Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1348 Song Cover Right

After sitting at Jared's house for a while, it was getting late, and Li Fan bid farewell.

On the way back to the hotel, Su said emotionally, "That old scientist named Alves is really worthy of respect, but it's a pity that his wish to earn more money is doomed to fail."

Qin Yulin said: "There is no way. After all, he is in his seventies. Even if his body is still strong, it is difficult to find other ways to make money other than collecting waste."

Tang Ying said: "Actually, there is no need for the old man to think about making more money. 5,000 rand per month is not a small amount."

Su Qing said: "Although this is the case, the old man obviously doesn't think so, otherwise he will not feel unwilling and regretful."

Li Fan said: "I may have a way to make the old man earn more money."

After listening to the three women, they were all stunned, and asked at the same time, "What can I do?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "The way'll know in two days."

"Cut!" The three girls rolled their eyes at the same time, took the little girl's hand and walked to the front. They obviously didn't plan to be "friends" with Li Fan.

Li Fan laughed and followed behind him without hesitation.


Li Fan is returning to the hotel here. The fact that he wrote the song "Scarborough Fair" live in Teague Concert Hall has been completely uploaded on the Internet.

It not only attracted the attention of a large number of netizens, but also attracted the attention of many singers, record entertainment companies and musicians in Languo.

In addition, the cause and effect of Li Fan's creation of such a song is also circulating on the Internet.

The cause and effect are naturally related to Ryan, chairman of the National Music Association, and Ryan's hometown of Scarborough also attracted attention on the Internet for the first time.

Of course, it's just a matter of attention now.

Countless netizens are talking about it on the Internet, and most of them are itchy and can't wait to hear that song right away.

Some people are also annoyed why they didn't go to Teague Hall tonight? Life has missed such a sensational event.

Of course, many people also questioned, saying that Li Fan's song may be really good, but the statement on the Internet is obviously too exaggerated.

A song created in two hours, no matter how good it is, where can it be heard?

However, no matter what, Li Fan and his "Scarborough Fair" have become popular on Lan Guo's Internet, and they have become the hottest topic on the Internet.

Netizens are hotly discussing, and many star singers are also discussing.

In a communication group with only three-tier star singers and above.

"What do you think? Are those claims on the Internet exaggerated?"

"I think there is a suspicion of exaggeration. After all, it is so exaggerated that even words like 'great' are used."

"I also think there is suspicion of exaggeration, but Li Fan, as the first person in Huaguo music, has no doubts about his strength. Even if it is temporarily created on the spot, the quality should not be bad. Therefore, that song will be a good song. It's for sure."

"Aren't there other singers in the concert hall at that time? Are there any in our group?"

"Probably not, but I know Diana was there at the time. It's just that when I asked her what the song was about, her reaction was a little weird."

"Diana is a fourth-tier star singer, what's so weird about her reaction?"

"She was a little evasive, and didn't answer my question directly, but said that Li Fan really deserved his reputation. Isn't that the same as not answering, as long as the song is good, Li Fan can be called a worthy reputation, after all It's just a song created in two hours live."

"It's really a bit strange, that's all, it's just an ordinary good song. It's too exaggerated to say on the Internet. I'm down, too lazy to care about it."

"I got off too, it's getting late."


After a group of star singers discussed for a while,

It doesn't matter much anymore.

Obviously, they also didn't think that Li Fan's songs would be good in two hours.

The claims on the Internet are a bit exaggerated.

If they don't care, it means giving up the right to sing "Scarborough Fair" in Languo.

If the singers who were on the scene tonight knew about this, they would be quite ecstatic.

Of course, not all first-, second-, and third-tier star singers have given up, and there are still some first-, second-, and third-tier star singers who are very interested.

In their opinion, even if the song is not as exaggerated as what is said on the Internet, it will at least be a good song, and it is worth fighting for.

In addition, some entertainment record companies are also considering whether to buy the cover rights?

As a result of the consideration, some record companies chose to give up, and some record companies chose to fight for it.


Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, Tang Ying, and the little girl returned to the hotel.

After shopping for a whole day today, the three girls felt a little tired, so they went to bed early.

The little girl chose to sleep with Su Qing tonight.

Li Fan surfed the Internet for a while in the room, and after watching the heated discussions of netizens for a while, he also fell asleep.

The night was silent, and the next day, the early morning of January 19.

The little girl still followed Lucy to school, but when the girl left, she told Li Fan that when Li Fan went to play at night, he would come back to pick up her and Lucy.

Li Fan also agreed, since the little girl wants to go, then take her with her.

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying went to the office building of the National Music Association.

Because today there will definitely be many singers, or record entertainment companies, going to the National Music Association to buy the cover rights of "Scarborough Fair" in Languo.

Originally, they should have gone to find Li Fan, but they could not find Li Fan, so they had to go to the National Music Association.

As for copyright matters, Li Fan must be personally checked.

Therefore, Li Fan can only come to the office building of the National Music Association.

This song originally belonged to Lan Guo, so Li Fan naturally wouldn't mind selling the cover rights of the song to a singer in Lan Guo.

When Li Fan and the three daughters arrived and went downstairs in the office building, Ryan went downstairs to greet them in person, making Li Fan repeatedly express "don't dare to act".

Lane said it should be.

After that, singers who are interested in the cover rights of the song, and the person in charge of the record entertainment company came one after another.

Ryan accompanied Li Fan to start the "interview". Li Fan first had to conduct a preliminary selection of the singers to select singers with suitable vocal lines, good singing skills and good character.

He only looks at the voice, singing skills and character, not the star rating of the singer. Unqualified, even first-line superstars will still be eliminated. Qualified, even if they are just wandering singers, they can advance to the next round.

As for record entertainment companies, they will all be eliminated. Li Fan is not going to sell the cover rights directly to record entertainment companies.

Because if the cover rights are sold to the record entertainment company, then which singer the record entertainment company arranges to sing has nothing to do with Li Fan.

This is definitely impossible for Li Fan to accept, he must be responsible for the classic songs of his previous life.

This naturally made the heads of the record and entertainment companies very dissatisfied, and they all spoke out about their company, how much they were willing to pay to buy it, and also said that they must pay the highest price, and Li Fan would definitely regret it if he didn't sell it.

Li Fan was naturally unmoved, and the heads of the companies left with a light hum.


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