Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1312 Crittilian Bar

Seeing that there was no more excitement to watch, the surrounding crowd slowly dispersed, whispering in a low voice as they dispersed.

After the middle-aged man named Cleo suddenly realized, he said: "Dear sir, I would like to express my gratitude to you again. I opened a bar not far ahead, and it is noon now. If the gentleman and these three beautiful ladies have not had lunch yet, I would like to invite a few to have lunch at my bar, which serves lunch to the guests. Of course, it is free for a few."

Li Fan and the others were indeed looking for a place to have lunch, but the other party's gratitude Li Fan received, and he did not intend to accept the other party's invitation. He was indeed just a little effort to help the other party, or to say that he did not need the other party Thanks so much.

So he said: "Mr. Cleo is too polite, thank you very much for your invitation, but it is not appropriate for us to disturb."

Cleo hurriedly said: "Sir, you don't know how important this leather bag is to me. If you did, you would definitely think that I should definitely invite you to lunch. Sir, please don't refuse any more. , my Clertilian bar is not far ahead, and it only takes about ten minutes to walk there."

Li Fan wanted to decline again, but suddenly he felt a sudden movement in his heart, a little surprised, a little excited, and a little unbelievable: "Dear Mr. Cleo, you just said the name of your bar, but it's called Certilian Bar?"

When Cleo saw Li Fan's name for his bar, he seemed very happy and surprised. Not only was he extremely suspicious, if his bar was a famous big bar in Langdon City, he would not have any doubts. Li Fan was moved and delighted. And accidents are normal.

But in fact, his Clertilian bar was just a stagnant bar that was on the verge of bankruptcy. The area was not small, but it was very depressed and the facilities were relatively outdated.

Usually there are very few customers, except for a few old customers, it is difficult to see new customers.

Because many people haven't walked into his bar, just walked to the door, shook their heads and left, they really don't want to spend and have fun in such a depressed bar.

Of course, Certilian Bar was not so depressed from the beginning. It used to be very good in business for a short period of time, and its daily profit was also very considerable.

Cleo was once high-spirited and ambitious enough to run the Clertilian Bar into a famous bar in Langdon City.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances, people have good and bad luck, and things cannot be smooth sailing after all. Under various reasons, Cleo's Clertilian Bar has become increasingly depressed and has gradually become the current situation.

Cleo also went from being high-spirited to an embarrassing situation where he has to worry about rent.

In fact, today is the day he pays the rent. He needs to pay the rent for one year at a time. Although it is not located on the main road, the rent is not cheap. Paying the rent for one year at a time is not a small amount. numbers.

In order to collect the rent to be paid today, Cleo put a lot of effort into scraping together. If it wasn't for his unwillingness, the once glorious Cletilian Bar would just close down, and he would have closed the bar long ago. transferred out.

After finally collecting enough rent, Clegg went to the bank today to get the rent, ready to pay it to the landlord and sign a new contract.

Unexpectedly, he was stared at by the gangster. Taking advantage of his unprepared moment, he suddenly snatched away the purse containing the rent.

Cleo's shock was no small matter. It was the rent he had managed to collect. If he was robbed, he would not be able to collect another rent today.

Even if the landlord can allow a few days to pay the rent, it will be very difficult for him to make up another one.

The final result is very likely that the bar rental is forcibly taken back by the landlord, which is definitely a fatal blow to Cleo.

Cleo desperately chased after the gangster who snatched his purse in front of him,

While regretting it, why should I relax? If it wasn't for the slack, then the villain should not be able to succeed.

Although Cleo has been chasing with all his life, he is not too young, neither his speed nor his endurance are as good as those of the gangsters in front of him, and the distance is getting farther and farther.

Cleo became more and more anxious and shouted loudly, hoping that a passer-by in front of him could help him stop the gangster, and it only took a moment to stop him.

However, the passersby all instinctively avoided, and no one was willing to help him stop the gangster, although everyone could see that he was desperately chasing the gangster.

Cleo was very disappointed, but he couldn't give up, he had to chase down until he couldn't move anymore.

However, chasing and chasing, a scene that made Cleo ecstatic appeared, a young man with an oriental face in front of him shot, um, helped him stop the gangster.

When Cleo watched the villain fall out, in addition to being very grateful to the young man with an oriental face, he was also overwhelmed with ecstasy. His purse and his rent were finally able to be taken back.

In fact, it was indeed the case. With the help of a young man with an oriental face, Cleo managed to get the purse back.

The rent came back, so naturally his Certilian bar was preserved, and so were his hopes and efforts.

Therefore, Cleo's gratitude can be imagined. He tried his best to persuade Li Fan and several people to go to his bar for lunch. Although he still couldn't express his gratitude, he couldn't imagine for a while that other people could express his gratitude. way.

Even though his bar is in a slump, he can guarantee that he will be able to provide a rich lunch without neglecting a few people.

However, what made Cleo extremely puzzled was why Li Fan felt so surprised and surprised after hearing the name of his bar?

Still, he replied: "Yes, my dear sir, the name of my bar is exactly the Certilian Bar."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Oh! Dear Mr. Cleo, I am very honored for your invitation, and I am very willing to go to your bar for lunch, but I hope it will not bring you too much. trouble."

Li Fan accepted the invitation, and Cleo was very surprised, but Li Fan's completely different attitude also made Cleo extremely puzzled.

He thought to himself: "This young gentleman, who was quite resolute in his refusal before, why did he suddenly change his attitude after hearing the name of my bar? Does he think my bar is some famous big bar? If that's the case, then in order to avoid embarrassment when I get to the bar, I'd better explain it now."

After thinking about it, Cleo hesitated for a moment and said: "Dear sir, I am really surprised and honored that you are willing to go to my bar for lunch. But, dear sir, my bar is actually quite depressed. Sir may be disappointed when he arrives. However, please rest assured sir, I will definitely prepare a hearty lunch."

Li Fan said with a smile: "Mr. Cleo misunderstood, I decided to go to your bar for lunch, not because of how good your bar is, but because I like the name of your bar very much. Moreover, I think I and you The bar may be very fateful, so I take the liberty to interrupt."

Cleo was overjoyed after hearing this, and said, "Dear sir, you are indeed very fateful with my bar, otherwise, how could I be so lucky to meet you? Sir, three beautiful ladies, let's go right now. How about my bar?"

Li Fan said: "Then disturb Mr. Cleo."

Then, under the leadership of Cleo, Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying walked towards Cleo's Clertilian Bar.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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