Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1329 Not 5 years, but 5 minutes

The situation was very passive. Both Laneke and Wei An thought in their hearts that they had to find a way to get rid of the current passive situation.

Otherwise, the situation will only become more and more passive.

After thinking about it, Laneke said loudly to the people around him: "My friends, please think back carefully about the situation just now. That poor boy didn't have the money to invite three beauties to drink, so let's come here and invite the three beauties to drink. I also invited the three beauties to order by themselves. But, think about it, do you order wine like them? It’s not that we can’t bear the 1.82 million Rand, but it’s clearly that they deliberately tricked us.”

The people around listened to Laneke's words, and after thinking about it, they felt that there was some truth. The three beauties ordered 1.82 million pounds of wine in one breath, which was indeed not normal.

It's just that Laneke and Wei An invite the three beauties to drink, which can relieve the embarrassment before the three beauties. The three beauties should be grateful. There is no reason to deliberately cheat them.

The situation seems to be getting more and more interesting, everyone around is getting more and more excited, and the voices are divided into two groups.

One faction supported Laneke and Wei An, saying that it was not normal for three beauties to order things, and they were suspected of cheating.

The other faction supports three beauties, saying that three beauties are unnecessary, and there is no reason to pit two of them.

Seeing someone supporting them, Laneke and Wei An secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The situation was finally not as passive as before.

Afterwards, Laneke sneered at the three girls again: "You know what you think in your heart. I advise you not to play with your mind. It's better for everyone to drink happily together."

Qin Yulin said, "Mr. Laneke, you just said so much, don't you just don't want to spend the money? Then we just don't spend it. That waiter, I'm sorry, we don't want all the things we just ordered. These two gentlemen don't have that much money to spend."

When Lineker heard this, he said angrily: "What's so great about the mere 1.82 million Rand, how can we afford it? We just don't want to be fooled by you. As long as you drink this wine, come with us immediately, we will immediately How about paying the waiter to serve the wine?"

Qin Yulin giggled: "Let's go with you, this is probably not good. Before you invited us to drink, you didn't say that after drinking, you would go with you."

Lineke was even more angry, and said to the people around him, "Everyone knows it now, they didn't even think about going with us, but they still ordered so many things. Isn't this deliberately tricking us?"

Those words made the people around them nodded again.

This is indeed the case. Generally speaking, if someone takes the initiative to invite you to drink in such a place, everyone knows what he means.

If you don't mean that, then you simply reject others. Now that you have taken the initiative to order a drink, and you have ordered a sky-high price, but you say you don't plan to go with others, this is indeed a bit unreasonable.

As a result, the vast majority of the people around supported Laneke and Wei An.

However, Qin Yulin said again: "Actually, it's not that we don't want to go with you, but our husband doesn't agree with us to go with you."

"Mister from your family?" Not only Lineke and Wei An were puzzled, but everyone around them was also puzzled.

Lineker frowned: "Your husband is here? Who is he? Where is he?"

Qin Yulin smiled and stabbed Su Qing with his elbow. Su Qing understood, got up and walked to Li Fan's side, took Li Fan's arm, and said sweetly, "He is our husband!"

This scene surprised everyone at the scene, and they all felt it was very incredible. The person who was reluctant to consume even the cheapest red wine turned out to be the three gentlemen of the best beauties?

This is a little too crazy.

It is precisely because it is too crazy that everyone does not want to believe it.

Lineke and Wei An were even more jealous and angry. They thought that the three beautiful girls didn't intend to go with them at all, so they deliberately said that the poor boy was their husband.

It was an excuse, and he took the opportunity to ridicule them. In the eyes of everyone around him, he said, "Look, we would rather say that this poor boy is our husband than go with them."

Laneke said angrily, "Is that poor boy your husband? Are you kidding us? I advise you best not to think about any tricks and follow us obediently. Otherwise, it's up to you to play us again and again today. , this can't be good."

Qin Yulin snorted softly and said, "You are a poor boy on the left and a poor boy on the right. Are you rich yourself? You are reluctant to spend even 1 million pounds, and you think you are rich."

Lineke was even more angry. This little girl said it lightly, and she was reluctant to spend 1 million Ran? This Nima is money that countless people can't earn in a lifetime, okay?

So, he said angrily: "You said that I have no money? Just a joke, my millions of rands will have no money? If I am called no money, what is that poor boy? That poor boy, I also I ask you, how much is your current net worth? You'd better tell the truth, don't say an astronomical figure, it will be easily exposed." The second half of the sentence was naturally addressed to Li Fan.

Listening to Laneke's question, everyone around looked at Li Fan curiously, wanting to see how Li Fan would answer?

Seeing everyone's eyes, Li Fan focused on him, smiled lightly, and said lightly, "I don't know."

After hearing this, Laneke sneered: "Poor boy, I don't think you don't know, but you are too embarrassed to say it?"

Li Fan still said lightly: "I really don't know, I won't lie to you."

Li Fan's indifferent tone made Laneke feel very unhappy, and said angrily: "How can a person not even know how much money he has? You kid is obviously embarrassed to say it."

However, Li Fan still said lightly: "Because there are too many, I haven't calculated it, and it's not easy to calculate, because it is rising at any time."

Laneke laughed angrily and said, "Are you kidding us?"

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "What's the point of teasing you? Well, in your country, there is a famous sports car that sells for about 100,000 lan. Let me ask you, if you want to earn money to buy such a car For the money of a sports car, how long does it take?"

Laneke was a little stunned, obviously didn't expect Li Fan to ask this suddenly, and didn't understand what was the purpose of Li Fan's question?

However, Li Fan's question obviously gave him a chance to pretend.

So Lineker said proudly: "For me, it only takes a month to earn enough money for a sports car worth 100,000 Rands."

However, after Laneke finished speaking, he did not hear all the sounds of surprise, admiration, and envy he imagined.

Only then did I react, Ma egg! This is the VIP area. People who dare to spend here are more or less wealthy people.

To earn 100,000 lan pounds a month, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is definitely worthy of surprise and admiration, but in this VIP area, everyone is obviously not so surprised.

This coercion didn't work out, and Laneke was quite annoyed, but fortunately he could pretend to be coercive in front of the poor boy in front of him and the three beauties, so he said, "How about it, boy, are you very surprised? , very jealous?"

However, Li Fan shook his head and smiled faintly: "No no no, a month is too slow."

"Really?" Laneke didn't get angry when he heard Li Fan say this, but said with a sneer, "So poor boy, how long will it take you to earn enough money? Ten years? Twenty? "

Li Fan shook his head and said, "It doesn't take that long?"

Lineke continued to sneer and said, "Really, how long will it take, nine years? Eight years?"

Li Fan still shook his head, but this time he didn't speak any more, instead he stretched out his right hand and spread out his fingers to indicate the number "five".

After Lenke saw it, he sneered and said, "Five years? You brag, you want to earn 20,000 rand a year just because of you?"

Li Fan said lightly: "Not five years, but five minutes!"


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