Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1317 The enemy's road is narrow

The Royal Opera House is one of the most famous opera houses in Langdon City. Although it is called "Opera House", it is actually a comprehensive place integrating shopping, sightseeing, dining and other functions.

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying approached the opera house and saw that there were always people coming in and out at the gate of the opera house. They were very popular, and now there are far more people entering than coming out.

Li Fan and the others did not do any other delays, and walked directly into the gate. When entering the gate, Li Fan also asked the staff to make it clear that the venue for the music performance tonight was in a venue called "Tiger Concert Hall". "The Music Hall.

According to the direction of the road sign, several people soon arrived at the gate of Teague Concert Hall, and they could clearly hear that there was a male singer singing in the concert hall. The song was soothing and quiet, it was a piece of country music.

Tang Ying said at this time: "This song sounds good, it can make people feel relaxed, Li Fan, what do you think?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "It's really okay, it's a good piece of music."

Qin Yulin giggled: "I think it's not bad. It sounds very comfortable. Let's go in quickly, should we go in directly?"

Li Fan was about to speak when suddenly his brows wrinkled slightly. He felt a few malicious eyes staring at them.

Su Qing felt Li Fan's mood swings and asked softly, "Is that so?"

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "Maybe we have met an acquaintance."

Hearing what Li Fan said, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Qin Yulin said, "Brother-in-law, what do you mean? What acquaintances have we met? The only acquaintance we have here is Jared, um, that bar today. The boss can barely count, are they here too?"

Su Qing shook her head and said, "It's not them." She could feel that if it was Jared or Cleo, Li Fan wouldn't be so emotional just now.

Li Fan said: "They have already come over. On our right, let's wait for them. After all, we are all acquaintances."

After the three women heard this, they hurriedly turned their heads and looked to the right, only to see a few young men in their twenties walking towards them on the road. Among them was a man who could barely be regarded as an acquaintance. This afternoon, Li Fan tripped over the ground, the young man who grabbed the bag.

To meet him here unexpectedly, the three women frowned slightly, and they could feel that the few young people who were approaching had no good intentions towards them.


The three girls only frowned slightly. They didn't feel the slightest fear. Li Fan was able to give them a strong sense of security.

Jirou was the name of the young man who was tripped to the ground by Li Fan. At this time, he was extremely excited, because he unexpectedly met the man at noon today outside the Teague Concert Hall, and let him A young oriental boy who has been busy wrestling again for nothing.

Of course, there is actually another reason why he is so excited, and that is that the three extremely beautiful women are also there.

Fortunately, he is not alone at this time, and he has enough companions.

He and his companions are all "Tao" people, and they all rely on running some cost-free "businesses" for a living.

Among them, "stealing" is actually the best, if it is impossible to "steal", then you have to use "robbing".

Jirou made a big deal today. He can be sure that the money in the bag is at least 100,000 lan. One foot was lost again.

The big order he received just flew away like this. Jirou hated the young Dongfang boy so much that his teeth itch. It happened that some of his companions had a bad business today, and they gathered together in the evening. Thinking of doing a little more business.

The Opera House is one of their best choices. There are many people in the free concert hall, and everyone's attention is almost all on enjoying the music. It is one of their best targets.

In fact, they are often rewarded at the Opera House at night.

Their goal this evening was Teague Concert Hall in the Royal Opera House, and as soon as they arrived outside Teague's business hall, Giroud saw the oriental boy who made him grit his teeth, and those three extremely beautiful women.

Giroud was overjoyed, and quickly told a few companions about the noon thing. One of them, named Teres, said, "Giroud, you said it was the person who destroyed your business at noon? The man beside him The three women are in really good shape."

Giroud said: "Yes, it's him, even if I will admit it, but I will never admit it to those three beautiful women."

Another companion, Hu Ke, frowned slightly and said, "Which country in the East are they from? If they are from China, I think it's okay. Hua is a superpower, and their country's people are in our country. It's very popular, it's better not to conflict with them, after all, we are in 'business' and don't take care of it."

Jirou sneered and said: "Hu Ke, you are too timid, even if he is from China, so what? He is an ordinary citizen who comes to travel, and we are afraid that he will not succeed. Besides, we are wrong. How about him, he destroyed my business at noon, I asked him to compensate for the loss, is it not too much?"

Telles said: "Jiro is right, this is Lan Guo, how can we let a foreigner bully? Since he can bring three such beauties to Langdun City for a tour, it means that he is definitely not bad for money. It's not too much to ask him to compensate for the loss."

Hu Ke still frowned: "But since he dares to destroy, it proves that he is not a cowardly person. How can he be willing to compensate for the loss obediently?"

Jirou sneered: "He was just a spur of the moment blood at noon, or to gain face in front of three beauties, I guess he will regret it after tripping me at noon. Don't think about it, he How can a foreigner want to get into trouble in this foreign country? We only need a little intimidation in the past, and we will definitely make him obedient."

Hook finally nodded and said, "That's true. Well, I agree."

Giroud nodded and said, "Okay, let's go over now, they seem to be preparing to enter the door. Remember, we have to intimidate that kid in terms of momentum."

Just like that, a few people walked over with a sneer, Li Fan and Su Qing who were standing not far from the entrance of the concert hall.

As soon as he approached, Jirou sneered: "Boy, I really didn't expect to meet you here. It seems that we are really destined. What? Bring three beauties to listen to music, you boy. It's quite romantic."

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "So it's you, why? Wasn't the fall at noon enough? What do you mean by coming here now?"

Jirou said: "It doesn't mean anything, just come over with a few companions and express a welcome to you. We should welcome you when you come to Langdun City to travel."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Then we thank you for your welcome. Well, if there is nothing else, we will go in and enjoy the music."


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