Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1347 The oldest detective novel fan

He couldn't hear the song "Scarborough Fair" for the time being, and Jared could only put it down temporarily despite the itchiness.

Afterwards, Li Fan will talk about Aihuaduo in the concert hall again.

Jared smiled and said, "Mr. Li Fan is now interested in the Detective Fiction Festival of the day after tomorrow?"

Li Fan also smiled and said, "I went to a few places in Langdun City today, and I became interested."

"Oh?" Jared felt a little strange. He had told Li Fan before about the detective novel festival of the day after tomorrow, but Li Fan wasn't very interested at that time, so why is he suddenly so interested now?

So he asked, "Where did Mr. Li Fan go? Why did he become interested in the detective novel festival after he went to those places?"

Li Fandao: "Mainly, I went to a street called Baker Street, and then suddenly had an idea."

"Baker Street?" Jared nodded. "That street does have something special."

"Oh?" Li Fan was slightly surprised and said, "Why does Mr. Jared say that the street is special?"

Hearing the two talk about Shell Street, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying all pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Jared smiled and said: "Although the street is not long and is in the old city, the residential apartments on both sides of the street are still good. But the strange thing is that the people who live there have moved away one after another, and , and no new residents moved in, and the government ignored it, as if the street had been forgotten.”

Li Fan nodded and said: "It is indeed quite strange, but that street is not uninhabited, it has the only resident."

Jared said: "In that case, Mr. Li Fan should have met Mr. Alves on Baker Street. Indeed, there is the only resident on Baker Street, which is why I say Baker Street is a bit special. s reason."

Li Fandao: "I did see an old man on Shell Street, but I don't know his name, but I think it must be Mr. Jared who said Alves."

Jared nodded and said, "An old man, it should be. He should live at 221b Baker Street."

Li Fandao: "There is no house number on that street, but I asked the old man, and it is indeed No. 221b. It seems that Mr. Jared should know him."

Jared said with emotion: "I do know him. He is a very kind, but stubborn person. I guess when you see him today, he should be dealing with waste."

Li Fan wondered: "That's true. He was about to sell a bag of waste products. But, how did Mr. Jared know?"

Jared said: "That stubborn old man rarely walks out of the apartment where he lives, except to go out to collect scraps, sell scraps and send money."

"Remittance?" Li Fan wondered again, and said, "He often goes out to send money? He is an old man who lives alone, why does he often go out to send money?"

Jared sighed again and said, "You see that he makes a living by selling scraps, do you think he has no source of income and can only make money by selling scraps?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Isn't that the case?"

Jared said: "It's not true, in fact, he can get a pension of 5,000 Rand each month."

"A pension of 5,000 rand?" Li Fan was even more surprised. 5,000 rand was not a small sum of money.

You must know that ordinary white-collar workers in Langdun City earn about 3,000 Ran pounds a month, while the average salary of office workers is only between a few hundred Ran pounds and 2,000 Ran pounds.

The old man named Alves, the monthly pension is as high as 5,000 Rand, which is indeed very surprising.

Jared said: "Mr. Li Fan is very surprised, right? Actually, I am also very surprised, but thinking of his identity, it is normal."

Li Fan's heart moved, when he saw the old man during the day, he felt that the old man did not seem like an ordinary person.

Now it seems that, as expected, what kind of identity the old man must have.

Sure enough, Jared continued: "Before Mr. Alves retired, he was the most famous professor of the Department of Biology at Langdon University, and also a very famous biologist and academician of the Academy of Sciences in our country. His pension will be It is paid by Longton University, why is it so high? I think it is because Mr. Alves has made a great contribution to the development of biology at Longton University.”

"So it is." Li Fan nodded and said, "The identity of the old man is really not simple. It can be said that he is a national treasure."

Jared sighed: "It is indeed a national treasure, but it is a pity that they have made great contributions to the country, but when they grow old, they are just an unknown old man, whose popularity is not even as good as an ordinary fifth- and sixth-tier star. Fortunately, Longtown University and the country have not forgotten him."

Li Fan also sighed, this phenomenon is indeed very helpless. Many scientists who have made many sacrifices and contributions to the country are not as famous as even an ordinary star.

On the Internet, there are very few comments on the news of the death of a great national scientist, while the news of a celebrity cheating, or the news of which celebrity is in love with which celebrity, the comments range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Even more, it has attracted heated discussions among countless netizens.

This phenomenon is the case in Lan State, China, and perhaps other countries in the world. Such a phenomenon is indeed frustrating.

After sighing, Li Fan said again: "Mr. Jared said just now that Mr. Alves often goes to remit money, could it be..."

Jared nodded and said, "Mr. Li Fan's guess is correct. Mr. Alves donates a lot of his monthly pension fund anonymously, and his main donation is to Those poor children who need help. I met Mr. Alves by chance, and I also learned about his anonymous remittance every month, and then he asked me not to publicize this matter What a kind and stubborn old man."

Li Fan nodded, he had already guessed it just now, and he couldn't help but feel sincere respect in his heart.

Then he smiled and said: "In the eyes of others, this approach of Mr. Alves may be very stupid, but for Mr. Alves himself, he feels very happy. I met today. When he arrives, he can feel that the old man lives very happily."

Jared said: "Maybe, but he once told me that he hopes to help more people in need, and 5,000 rand per month is still too little. However, he is already old. He has no way to earn more money. The money earned by collecting waste can only allow him to live alone. When he talks about this, I can feel his unwillingness and regret in his heart. "

"What about his family? Does he have no children?" Qin Yulin said suddenly.

Jared shook his head and said, "I don't know about this either. I asked him before, but he just smiled and didn't say anything. However, I guess he should have children, just that stubborn old man who likes a person. Live alone on Baker Street."

"Okay." Qin Yulin said.

"Oh, yes." Jared seemed to suddenly remember something and said, "Mr. Alves seems to be very interested in detective novels and is a fan of detective novels. God knows if he is the oldest detective novel in our country. Confused? Also, he is already in his seventies, and he doesn't need to wear glasses when reading newspapers and magazines, which is definitely a miracle."

"Like detective novels?" Li Fan was a little surprised again, it was indeed a different old man.

Then he said, "Since he likes detective novels, shouldn't he go to the detective novel festival the day after tomorrow?"

Jared said, "Who knows, but it's a possibility."

Li Fan nodded, thoughtful.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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