Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1313 Baker Street

Li Fan's attitude changed before and after hearing the name of Cleo's bar. Not only was Cleo puzzled, but Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying were also puzzled.

Cleo walked in front, Li Fan and the others followed, Qin Yulin approached Li Fan and asked in a low voice, "Brother-in-law, you obviously didn't want to go, why did you suddenly hear the name of his bar? Are you going? You seem to be quite excited."

Li Fan also whispered: "There is a reason for that, and it has something to do with the name 'Cletilian Bar'. As for the specific reason? I can't explain it in a few words now, and you may know it later."

When the three girls heard Li Fan say this, they all pouted, and each muttered something in their mouths?

Li Fan smiled slightly, but he didn't explain. In fact, he really couldn't explain it right now.

Because this bar called "Critilian" is a very famous work in the UK in the previous life, and a very famous bar in "The Detective of Moremes".

Sherlock Holmes' partner Watson met his old friend, little Stanford, at the door of the Clertilian bar.

Later, it was Stanford Jr. who introduced Watson to Sherlock Holmes. The two shared a house at 221B Baker Street, and then the series of classic stories came about.

There is no Conan Doyle in the country of this world, and naturally there is no "Sherlock Holmes", but I never thought that in the modern city of Langdon, there is actually a bar called "Crittilian".

This made Li Fan feel very surprised and incredible. You must know that the background of the story of "Sherlock Holmes" was in the last century, and there was a bar called "Critilian".

Now, not only has the world changed, but the time has entered a new century, and there is actually a bar called "Cletilien".

I don't know if this should be said to be fate, or if there is God's will in the dark.

That's why Li Fan was so interested in the Clertilian Bar, and readily accepted Cleo's invitation. He must have a look at this bar.

Naturally, these reasons could not be explained to Cleo, nor to the three daughters Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying.

Cleo and Li Fan talked while walking. During this period, they learned that Li Fan was from China and also knew Li Fan's name.

About ten minutes later, Cleo said, "Mr. Li Fan, three beautiful young ladies,

The bar at the crossroads ahead is my Clertilian bar, and it does look a bit sluggish, and I'm very sorry and sorry for that. "

Li Fan and the three daughters Su Qing looked in the direction Cleo pointed, and sure enough, at an intersection ahead, they saw the Clertilian Bar. The name of the bar was "Clertilian", which was quite obvious. .

Just as Cleo said, it does seem to be quite depressed. Even if you haven't entered the bar, you can already feel it from the outside.

Li Fan said: "Mr. Cleo, it doesn't look very good, but it doesn't seem to be small in size?"

Cleo nodded and said: "Mr. Li Fan is right, the area inside is indeed not small, and it is precisely because of this reason that the monthly rent is not low. In fact, my bar can't make ends meet, and there are already many It's been a long time." Disgusted Guo Degang

Li Fan smiled and said, "Perhaps this is only temporary. I think your bar is in a very good location, and business should get better."

Cleo said: "Thank you very much for Mr. Li Fan's auspicious words, I have been working hard to make it better."

Li Fan said: "I think that day may not wait too long."

Cleo laughed and said, "I hope it's what Mr. Li Fan said."

Having said that, several people have already crossed the intersection and came to the door of the bar. When they came to the door, the depression was more obvious.

Cleo said: "I'm very sorry, it does look very depressed, Mr. Li Fan, three beautiful young ladies, please come in."

Li Fan said: "Mr. Cleo is very polite, Mr. Cleo please!"

Walking into the bar, Li Fan and the three women turned their heads and looked around the bar. Within sight, the area was indeed quite wide, but in the huge bar, there were not even a single customer.

Of course, it is noon now, and it is not the peak consumption period for bar guests. At night, there should be some guests.

Cleo said, "Mr. Li Fan, the three beautiful ladies, please sit down as you please. You must be hungry, so I'll arrange lunch."

Li Fan said: "Mr. Cleo arranges some things at will, don't be too polite."

After Cleo said sorry again, he said goodbye and left to prepare lunch.

The three girls, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, briefly surveyed the entire bar before losing interest. They chose a sofa and sat down, while rubbing their legs, they whispered something.

However, Li Fan continued to look at it with great interest, and looked at the entire bar very carefully.

Li Fan was very interested in such a bar that appeared in the novel "Sherlock Holmes" in his previous life, although it looks rather depressed now, and the various facilities are a bit outdated.

About twenty minutes later, Cleo walked out and said, "Mr. Li Fan, three beautiful ladies, lunch is ready, please allow me to take you to dinner."

The three girls, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, stood up, and Li Fan said with a smile, "Then trouble Mr. Cleo."

Cleo smiled and said, "Mr. Li Fan is very polite, everyone, please!"

After he finished speaking, he led the way, Li Fan and Su Qing's three daughters followed.

Not long after, when I arrived in a private room, a table was already filled with abundant food. Obviously, Cleo did not arrange it casually, but carefully prepared it.

Cleo greeted a few people to sit down, Li Fan said: "Mr. Cleo is too polite, this is really too rich, thank you Mr. Cleo for your hospitality."

Cleo smiled and said, "Where can we talk about richness, Mr. Li Fan, three beautiful young ladies, please!"

Li Fan nodded, picked up the utensils on the table and started to eat. Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying also started to eat. They really felt a little hungry.

After eating for a while, Li Fan asked, "Mr. Cleo, I want to ask a question, is there a street called 'Baker Street' in Langdon City?"

This was a question that Li Fan wanted to ask after he knew that there was a Clertilian bar.

"Baker Street?" Cleo didn't seem to have any impression, and after thinking for a while, he said: "In the old city, there seems to be such a street, it's not too far from here, but it should be a very long road. Small streets don't attract much attention. So, I'm not too sure. Why did Mr. Li Fan suddenly ask Baker Street?"

Li Fan said with a smile: "When I was looking at the Langdun city map before, I seemed to have seen such a street. I just suddenly remembered that Mr. Cleo might know, so I asked by the way."

Cleo said: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Li Fan, I'm not too sure, but there should be such a street. Does Mr. Li Fan want to go there to play?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "It is indeed the plan."

Cleo said: "There is the old city, not too far from here, if Mr. Li Fan wants to go, he can go there in the afternoon."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, thanks Mr. Cleo."

Cleo smiled and said, "Mr. Li Fan is too polite."


The fourth watch, for Herodotus (2/4)

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