Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1316 Royal Opera House

Baker Street.

Li Fan helped the old man put his pocket on the tricycle. The old man said, "Thank you, young man. Your help has made me a lot easier. I wish you a good time in Langdun City."

Li Fan said with a smile: "The old man is very polite, but it's just a little effort. By the way, the old man, in fact, when I just walked across the street, I have been paying attention to the house numbers in front of each residential building, but I am not I haven't found a residential building with a house number, including the building where the old man lives. Has the residential building on this street never had a house number?"

The old man shook his head and said: "No, of course there are house numbers, but in recent years the house numbers hanging outside the gate have been lost one after another. If you enter the gate, you will find that every residential building has a house number. ."

"I see." Li Fan nodded and said, "Then, old man, can we take the liberty to ask, what is the house number of the building you live in? Of course, I'm just purely curious."

The old man smiled and said: "Of course I can tell you, young man, my building is No. 221, and it is separated from left and right. There are actually two families, so the house number is No. 221b. It's a pity that my neighbor is also in ten. Moved out years ago."

"No. 221b?" Li Fan's heart skipped a beat. This house number was definitely famous in his previous life. The exact address where Sherlock Holmes and Watson lived was exactly No. 221b Baker Street.

Among them, "b" means not sorting, but means that there are two families at the address.

In fact, the reason why Li Fan just watched the house number was to see if there was "No. 221b"?

Unexpectedly, such a house number actually exists, and it is the only family on this street now.

In Britain in the previous life, although Baker Street also existed, there was no 221b, which was a fictional house number by Conan Doyle.

However, a fictitious house number in the previous life actually appeared in this world, just like the Critilian Bar before, which made Li Fan sigh again, this may be a fateful coincidence.

Li Fan's heart skipped a beat, but his face was calm, and he said with a smile, "No. 221b? This is really a great number."

Although the old man regretted the young Chinese in front of him, why would he say this is a great number? But instead of asking aloud, he said, "Young man, thank you for your compliment. In fact, I also think it's a great number."


After chatting for a few more words, the two said "goodbye" to each other. The old man stepped on the tricycle and left with a little difficulty.

Li Fan watched the old man's tricycle slowly move forward, and a faint smile gradually hung on the corner of his mouth. At this time, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying came over and stood beside Li Fan, also looking at the tricycle that was slowly leaving in front.

Su Qing said: "This old man should be selling the scraps in his pocket. Why does he live here alone, what about his family?"

Qin Yulin said: "Looking at it, it's really sad. The old man's body is still tough now, but after a few years, the old man's body will no longer be tough. What should we do at that time?"

Tang Ying said: "This old man doesn't seem like an ordinary person. Maybe the old man likes to live alone here."

Li Fan nodded and said: "I can really feel that he is not an ordinary person, he should have some kind of identity. Of course, this has nothing to do with us, let's go, and then go to the crossroads. A section of the street, we may have an intersection with this old man."

The old man's tricycle turned a corner at the end of the street and disappeared. Li Fan and Su Qing's three daughters also turned around and returned along the street.

After that, several people walked through the section of Baker Street opposite the intersection again, then left the old town and returned to the new town.

After going to a few places in the new city, the sky gradually darkened, and the few people did not return to the hotel immediately, but prepared to experience the nightlife of Langdun City.

After all, it is a modern metropolis, and nightlife plays a very important role in people's lives.

It would be a pity not to experience it.

Before Jared called, the little girl and Lucy had already gone home from school. The little girl was at Lucy's house, and Li Fan and others were also very relieved.

After finding a restaurant and having dinner, it was seven o'clock in the evening, and the sky was completely dark. The street lights in the distance and near, various neon lights, car lights and other light sources, rendered the night of Langdun City. very beautiful.

Such a colorful and beautiful night is naturally very romantic. In the crowd, young couples are either holding hands or strolling leaning against each other, and older couples are also walking closely together.

Listen carefully, and there are bursts of romantic light music coming from all directions, near or far.

Li Fan and several people are now standing in a very large square.

In a corner of the square, a young singer is singing a popular song with no emotion. He sings well and the song is okay. It is a very popular song in Lan Guo recently. There are more than a dozen people around to listen to the song.

Opposite the square is a very large opera house, the Royal Opera House. With Li Fan's ear, he could hear faint singing coming from the Royal Opera House.

Obviously, there was a concert going on at the Royal Opera House at this time.

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying also saw the Royal Opera House opposite, Qin Yulin said: "By the way, brother-in-law, you said earlier that the Opera House here will have free music performances at night, and the Opera House opposite looks very big. , there should be music performances too, right?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Yes, it's going on inside now."

Qin Yulin's eyes lit up and said, "Really? How about we go and have a look? It's free anyway."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Why are you so interested in the music here, girl? Even during the day."

Qin Yulin said: "It's not just me who is interested, Sister Yingying likes to sing so much, she must be more interested than me." After speaking, she said to Tang Ying, "Isn't it, Sister Yingying? You definitely want to see it too. Take a look."

Tang Ying smiled and said, "Well, I'm really interested."

Then, Qin Yulin said to Su Qing with pity, "Sister, how about you?"

Su Qing smiled and said, "Okay, I'm also interested."

Qin Yulin cheered and said to Li Fan, "Brother-in-law, look, it's not just me who is interested."

Li Fan smiled and said, "That's it, then let's go to the Royal Opera House to see it."


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