Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1208 The Knot

in the dressing room.

An actor who is putting on makeup is a little nervous now because she is told that she is the first actor to audition.

Her name is Yu Jing, 21 years old this year. She has played a few supporting roles before, but she has not had many roles. She has not signed a film and television company. She is not famous, not even a celebrity, let alone a star.

She auditioned for the role of Xiaoqing this time, and she didn't actually hold out much hope.

The reason why she came to audition today is because there are no thresholds this time, and there is no need to worry about any rules.

Second, there is a saying that goes well, you won't necessarily succeed if you go, and you won't succeed if you don't go.

Looking at Xiaoqing, who was dressed up by the makeup artist in the mirror, Yu Jing felt that she had never been so beautiful before, so she couldn't help but feel more confident and less nervous.

It didn't take long for the makeup artist to inform her that she was ready to appear.

Maybe because she was a little nervous, the makeup artist smiled at her and told her not to be nervous, Mr. Li Fan was very easy-going, and Director Gu was also very good.

Maybe the makeup artist's words played a role, and Yu Jing felt that she was really not that nervous.

He took a deep breath and walked to the audition booth.


In the audition booth.

Gu Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Yu Jing, don't be nervous, you are doing well, and strive to perform at your highest level. This is the segment you want to perform, and you have two minutes to prepare."

Yu Jing quickly replied: "Okay, thank you Director Gu." Then he glanced at the corner of the corner, the young man sitting next to him, who had not spoken, but had a faint smile on his face, was Mr. Li Fan. .

Yu Jing thought so in her heart, and then reached out and took the script of the segment she was going to perform that was handed to her by the on-site staff.

That was the scene when Xu Xian left by boat, Xiaoqing made a heavy rain, and then called the boatman on the lake.

The plot is not complicated and there are not many lines, but Yu Jing knows that it is not easy to perform well. She tries her best to adjust her emotions and strive to bring out her best level.

The two-minute preparation time was not long, and Yu Jing started her performance.

After the performance, she bowed in the direction of Li Fan, Gu Yuan, and Yuan Yizhi.

She felt a little regretful in her heart. She felt that she should have no hope. When she was in the official performance, she found that it was difficult for her to integrate with the role of Xiaoqing. It was a little awkward. She should not be suitable for the role of Xiaoqing.

Sure enough, after whispering for a while, Gu Yuan and Li Fan said, "Yu Jing, thank you for your performance, there is no problem with your character's appearance and your acting skills, but the feeling of your performance is a little out of tune with the role of Xiao Qing. .terribly sorry!"

Yu Jing was prepared, but she was not too disappointed. After bowing again, she said, "Thank you Director Gu, thank Mr. Li Fan, and thank President Yuan for giving me this opportunity to audition."

Afterwards, he left the audition studio and walked to the dressing room.

However, what she didn't know was that when Li Fan looked at the figure she was leaving, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Yu Jing's performance does not integrate well with Xiaoqing, but the integration with another character seems to be quite good.

When the role is cast, she can be invited to audition.

Li Fan thought so in his heart, the next actor to audition has already appeared...


The actor's audition is still going on, and countless netizens on the Internet are also discussing this matter.

Everyone has speculated that the actor audition should have started, but I don't know if there are any actors who have been confirmed?

When it was exactly ten o'clock in the morning, everyone's thoughts were instantly focused on Li Fan's Weibo.

Because, it's time to update the new chapter of "Legend of White Snake".

Li Fan has already set up automatic updates, so when it was exactly ten o'clock in the morning, Li Fan's Weibo was updated on time, from chapters 6 to 8 of "Legend of the White Snake".

Yesterday was the first day to update five chapters. Today and in the future, Li Fan plans to update three chapters on time every day.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of adding more at any time.

Countless readers cheered and couldn't wait to open the new chapter updated today.

I don't know if Bai Niangzi and Xu Xian are together in today's chapter? Will there be new lyrics?

The hearts of all readers are very much looking forward to it.

Yesterday, it was said that Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing went home with Xu Xian's umbrella, and told Xu Xian their addresses, and asked Xu Xian to go to Bai Mansion to get the umbrella back.

After Xu Xian returned home, she missed Bai Suzhen very much, and wanted to use her umbrella as an excuse to go to the Bai Mansion in Qingbomen Shuangcha Lane to find Bai Suzhen.

However, he thought of himself as a poor boy, not worthy of Bai Suzhen, so he didn't dare to go.

Later, with the encouragement of his sister, brother-in-law, and doctor-student father, he finally gathered the courage to go to the White House.

However, good things take a long time to come, and because Xu Xian said that he did not suffer from lovesickness, Xiaoqing told Xu Xian with some mischief, saying that Bai Suzhen had promised others a long time ago.

Hearing this, Xu Xian felt like a thunderbolt from the blue.

This time, it is true that he has lovesickness.

Seeing Xu Xian like this, Bai Suzhen was very distressed and asked Xiaoqing to rush to find Xu Xian.

After a few twists in the plot, the sky was getting darker, and Xu Xian, who was still in the dark, was still stumbling around the White House.

At this time, the sky suddenly rained heavily, this time it was real rain, not Xiaoqing's practice.

In the heavy rain, Xu Xian was still sad, but Bai Suzhen quietly hit Xu Xian's head with an umbrella.

Xu Xian turned her head and met Bai Suzhen's eyes.

At this time, the heavy rain was still falling, but the two of them had the same mind and no longer needed any words.

As the saying goes, in the broken bridge, the umbrella is the matchmaker.

Next, the white house was decorated with lanterns and the shogunate hall was the biggest happy event in life. Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen tied the knot.

On the night of the bridal chamber, Bai Suzhen learned that Xu Xian's dream was to open a pharmacy to save the world, so she encouraged Xu Xian to do it boldly.

When Xu Xian was still a little hesitant about practicing medicine, he also said that he knew a little about Qihuang's art, so he might be able to help.

Just listen to Bai Suzhen sing:

"Officials, officials, don't worry about it,

Listen to the wife explain clearly to you.

When I was young, when I was young, I also studied medicine,

In order to seek the South China Sea to worship Guanyin.

Pure water, nourish my compassion, compassion,

In the purple bamboo forest, there is always a bodhisattva's heart, a bodhisattva's heart,

A good doctor is better than a good picture.

Be honest, the people of today are better than the ancients. "

Xu Xian was overjoyed after hearing this, and also sang:

"The husband sings and the husband sings, and the woman spends her life with her,

The good dream has now come true.

Lady, she can also heal,

Nanhai worshiped Guanyin.

In the bridal chamber, in the bridal chamber, the flower candle meets a confidant.

Tonight is worth a thousand dollars, a thousand dollars! "


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