Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1346 leave

Concert hall stage waiting area.

The singers who participated in the performance gradually recovered from their shock.

A "Scarborough Fair" shocked all the audience at the scene, and naturally they were also shocked.

Even they were more shocked than the audience, because no one among them was optimistic about the song, and no one was willing to sing it.

They all believed that the songs that Li Fan created temporarily in two hours would definitely affect their fame if they were allowed to sing them.

But now, in each of them, there is an extremely strong desire to sing this song.

They absolutely believe that this song will make their fame, in a very short period of time, reach an unprecedented height.

Only now, the singer of that song is that extremely beautiful woman from China.

Of course, they don't have to be disappointed, they can still yearn.

Because, even though Tang Ying is the original singer of this song, she is from China after all, and she will eventually return to China, and they are fighting for the right to sing this song in Languo.

All the singers are honing their fists in their hearts, thinking about how to win the cover of this song?

They know that not only these singers present tonight, but also most of Lan Guo's singers will join the competition for cover rights, including those first- and second-tier superstar singers.

There is no doubt that this will be an extremely fierce competition.

They may not be able to compete, those first- and second-tier superstar singers, but no matter what, they must try their best to fight for it.

All the singers are like this, and all the musicians can only sigh silently, and at the same time feel very red and dry.

They all thought that the song Li Fan created in two hours was just a joke.

And now they know that even though they are both musicians, the gap between them can really be like the gap between heaven and earth, and they are not on the same level at all.

They also understood why when Li Fan released a song, the outside world always paid the most attention to Li Fan, not the singer who sang his songs.

Because he is Li Fan, he is the number one musician in this world.


In the VIP area where Li Fan was, the three daughters Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying had already returned here.

Ryan forcibly suppressed his excitement and said, "Mr. Li Fan, did you include another set of lyrics and melody in the second half of this song?"

Li Fan nodded and smiled: "Mr. Lane is right, that's true."

"This..." Ryan, Chris and the others were once again shocked and incredulous. In just two hours...

Ryan sighed and said, "Mr. Li Fan's talent can really be called a genius."

Li Fan shook his head and said, "Mr. Ryan is wrong, I just feel it occasionally."

Ryan sighed again: "What a good one who has feelings, and sometimes has feelings! By the way, Mr. Li Fan, the other set of words is not too real, Mr. Li Fan is willing to write it to me?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Of course you can, in fact, I have already prepared it before."

With that said, Li Fan gave Ryan a folded piece of paper and said, "Mr. Ryan, this is the score, both lyrics and music."

Ryan was overjoyed, took it with both hands solemnly, did not open it to check, but placed it carefully and close to him.

Then he said: "Mr. Li Fan's gift is too precious, I personally, my hometown Scarborough, all the fans of Lan Guo, should express my gratitude to Mr. Li Fan, thank Mr. Li Fan for this A precious gift."

Li Fan said quickly: "Mr. Lane, please don't say that, Li Fan can't afford it, I just hope everyone can like this song."

Afterwards, Ryan sighed again and again. He only felt that the decision to come to this concert hall tonight was one of the most correct decisions in his life.


After a long, long time,

The atmosphere in the concert hall finally calmed down, and the performances of other singers on the stage finally continued.

At this time, Li Fan bid farewell to Ryan, Chris, Ai Huaduo and others, and quietly left the concert hall with the three daughters Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying.

The prosperity of the song "Scarborough Fair" has not ended, and it is destined to never end, but for Li Fan, he should leave the concert hall.

After walking out of the door of the concert hall, and then out of the door of the Royal Opera House, Giroud, Telles and others who said they would wait outside the door for Li Fan to come out naturally disappeared long ago.

They saw Li Fan's terrifying skills in the concert hall, how dare they block people at the door.

A few people walked to the square before, and Li Fan looked back at the resplendent Royal Opera House and sighed in his heart.

The old English song from the previous life finally came to this world. This is the luck of all the Lan people in this world, and it is also the luck of the song "Casborough Fair".

Qin Yulin was still very excited, chatting non-stop, Li Fan tapped Qin Yulin on the head and said that he should go back to the hotel.

You know, the little girl is still at Jared's house at this time.

Qin Yulin touched the place on his head that Li Fan had knocked on, and said "Oh" rather aggrieved, and muttered, "I know."

After that, the few people did not do any other delays, took a car, and went directly back to Jared's apartment.

The door was opened by the little girl. As soon as she saw Li Fan, the little girl said angrily, "Brother, did you guys go to the concert hall? Even if you don't take me, I'm going too."

Li Fan was a little puzzled and said, "I said girl, how did you know we went to the concert hall?"

The little girl tilted her head and snorted softly, "I just know."

Afterwards, he dragged Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying along for a while, and said why they didn't take her and Lucy, they should go too.

At this time, Jared laughed and said, "Mr. Li Fan made such a big noise in Teague Concert Hall, it's hard for us to know."

Li Fan suffocated, and then suddenly realized that he was really smart and confused for a while.

The fact that he wrote a song live at Teague Hall must have already been uploaded on the Internet.

Then, Jared couldn't wait to say again: "Mr. Li Fan, what kind of song is that song called "Casborough Fair"? Those who have heard this song on the Internet Man, this song has simply exhausted its words of praise, and it has provoked countless people, including me, and it is extremely itchy."

Li Fan smiled and said: "That song may not disappoint, but Mr. Jared, I can't tell you what kind of song it is. However, it may not take a few days, you You can hear it."

Jared thought about it too, and could only say helplessly: "Okay, I wish I could hear it earlier."


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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