Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1330 You deserve it

"Not five years, but five minutes!"

Laneke and Wei An, and the people around them, did not react after hearing Li Fan's arrogant words.

Make £100,000 in five minutes? This Nima is just bragging, and it doesn't have this kind of bragging. This Nima is too exaggerated.

After a long while, everyone came to their senses, and then there was a burst of laughter. No one believed Li Fan's words.

Otherwise, why would you say such ridiculous and generous words?

The laughter of the crowd also attracted the audience outside the VIP area, including Giroud and Telles, into the VIP area.

They were watching outside the VIP area before, and they couldn't hear the conversation between the two parties very clearly, which made them feel very unsatisfied. After hearing the laughter of the crowd, they couldn't help but ran into the VIP area. .

There is no rule that they cannot enter in the VIP area, but because everyone knows the unspoken rules, they are embarrassed to come in.

Now, driven by intense curiosity, I can't take care of that much anymore. What if I just came in?

And when they got close, they finally saw the faces of the three beauties. In addition to being extremely shocked, they finally understood why the two men were so obsessed with them.

Any man who sees this Nima will be obsessed with it.

Then, I found out the reason for everyone's laughter, and couldn't help but sneered, thinking, "Brother, we understand that you want to save your face in this way, but you have bragged too much. It's over. You say you need a year, so everyone has doubts, but after all, it's just doubts. Now you only need five minutes, who will believe it?"

After the laughter, Laneke said, "Boy, can't you brag? It's still five minutes, why don't you say five seconds?"

Li Fan said lightly: "Five seconds is not impossible."

When everyone heard it, they all thought, this kid shouldn't be really crazy, right? This Nima is really getting more and more exaggerated.

Laneke sneered and said: "Okay, whatever you want, kid, since you can earn 100,000 rand in five minutes, then you should be very rich. Well, just prove it briefly, ask every one of us here. Personally, drink a glass of 10,000 Rand and then we believe you are really rich, how about it? We should be less than 100 people here,

You will not spend more than £1 million. For you who earn 100,000 rand in five minutes, you should not take 1 million rand in your eyes. "

After listening to Li Fan, he smiled lightly and said, "To be honest, I don't really care about 1 million pounds. But why should I invite you to drink? Why should I prove it to you?"

"Why?" Lineker sighed and said, "If you don't prove it, then all of us here will think that you are bragging, and no one will believe that you are a rich man."

Li Fandao: "I didn't say that I want you to believe that I am a rich man. If you don't want to believe it, don't believe it. What does this have to do with me?"

Lineker suffocated again and said, "If we don't believe you, in our eyes, you are just a poor boy who only brags. Wouldn't you be very shameless? Can you bear it?"

Li Fandao: "Why do you think it's your business? It has nothing to do with me. Well, if you have nothing else to do, just leave. You can't hear the singing because of your arguing. You know, we are here to listening to music."

When Li Fan said these words, everyone was stunned, what do you mean? Is this the end? This kid really doesn't care at all, what do we think of him?

Lineke was also stunned, not knowing how to answer for a while.

At this time, Wei An, who hadn't spoken for a long time, sneered and said, "Leenke, we shouldn't be fooled by him. He just deliberately made such a gesture to confuse us. Because he couldn't prove it at all. He is very rich. According to normal circumstances, the bullshit he just boasted will be exposed immediately. After the exposure, he will be disgraced. However, he is now deliberately putting on a pair, and you don't want to believe it. Attitude, in this way, everyone will be puzzled, they will think that he is more mysterious, and everyone will not care much, whether he is really rich or fake."

After Wei An said this, Laneke and everyone around him suddenly realized that Wei An was right. They were really puzzled just now, and they were really thinking, why does that kid care so much about his own face?

This Nima turned out to be the kid who was making a suspicion to divert everyone's attention. Don't say it, everyone is really almost fooled.

Laneke sneered and said, "I said why your kid is always so calm, it turned out to be with such an idea, and he was almost deceived by you. Your kid is very smart, no wonder you can deceive three beauties and How about you together. Well, you kid wants to pretend to be mysterious, it really has nothing to do with us, and we don't bother to continue to talk to you. But these three beautiful girls have just played us a lot, and almost made us like this We lose face in front of many people. We can ignore your affairs, but the affairs of these three beautiful girls are not so easy to end. "

"Oh?" Li Fan glanced at Lineke and said lightly, "So, according to Mr Lineke, what do you want in this matter?"

Laneke said: "It's simple and simple. We invite the three beautiful girls to drink. We all know what the purpose is. As long as these three beautiful girls are willing to come with us, this matter will be over. Sorry, we're still willing to invite you to drink. Of course, it's normal drinking. How's it going?"

Li Fan said: "What is your purpose, we do know it well, but if they don't go with you, what can you do?"

"Oh?" Laneke sneered: "So, this matter can't be resolved peacefully today, can it?"

Li Fan shook his head and said: "No, of course it can be resolved peacefully. As long as you leave now, everyone will be fine. Before they deliberately played with you, it was because you had thoughts that you shouldn't have. Now, it can be counted as It's clear."

"Liangqing?" Ryan said sharply, "Do you mean we deserved to be played by them?"

Li Fan smiled lightly: "Yes, Mr. Laneke's ability to understand is not bad, you are right, you deserve it."

"You kid..." Laneke and Wei An shouted at the same time, "Very good, your kid is very good, very bold, very bold!"


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