Hearing what Li Fan said, Jirou, Tellis, Hu Ke and others were really shocked.

Li Fan is right, they are all old fritters on the road, who doesn't carry a criminal record on their backs?

It's just that they have always been cautious, and the law enforcement officers of Langdun City have been unable to confirm their identities. This is why they have survived countless times until now, and they can still be at ease like this.

The law enforcement officers of Langdon City will indeed be very interested in them.

But soon, they calmed down again, this kid just wants to send them into the game? That's absolutely impossible.

Jirou sneered: "I said boy, you don't seem to understand the current situation all the time, and you still want to send us into the game, why are you so confident?"

Li Fan shook the phone in his hand and said, "Originally, I was going to take you in personally, but that's obviously not a good choice, because it will take a lot of my time. You know, we still If you want to enjoy music, I don't want to waste time because of you. However, now that I have the detailed identity information you have just now, I don't need to do it myself. I think the law enforcement officers of Langdun City are able to Found yours. Well, you can go now,"

Originally, Li Fan didn't intend to send Jirou, Tellis and others into the game. Although the other party was a righteous person, they were doing all sorts of tricks, but Li Fan shouldn't take care of it.

They came to ask for trouble, and Li Fan was only going to have a good time, so he took care of it.

However, when these guys were discussing just now, they were thinking about the idea of ​​Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, which made Li Fan intolerable.

Just now I'm going to send a few guys into the game, it's a lesson for them, let them understand that some ideas can't be played.

It's just that it will take a lot of time to send these guys into the game in person, and Li Fan really doesn't want to waste time for them.

It happened that the next few people wanted him to lose money, so he did what he wanted, thinking about obtaining the detailed identity information of one of them. With the detailed identity information, there was no need for him to personally send a few people tonight. On to the game.

And under the huge temptation of one million lan pounds, the IQ of several people has dropped, and Jirou is really very obedient, and he took the initiative to reveal his detailed identity information to Li Fan.

That way, things will be fine.

Li Fan waved his hand,

Let a few people leave, he no longer intends to continue to tear with a few people, nor does he intend to teach a lesson.

However, Li Fan knew that it was impossible for a few people to leave like this, and that was indeed the case.

A few people heard Li Fan say that they can leave, and they couldn't help but laugh in anger. It seems that this kid really didn't understand the current situation. This Nima should be what they said, right? And after blackmailing the other party, getting a certain amount of compensation, and flirting with the three beautiful girls.

However, thinking that Jirou's detailed identity information was known to Li Fan, they were a little flustered, which is definitely a very bad thing.

Jirou couldn't help but said angrily: "Boy, so you just said you were willing to accompany us with one million rand, just to get my identity information?"

Li Fan smiled lightly: "Smart, you're right."

Jirou was ashamed and angry, and couldn't figure out how he was usually very alert, how could he be so easily fooled this time? It was so stupid that he told the other party his detailed identity information.

It's really troublesome now. I thought I could easily intimidate the other party and extort a lot of money, but I don't know why it has become the current situation?

Unless he can grab Li Fan's cell phone immediately, because his identity information has been recorded on his cell phone by Li Fan, he will be fine if he grabs the cell phone.

He didn't believe that Li Fan could keep his identity information in his mind just by recording it once.

It's just that it's not far from the gate of Teague Concert Hall, how could they dare to rob here? Their purpose has always been to intimidate and make Li Fan give them the money obediently.

It's just that Li Fan not only was not intimidated by them, but instead turned their entertainment around, and the situation became more and more passive.

Now it seems that it is almost impossible to intimidate Li Fan and ask Li Fan to take the initiative to hand over his mobile phone.

Giroud, Telles, Hook and others were extremely angry, but for a while they didn't know what to do?

Do you take the initiative to admit defeat and surrender? Begging the other party not to disclose Giroud's identity information to the law enforcement officers of Langdon City?

In this case, they will be completely planted this time, and they will definitely lose all their face, and they are still in front of three stunning beauties.

Giroud really couldn't understand, why did things become like this? But after hesitating for a while in his heart, he finally chose not to lose face.

Compared with the risk of following up the game, face or something, if you don't have it, it will be gone.

Of course, the momentum still can't be too weak, so Jirou said angrily: "This friend, this time we admit it, you delete my identity information on your mobile phone, our previous holiday will be written off, we will immediately Leave, and never bother you again. What do you think? You come to play in Langdun City, and you probably don’t want to be too busy, right?”

Li Fan said lightly, "I really didn't want to do much before, but now, it's too late."

Jirou's heart jumped and his face was gloomy, but his words became softer and softer, "Friend, we were wrong before, we shouldn't have come to trouble you, I'm here to apologize to you, you see you too If there is nothing to lose, why bother with us?"

Li Fan said: "I have nothing to lose, it's just because I have your identity information. Otherwise, would you have such an attitude? Besides, the reason why I want to send you into the game is not for this reason, but for this reason. It's you who have thoughts that you shouldn't have. Okay, let's go."

Hearing what Li Fan said, Jirou already felt that it was impossible for Li Fan to delete his identity information, and his voice was no longer soft, but he shouted sharply: "Boy, you better think clearly, even if you If I reveal my identity information to the law enforcement officers in Langdun City, we may not actually enter.

And you, even if you completely offended us. Do you think we are the only ones on the road? To tell you the truth, as long as we leak your information on our way, you will definitely encounter a lot of trouble in Langdon City.

Those three beauties are so pretty, it's really easy to recognize you. Besides, the three beautiful girls are so beautiful, don't you worry about them at all? Can you protect them? Brother, you'd better think about it again, delete my identity information, and let everyone live in peace, which is good for everyone. Otherwise, many things can be difficult to say. "

After listening to Li Fan, he still said lightly, "Are you threatening me?"

Jirou hummed: "Yes, you can indeed think that I am threatening you."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Then I already know. Since you don't leave, we won't accompany you. You've already wasted a lot of time for us to enjoy music, so goodbye, everyone."

After finishing speaking, Li Fan stopped worrying about Jirou, Tellis, Hu Ke and the others, and walked directly into the door of Teague Concert Hall with Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying.


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