Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1203 Negotiate the shooting matters

Knowing that the song is called "Passing Love", the mood that the readers want to hear becomes more urgent.

What excites them even more is that in addition to "Passing Love", Li Fan will also release a mysterious theme song.

"Crossing Love" is already like this, what will the mysterious theme song look like?

All readers, it is really very itchy.

However, this is not what they are most excited about. The last thing Li Fan revealed is what excites them the most.

Neither "Passing Love" nor the mysterious theme song will simply release a single. It is not difficult to guess what this means.

That is these two songs, and it is very likely that they will be released in the form of MVs.

Doesn't that mean that Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian meet at Broken Bridge, Bai Suzhen, Xiaoqing and Xu Xian cross the boat together, and scenes such as the duet between the old boatman and Xiaoqing may all appear on the screen?

Thinking of this, the hearts of all readers are not only excited, but also excited.

And the people who saw Li Fan's Weibo are far more than ordinary readers.

Many directors, singers, and actors in the entertainment industry were also moved by Li Fan's Weibo post.

They can also guess that Li Fan is likely to shoot the MV of "Passing Love" and the mysterious theme song.

Then, there must be a director, crew, actors, singers and so on.

If someone else wanted to shoot a song MV, directors, singers, and actors would naturally not care, but Li Fan was different.

Any piece of Li Fan's work, any song, has a huge influence. Take the "Legend of the White Snake", which has just started serialization today, for example.

Now only five chapters have been serialized in total, and the story has not yet started. However, this work has already become popular all over the Internet.

Countless readers were excited and excited to discuss non-stop.

Moreover, many celebrities, famous professors, scholars, etc., are paying attention to this work.

Not only did they read it, but they also commented on Weibo, expressing their opinions after reading it.

These include the famous historian Cen Geng, the head of the historical research branch of the Ministry of Culture, Shen Cong, the chairman of the National Writers Association, Yu Qiu, the former fairy tale king Zheng Jie, and the former martial arts novel leader Liang Sheng.

Waiting for a large number of important people.

This kind of work, coupled with Li Fan's identity, even if it is just shooting two MVs, it will definitely be a big hit for the director and actor.

For singers, not to mention, Li Fan's music works are absolutely popular and enduring for a long time.

Moreover, Li Fan has not released a new song for a long time, this will be a golden opportunity.

Therefore, directors, actors, and singers are eager to move, and they are thinking in their hearts, how can they seize this opportunity?


in the hotel room.

After Li Fan updated the Weibo just now, the messages on the Weibo changed instantly.

The previous inquiries have turned into expressions of surprise, excitement, and excitement.

Through these constantly refreshed messages, Li Fan can clearly feel that the readers are extremely excited and excited.

This also makes Li Fan feel excited and a kind of responsibility. The readers are so supportive and looking forward to it, then he must use the most perfect works to repay the readers.

This is the responsibility to the readers, but also the responsibility to the classic works of the past life.

After reading the readers' comments for a while, Li Fan got up and walked out of the room. He wanted to go to the West Lake again.

Not to play, but to go to the director of the West Lake Office and talk about the shooting in the West Lake.

Liang Xuesheng, director of the West Lake Office, called Li Fan the day before yesterday and euphemistically expressed his desire to visit Li Fan, but Li Fan politely declined.

Just now, Li Fan called Liang Xuesheng again and briefly explained his intention. Liang Xuesheng immediately said excitedly that the West Lake Scenic Spot would fully cooperate with the filming work, and once again expressed his desire to visit.

Li Fan said that this time he should come to visit.


West Lake Scenic Area Office.

Liang Xuesheng has been in a state of excitement since he received the call from Li Fan. Li Fan wanted the West Lake Scenic Spot to shoot the MV for songs related to "Legend of the White Snake". This is definitely a great thing for them in the West Lake Scenic Area. .

Although in principle, it should be their scenic spot that allowed Li Fan to shoot, but it should be their scenic spot that is honored, and Liang Xuesheng is convinced of this.

"Director, did Mr. Li Fan say he wants to come over in person?" Wang Shuyuan asked.

Liang Xuesheng nodded and said: "Well, and I'm already on my way here. Originally, I wanted to visit him, but he said that this matter should be visited by him. Hey! It's no wonder that Mr. Li Fan can achieve such a high level. Achievement, with such a big impact.”

Wang Shuyuan, Wei Tao, and Liu Guoming all nodded in approval.

In fact, Li Fan knew in his heart that when he wanted to shoot in the West Lake Scenic Spot, the West Lake Scenic Spot would not refuse, but would also be very welcome. He didn't have to visit in person at all, just a phone call was enough, or waited for Liang Xuesheng at home. visit.

But he still came over in person. One shows that he attaches great importance to this matter, and the other shows that this is his criterion for dealing with people.

The three sighed in their hearts, admiring and respecting Li Fan more and more.

Afterwards, several people talked about the fact that Li Fan was going to shoot a song MV in the West Lake, and they all thought that this was a great thing for the West Lake Scenic Spot.

After a while, Assistant Liang Xuesheng knocked on the door and came in and said that Mr. Li Fan had arrived and was now in the VIP reception room.

Liang Xuesheng looked happy, and immediately got up and said, "Okay, I'll go over there, Lao Wang, Lao Wei, Lao Liu, let's go together."

Wang Shuyuan, Wei Tao, and Liu Guoming responded at the same time: "This is what it should be."

Just as Li Fang sat down in the VIP reception room, a reception girl was still making tea for him when he saw four middle-aged men coming quickly outside the VIP reception room.

He had seen three of them, and they were the three people in charge of the West Lake event the day before yesterday.

The remaining middle-aged man must be Liang Xuesheng, the director of the office.

Just as he opened the glass door of the reception room, Liang Xuesheng laughed and said, "Mr. Li Fan, welcome, welcome! Mr. Li Fan is here, and our office is full of brilliance."

Li Fan smiled slightly, got up and shook hands with Liang Xuesheng, and said, "Director Liang is very polite, I should have disturbed him."

Liang Xuesheng smiled again, and introduced Wang Shuyuan, Wei Tao, and Liu Guoming, respectively. Li Fan shook hands with the three and exchanged a few words of greeting.

After that, the host and guests sat down, and after a few polite words, they talked about the business.

Liang Xuesheng said that Li Fan's selection of the background of "Legend of the White Snake" in Tangzhou and West Lake, as well as the MV of related songs to be filmed in West Lake, is definitely a great honor for their West Lake Scenic Area, and their West Lake Scenic Area will fully cooperate with Li Fan's filming work .

Li Fan expressed his gratitude to Liang Xuesheng, and at the same time informed Liang Xuesheng and his colleagues in detail about his shooting plan, possible scenic spots and other aspects.

Jiang Xuesheng said again and again that there is no problem at all, and the scenic spot will fully cooperate.

After negotiating the business, the group chatted casually for a while, talking about the poems and couplets that Li Fan wrote for West Lake, about the "Legend of the White Snake", and about other things...

Several people chatted very speculatively, and from time to time there was a sound of laughter.

About an hour later, Li Fan got up and said goodbye...


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