Little Farmer Big Star

1204 When preparing to proceed

Leaving from the West Lake Scenic Area Office, Li Fan returned to the hotel by car.

After negotiating the shooting venue, the next step is to determine the director, crew, actors, singers and other personnel.

The singer is simple. She hasn't written a song for Tang Ying's girl for a long time, so I gave her the theme song "Waiting for a Thousand Years".

It's just that the girl is unwilling to act, otherwise it would be perfect for her to play the white lady.

As for the white lady, it must be beautiful, very beautiful, and it must have the temperament of the white lady.

Of course, the acting skills also need to be very good, um, thinking about it this way, Tang Ying's girl may not be suitable.

After all, that girl had never acted before, so Li Fan didn't have much confidence in her acting skills.

She is beautiful enough to match the temperament of a white lady, and her acting skills must be very good. Li Fan did not think of a suitable candidate for a while.

In addition, Xiaoqing and Xu Xian are also very important, and it is not easy to determine the personnel.

As for the old boatman, it is simple, after all, there is only that scene, and the requirements for acting are not high.

There are also the director and the crew, which is easy. There are many good directors, and there should be many directors who are willing to cooperate.

At present, Li Fan's most trusted director is Hu Fei, but Hu Fei is currently planning to film "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and has no time to come to Tangzhou to shoot the white lady.

When the matter here in Tangzhou is over, Li Fan will also go to meet Hu Fei and personally check the casting of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Hu Fei couldn't come, and Li Fan needed to find a new director to work with, which he originally planned.

Because there are still a lot of things to be filmed in the future, he needs to have more directors who can cooperate.

Just thinking about it, the phone rang, and it happened to be Hu Fei who called.

As soon as it was connected, Hu Fei's voice came over, "Haha! Brother Li, I want to congratulate you again! "Legend of the White Snake" has just started serialization, and it has already caught fire. Brother, you are going to shoot a song MV ?"

Li Fan said with a smile: "It's similar to an MV, to be exact, it's a TV series clip."

Hu Fei said: "So that's the case, brother, are you in Tangzhou now?"

Li Fan said: "Here.


Hu Fei said: "After your Weibo post, my brother, many people in the entertainment industry are in the mood now, and more than a dozen directors have found me and asked me to introduce them to you. Among them is a friend of mine who has been with me for many years. It's really hard to postpone. Besides, he happens to be in Tangzhou right now, do you want to meet my brother?"

Li Fan said: "Okay, I was just about to call you and ask you to recommend a director to me."

Hu Fei laughed and said, "That's a coincidence. His name is Gu Yuan, and my brother should have heard of it. Naturally, I don't need to mention his strength. This is absolutely guaranteed."

Li Fan said: "Gu Yuan? I have indeed heard of it. It seems that I am best at emotional works."

Hu Fei said: "That's true, then brother Li, I will give him your contact information, and I will let him contact you."

Li Fan said: "Okay, thank you Brother Hu."

Gu Yuan, who is best at shooting emotional TV dramas, is well-known in China, of course not too high, and belongs to a relatively well-known TV drama director.

In this regard, Li Fan doesn't care. He chooses a director, his reputation is not important, the key is how is his strength? Can you get a satisfactory result?

After hanging up Hu Fei's phone for a while, the phone rang again, it was an unfamiliar number, it should be Gu Yuan.

After the connection, as expected, Li Fan made an appointment with Gu Yuan to meet at the hotel where he was staying, and then ended the call.

Back at the hotel, Han Zhong, Liu Yuan, and Bai Yi came over as soon as they entered the room.

Han Zhong smiled and said, "Brother Li, have you agreed with the West Lake Scenic Spot?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Well, everything has been discussed, and they said they would cooperate fully."

Bai Yi said: "This is definitely a great good thing for their scenic spot, where they don't cooperate, it's just for fun."

Liu Yuan also said: "That's right, this time they definitely burned a high incense in West Lake."

Li Fan laughed and said, "This is also a win-win situation, and for me, it is also a great good thing."

Han Zhong said, "That's true. Since we're going to shoot, how many more days will Brother Li stay here this time?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Indeed, this is something out of the plan. However, since the filming has been decided now, it is natural to wait until the end of the filming before leaving. What about the three brothers? How was it arranged?"

Bai Yi smiled and said, "Originally, we planned to go back to the capital tomorrow. However, now we have changed our plan. On the day Brother Li was filming in the West Lake, the West Lake will definitely be very lively. leave."

Li Fan laughed and said, "It's so good."

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan all smiled and nodded, feeling boundless in their hearts again.

The day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, when they were playing in the West Lake, Li Fan said that there is a way to make the West Lake Broken Bridge become famous in a short period of time.

Although they believed in Li Fan at the time, they still had some doubts and doubts. They didn't know what kind of work could make West Lake famous in a short period of time?

Now, they already know the answer, which is a work called "Legend of the White Snake". After reading the five chapters updated today, they have absolutely believed that it will be a matter of time before Broken Bridge becomes famous.

However, things are not over yet. If it is only based on novels, it may take a certain amount of time for Broken Bridge to become famous.

However, if you shoot in the West Lake Scenic Spot in advance, the TV series will be filmed at the Broken Bridge, and then accompanied by the song "Crossing Love" that has already appeared, and a mysterious theme song.

For Broken Bridge to become famous, it will definitely happen in a very short time.

And, much shorter than the "very short time" they thought at first.

This is also an important reason why the three decided to wait until Li Fan finished filming in the West Lake before leaving. They wanted to witness with their own eyes the miraculous moment when the Broken Bridge became famous in a very short period of time.

This gave them an inexplicable sense of excitement.


Gu Yuan is on his way to the hotel where Li Fan is staying, and he is very excited and excited now.

Not just because Li Fan agreed to meet him, he had a great chance to get this directorial opportunity.

More importantly, Hu Fei told him that this time, Li Fan did not just shoot a song MV, but a TV series clip.

That is to say, if his cooperation with Li Fan this time can satisfy Li Fan, he should be able to get the opportunity to direct the TV series "Legend of the White Snake" in the future.

If he can successfully film the "Legend of the White Snake" TV series, then his fame will definitely skyrocket, and he will get rid of the current embarrassing situation of being famous but not very famous.

Therefore, Gu Yuan was very excited and excited.


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