Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1207 cameo old boatman

When Li Fan returned to the hotel, it was already late. After having dinner with Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan, he returned to his room.

It was a busy day today, but Li Fan was in a very good mood. Thinking of the clip from the classic TV series "The Legend of the New White Snake" in his previous life, which will soon reappear in this world, his mood was even more faintly excited and he was looking forward to it.

In fact, the expectations in his heart are no lower than those of the readers in this world.

I just don't know if the process of recruiting actors will go smoothly? This is the only thing Li Fan can't guarantee.

Zhao Yazhi in the previous life played Bai Niangzi very successfully.

I don't know if the world will find such a fit actor?

Li Fan pondered this matter in his heart, and when he saw some netizens on the Internet saying that Qin Yulin was very suitable for playing the white lady, his heart moved.

That girl looks really suitable, and there is no problem with her acting skills, but I don't know how you feel after the audition?

Of course, whether that girl is interested is still unknown.

Li Fan didn't hold out much hope for his sister-in-law.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Fan had a video call with Su Qing for a while. In the video, Su Qing in pajamas was lazy and charming, which made Li Fan miss him very much.


Early the next morning, Li Fan went to Jiaheng Film and Television. Some actors in Tangzhou would go to audition today, and he would personally check.

On the way, Li Fan received a call from Liang Xuesheng, director of the West Lake Scenic Area Office.

"Mr. Li Fan, are you going to start recruiting actors today?" Liang Xuesheng said.

Li Fandao: "Yes, Director Liang, I want to shorten the shooting cycle as much as possible."

Liang Xuesheng said, "Then Mr. Li Fan, have you decided on the actor of the old boatman?"

Li Fan said: "Not yet, what does Director Liang mean?"

On the phone, Liang Xuesheng laughed and said, "That's right, I want to come over and audition for the old boatman. Dissatisfied, Mr. Li Fan said that I was also born in the shadow class when I was young, but later due to various reasons,

Not on the road to interpretation. Now that I see Mr. Li Fan filming in the West Lake, I want to make a cameo in person. "

This statement made Li Fan very surprised and very interested. The director of the West Lake Scenic Area Office personally made a guest appearance as an old boatman, which seemed very good.

However, although the old boatman only has that scene, it can be called one of the classic scenes in the whole work. The acting requirements for facial expressions are still not low. Can Liang Xuesheng perform well? Li Fan is not sure.

If it can be played well, it is quite perfect.

Li Fan said with a smile: "Director Liang wants to make a cameo appearance, of course I am very welcome. When will Director Liang have time? Come to Jiaheng Film and Television to audition."

Liang Xuesheng said: "I have it this morning, I'll go over there."

Li Fandao: "Okay, Director Liang, see you at Jiaheng Film and Television."

After hanging up, Li Fan found it interesting.

Not long after, when we arrived at Jiaheng Film and Television, director Gu Yuan and general manager Yuan Yizhi had already arrived.

After a few people greeted each other, Yuan Yizhi said: "Mr. Li Fan, according to your request yesterday, we have already stepped up the time to make the actors' costumes, accessories, props, etc. We will go and see now, how ?"

Li Fan was overjoyed and said, "It's hard work for President Yuan and the designers."

Yuan Yizhi laughed and said, "Mr. Li Fan is very polite. Our costume designers were very enthusiastic and energetic when they remodeled those clothes and accessories. I have never seen them so enthusiastic, or Mr. Li Fan. The charm is great!"

Li Fan said: "Mr. Yuan passed the award, passed the award!"

A few people were chatting and laughing. When they got to the clothing design room, Yuan Yizhi said to the person in charge: "Find a few people to wear those clothing and accessories. Please Mr. Li Fan to take a look. Is there anything that needs to be modified?"

The person in charge hurriedly agreed, selected a few tall girls, and went to be a temporary guest model.

The clothes and accessories that Li Fan requested were naturally based on the clothes and accessories of Bai Suzhen, Xu Xian, Xiaoqing and others in the TV series "The Legend of the New White Lady" in the previous life.

Just copy the classics, and everything will be just like the classics.

Of course, Li Fan is not a mechanical copy. Sometimes, he will make some appropriate adjustments according to the actual situation.

In the process of waiting, Gu Yuan said: "Mr. Li Fan, several actors have come over early in the morning and are now doing makeup in the dressing room. If there are no problems with these clothes and accessories, you can officially put on makeup. already."

Li Fan nodded and said, "The director of the West Lake Scenic Spot Office and Director Liang Xuesheng will also come to audition later, and he wants to be a cameo as an old boatman."

"Oh?" Hearing what Li Fan said, Gu Yuan and Yuan Yizhi were both interested, Gu Yuan said, "Director Liang wants to make a cameo in person, which is interesting. However, although there are not many old boatman plays, the request is Is it not low, can Director Liang act?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Let's see the effect after the audition. Director Liang said that he was also from a film studio, so maybe it's not a big problem."

"Being from a film studio?" Gu Yuan was even more interested and said, "This is interesting."

Just as he was talking, several temporary models had already dressed and walked out.

Li Fan's eyes lit up, it was good, it felt very good, and it was very close to the clothes and accessories of Bai Niangzi, Xu Xian, and Xiaoqing in memory.

Of course, several models are also good, tall and good-looking, all of which are at the level of beauty.

Li Fan stared at a few models and looked carefully, um, no, he was staring at the clothes and accessories worn by several models.

Several models were blushed by Li Fan, and they looked shy.

Gu Yuan and Yuan Yizhi also have bright eyes. When the clothes and accessories come out, they are not only beautiful, but also give people a strong sense of sight of Bai Niangzi and Xiaoqing.

Even Xu Xian's clothes on a woman have a strange sense of beauty.

"How about Mr. Li Fan? Is there anything that needs to be revised?" Yuan Yizhi asked.

Li Fan said: "It's already perfect, everyone is fortunate."

Yuan Yizhi said happily: "Mr. Li Fan is satisfied."

Gu Yuan said to the person in charge: "Then, let the audition actors officially put on makeup."

The person in charge agreed and started busy.

Li Fan, Gu Yuan, and Yuan Yizhi left the clothing design room.

Then I went to the actor's audition studio and waited for the actors to come out for the audition after they finished their make-up. Yuan Yizhi was still with him.

"Mr. Li Fan, this is the information of the actors who are applying makeup." Gu Yuan said, and handed a few documents to Li Fan.

Li Fan stretched out his hand to take it and said, "Trouble Director Gu."

Afterwards, I carefully browsed the information of several actors.


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