Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1319 Dreams come to nothing

Li Fan did not play cards according to the plot, and Giroud, Telles, Hu Ke and others were stunned for a while before they reacted.

Jirou said sharply: "Boy, you can hear it clearly, I said one million rand, are you sure you can afford it?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "I heard it clearly, one million lan pound, this amount of money is trivial to me, you don't have to worry about me, I can afford it."

Giroud, Telles, Hook and the others looked at each other again, thinking in their hearts, "Does this kid really have so much money? Is he actually the second richest generation in their country?"

Afterwards, they all nodded slowly, "This kid can take three such beautiful girls to travel abroad, he should be a rich second generation. One million lan pounds, maybe he can really afford it."

Thinking of this, Giroud, Telles, Hook and others couldn't help but become very excited. They never thought that their luck was so good tonight, and they met a foreign rich second-generation directly.

Although the trend of the plot was completely different from what they thought, if they really got a million rand for this, it would definitely be something that could make them go crazy.

That was one million rand pounds, a huge sum they never dared to imagine before.

If Li Fan is sure to pay them one million rand, let alone write off all the festivals, even if they are asked to call Li Fan's father, they are willing.

They risk getting into the game every day to do business, isn't it just to make money easily? In order to make money easily, they even dared to take the risk of getting into the game, shouting "daddy", what's the big deal?

As for the matter of the three beauties, it doesn't matter. Compared with beautiful girls, money is undoubtedly much more important.

With money, will there be less beautiful girls?

Of course, they also know that the three beautiful girls in front of them, even if they spend more money, they should not be able to find them. Such beautiful girls are hard to come by.

It was a pity that they missed it.

But it doesn't matter. Compared with the huge sum of one million rand, what is this regret?

Giroud, Tellis, Hook and others became more and more excited the more they thought about it, and they could no longer see anything other than one million rand in their eyes.

With this million rand pounds, their thinking and IQ dropped by several levels in an instant.

They couldn't think carefully, why did Li Fan promise to pay them one million rand so easily?

They just thought that Li Fan must have been frightened by them. How dare he be a rich second generation? Since you are scared, you have to spend money to eliminate the disaster.

There is another reason, that is, they think that the reason why Li Fan is so happy, promises to pay them one million rand pounds, and pretends to be in front of the three beauties.

He wants to show the three beauties how rich he is? One million rand was spent without blinking an eye.

The rich second generation, don't they all like to show their spending money in front of beautiful women?

The more Giroud, Tellis, Hook and others thought about it, the more they felt that this was the case, and they even thought in their hearts: "Brother, you are such a rich man, you should have said it earlier, we will call you 'brother' and 'daddy'. 'It's fine, how can there be such a misunderstanding?"

Jirou's eyes flashed with excitement, and he rubbed his hands together vigorously. His face was no longer the fierce expression he had before, but he said with a smile on his face: "This brother, I just misunderstood, misunderstood, this is all mine. Wrong, I was so inappropriate just now, I apologize to you. Brother, how are you going to pay us this million rand? Is it cash or transfer?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Fan with anticipation on his face, as did Tellis, Hu Ke and the others, their eyes were full of excitement and greed.

Li Fan watched the changes in the expressions of several people, the excitement and greed in their eyes, and sighed softly in his heart, but also felt a little funny. In the eyes of these guys, apart from the one million rand pounds, they were afraid It's because he can't see anything else anymore, and his IQ has dropped by a few levels.

Of course, one million lan pound is indeed not a small amount, enough to change a lot of things. The reason why these guys make a living from those activities is that they want to get something for nothing through those activities.

Now that a sudden windfall comes, and happiness comes so suddenly, it is quite normal for the IQ to drop.

But, where in the world are there so many unearned windfalls? People who think about getting something for nothing all day are destined to be nothing in the end.

And Giroud, Telles, Hook and others will definitely only be happy for nothing. One million lan pound is really not worth mentioning to Li Fan, but he can't really give it to Giroud and others. .

Hearing Jirou's question, Li Fan smiled lightly: "By transferring money, how can I bring a million cash with me?"

After listening to Jirou, he nodded hurriedly, and said, "Yes, brother is right, I didn't think about it carefully, transfer money, transfer money, then I will give you the account number now, brother, you can record it with your mobile phone, I read to you."

Li Fan nodded, took out his mobile phone, and said, "Well, tell me."

Jirou excitedly told his account number, detailed account name and other identity information, and after seeing Li Fan record them one by one, he couldn't wait to say: "Brother, you can transfer money now, and your mobile phone should also be able to operate. ."

Li Fan saved the identity information that Jirou said, put down the phone, and said with a faint smile: "This, don't rush to transfer, I don't have so much money now, I will transfer it to you when I have so much money, don't worry, I have memorized your account and will transfer it to you."

"No money?" Giroud, Telles, Hook and the others were stunned for a second, the heat in their eyes dimmed a little, but they soon returned to their previous appearance, Giroud said: "It's possible, it's possible , Your bank card may not have so much now, and you need to transfer a little more from your home. So, how long will it take?"

Li Fan said: "It won't take long. When you get into the game and squat, I guess it will be almost the same."

"What?" Giroud, Telles, Hu Ke and others didn't react at all for a while. The difference between Li Fan's words and the previous ones is really too big.

After a while, several people responded, "He said when we squatted up in the game?"

It seemed that the one million rand in his eyes was quickly vanishing, and Jirou, Telles, Hook and others quickly woke up, and their IQs were also recovering.

The smile on Jirou's face disappeared, and he shouted sharply, "Boy, what do you mean?"

Li Fan said lightly: "Send you to the game, the sum of money you robbed at noon today is not small, just this one time is enough for you to enter. Your friends must also be on the road. More or less, there are things on record. I think the law enforcement officers of Langdon City should be interested in you."


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