked Li Fan this question on Weibo.

Why choose snake demon? Li Fan naturally won't tell you the real reason.

Moreover, Li Fan does not need to answer everyone, someone on the Internet has already answered this question for him.

"Haha! I know why Mr. Li Fan chose the snake demon. Come and come, I will tell you the reason."

"Do you know the reason? Really or not? Are you Mr. Li Fan's assistant? I've never heard of Mr. Li Fan's assistant. But, let's talk about it."

"Of course I'm not Mr. Li Fan's assistant, but I was fortunate enough to camp with Mr. Li Fan on the top of Baiyun Mountain in Sansheng Village. At that time, we heard Mr. Li Fan talk about the nameless high mountain on top of Baiyun Mountain. The legend of the tower, that legend goes like this..."

"So that's the case. In this way, this story originated from the legend of the nameless tower on top of Baiyun Mountain, which was circulated in Sansheng Village, the hometown of Mr. Li Fan."

"The origin of the story should be true, but the content of the story should be completely different. The snake demon in the legend is the evil demon that harms the people of one party. The snake demon in Mr. Li Fan's works will definitely not be like this."

"It turns out that the snake demon is just a snake demon. As long as she is dedicated to goodness, she will not be cautious."

"Knowing the legend of Sansheng Village, I look forward to Mr. Li Fan's work even more. The time will come to the day after tomorrow."



Han Zhong, Bai Yi, Liu Yuan, and Lu Yangdong, who had returned home, were pleasantly surprised. Sure enough, the serialization started in the past two days.

How to connect the love story between snake monsters and mortals with the West Lake Broken Bridge, Leifeng Pagoda and other places?

Several people are very much looking forward to it!


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