Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1349 I'll sell it to you at the price of one lan pound (2 in 1 chapter)

The heads of the record and entertainment companies hummed and left, naturally with negative emotions of dissatisfaction.

In the communication group of an entertainment company, those in charge who ran into the wall expressed their dissatisfaction one after another.

"Li Fan is a little arrogant. I haven't even heard the demo of the song, so I directly asked for 1 million rand. What kind of trust is this? He actually doesn't appreciate it. That's fine, if he I really accepted it, I guess I still regret it, his song is definitely not worth so much money."

"You are really bold enough to actually ask for 1 million Rand, do you really think it's as exaggerated as what the Internet says? I asked for 500,000 Rand, that's all because of his reputation as the number one musician in China. A work created in two hours, how good can it be? Even if he refuses, I can buy at least three or four songs like that song for £500,000."

"He doesn't sell to us companies, that is, he sells it directly to those singers. I probably noticed that most of the singers who went there today are star singers below the third tier, and even wandering singers. Those singers can produce How much? It will definitely not exceed 200,000 lan, so Li Fan will regret it."

"Humph! He won't sell the high price we paid, but I want to see who he will sell to in the end? How much did he sell it for?"


The heads of record and entertainment companies expressed their dissatisfaction one after another. In this era of developed Internet, many star singers will naturally know it very quickly.

Some first-, second-, and third-tier star singers also expressed their views in their own communication groups.

"I heard that the heads of the companies that I went to today have all hit a wall. Li Fan wants to sell songs directly to singers."

"It did hit a wall. Our company originally came to buy it and sing it for me, but now we have no chance. But it doesn't matter. I didn't care about that song too much, otherwise I would go there in person."

"I heard that almost all the people who went there were people below the third tier. Li Fan would probably feel very shameless. His dignified songs from the first person in Huaguo Music could not attract the stars above the third tier."

"That's normal. He's not the number one musician in our country. Plus, it took him two hours to temporarily create a song that can attract so many singers below the third tier. It's already very good."

"Just wait and see, who will he sell to? How much will he sell for?"



The person in charge of the record entertainment company, Li Fan didn't know about the discussions with the singers. Of course he did, and he wouldn't care.

He and Ryan are still "interviewing" the singers.

Although most of the singers who came were below the third tier, the number was quite large. From the morning to four o'clock in the afternoon, the two had "interviewed" hundreds of singers.

Among them, there are no first-tier superstar singers, one second-tier superstar singer, two third-tier star singers, ten wandering singers without star rating, and the rest are all fourth-tier to sixth-tier star singers.

More than 80% of the singers were eliminated in the first round, including the second-tier superstar singer and the two third-tier star singers.

Of course, being eliminated does not mean that their singing skills are not good, but that their timbre does not match the song "Scarborough Fair", or that the singer's own character is not up to standard.

Those singers who were eliminated naturally complained again, especially the second-tier superstar singer and the two third-tier star singers.

They are all in the singer exchange group, expressing their dissatisfaction, saying that as a second-tier and third-tier singer, they are still fighting for that song, which is definitely worthy of Li Fan, but Li Fan does not appreciate it.

Li Fan doesn't care about the complaints of the singers. He is discussing with Ryan, which singer is the most suitable to sing that song?

Li Fan believes that so far, the most suitable singer is a wandering singer named Annie. Li Fan is very satisfied with his singing skills, timbre and character.

Lane said that the singer named Annie,

It is indeed very suitable, but she is a wandering singer and should not be able to purchase copyrights.

Li Fan smiled and said, "This does not exist. If she is really the most suitable candidate, I believe she has the ability to buy copyright."

Lane didn't understand why Li Fan said this. In his opinion, the copyright of Li Fan's song, even if it was just the cover copyright in Lan Guo, should be at least 1 million Lan pounds.

If Li Fan publishes the demo of the song first, and then sells the copyright, it will definitely attract many record and entertainment companies. First and second-tier superstar singers compete to buy.

It's hard to say what price it can sell in the end, but it must be at least 5 million Rand.

You know, for a classic to great song, a singer may only have this opportunity in his life, and it is worth spending no matter how high the price is.

How can a wandering singer have the ability to buy its copyright?

Although Ryan was very puzzled, he didn't ask. Since Li Fan said so, it might have some purpose.


The "interview" was still going on, and at five o'clock in the afternoon, no singers continued to come, and the second round of the "retest" was just beginning.

The singers who passed the first round of "interviews" sat together, nervously, and looked at Li Fan and Ryan with excitement and anticipation.

They know that the copyright competition for songs has now reached the most important stage, which is the stage of bidding.

Whoever pays the highest price is most likely to win the copyright.

Among them, there is a singer who is the most excited. She is the only singer among all the singers who was live in the concert hall last night, a fourth-tier star singer, Diana.

Diana was the only singer out of all the singers who had heard that song and the only one who knew what it really was worth.

Therefore, no matter how high the price is, as long as she can afford it, she must buy the copyright of that song.

And there is another singer who is the most uneasy. She is the only wandering singer on the scene, Annie.

There is no record company, and she is financially poor. She has no ability to buy copyrights. She is very uneasy. She is afraid that this will make Li Fan unhappy.

But there was a very specific reason she was so eager to be able to sing that song.

So, she came, even though she knew that her chances of getting the copyright... were zero.

At this time, I only heard Ryan say: "Singers, hello, you can pass the primary election, which proves that you are all suitable to sing that song. But the copyright of that song, in Languo, can only be sold to one A singer. Since it is a copyright competition, it is natural that the higher bidder wins.”

Li Fan does not object to this approach. This does not mean that he is very concerned about the price of copyright, and hopes that the higher the price, the better.

But in this way, you can see how much a singer attaches importance to and desires for that song.

Therefore, the singers made bids one after another, because they are all star singers below the third tier, and their worth is not high, and they have not heard the demo of the song.

Therefore, the bids were not high, and the singer with the highest bid only offered 180,000 Rand.

Of course, the price of 180,000 Rand is already very high. You must know that even if it is a song by a first-class musician in the country, the price of a song is only around 100,000 Lan.

This made Diana very excited, secretly thinking that she should be able to use one, and won this song at a price that is not high compared to the value of the song.

So, Diana directly bid 300,000 Rand, which was close to the highest price she could afford. She would use such a high price to scare off other competitors.

Sure enough, the other singers shook their heads helplessly when they heard the price of 300,000 Rand.

As a fourth-tier star singer, Diana is indeed the most "proud" singer among them. She is willing to pay 300,000 Rand, but other singers are not.

Of course, that doesn't mean they don't have that much money, someone can get 300,000 Rand, but they don't think the song is worth that much.

They can still accept hundreds of thousands of rand, and if it exceeds two hundred thousand rand, they think it is not worth it.

So far, only Annie has not made a bid. It's not that she doesn't want to bid, but that she can't bid. Her entire net worth is less than £10,000, so how could she dare to bid?

However, she did not intend to give up just like that. After hesitating for a long time, she finally said uneasy: "Mr. Li Fan, Mr. Ryan, I am willing to bid 310,000 lan, it's just... just... it's just that I don't have that much right now. money."

Annie's words made all the singers speechless. Since they don't have that much money, why don't you pay the price elsewhere? Are you planning to pay for the co-authorship?

But I never thought about it, Annie really thought so, she just continued: "I hope Mr. Li Fan can allow me... allow me to make up the money from month to month in the future, please rest assured Mr. Li Fan, I will definitely Within five years, all the money will be made up."

Really planning to take credit, all the singers are completely speechless and can't understand, why is this necessary?

Diana's heart skipped a beat, thinking to herself, "Could she be there last night?"

Li Fan and Ryan were also a little surprised. Li Fan said, "Miss Anne, is there any reason for you to do this?"

Annie nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, I am very eager to sing that song, because Scarborough is also my hometown, and I am very eager to sing that song, which Mr. Li Fan composed for my hometown. song."


Hearing what Annie said, the singers nodded secretly, which was understandable.

It's just that they don't agree with Annie's approach. It's not worth it for a financially strapped wandering singer to get himself into debt for a song.

Unless, that song is as exaggerated as the Internet says, but that's simply impossible.

Of course, they didn't think Li Fan would agree. It's impossible to give you the song on credit because your hometown is Scarborough, right?

Ryan said happily: "Is Miss Anne's hometown also Scarborough?"

Anne said: "Yes, Mr Lane, I was really honoured to hear yesterday that Mr Lane's hometown is also Scarborough."

Ryan smiled and said, "Okay, I'm very happy too, Miss Anne."

Diana secretly said, "No," and quickly said, "Mr. Li Fan, Mr. Lane, I am willing to offer four hundred thousand rand."

The 400,000 lan pound is actually more than she can afford, but she can get it if she scrapes it together.

Seeing that Ryan was so happy, she was really afraid that Li Fanzhen would give Annie the song on credit. To be on the safe side, she directly raised the price to 400,000 rand.

If it weren't for the fact that her worth was also limited, she would have directly bid 1 million Rand, or even more.

Because she knows, it's definitely worth it!

Listening to Diana's direct bid of 400,000 Rand, all the singers were stunned. They couldn't understand why Diana cared so much about that song?

Are you willing to pay 400,000 rand? It's too exaggerated.

Annie was anxious in her heart, and then sighed to herself, she couldn't say any more, would she be willing to bid 410,000 rand?

Because saying this again will definitely make people think that she is writing a blank check, and the sense of trust will drop a lot.

Li Fan looked at Diana and nodded secretly. He knew that Diana should have been at the concert hall last night.

Of course, it didn't matter, Diana knew the value of that song because she was there last night, and that was her chance too.

However, if Anne's hometown is really Scarborough, then she will obviously be more suitable than Diana.

And Annie obviously didn't lie. Li Fan's powerful perception ability could sense it, and he could also feel the sincerity and desire in Annie's heart.

Annie's hometown is Scarborough, which surprised Li Fan. It was obviously a perfect thing to have a local singer from Scarborough sing the song "Scarborough Fair".

And Ryan is obviously happy about it, he is even more happy than Li Fan.

In fact, Lane really hopes now that Li Fan can sell the copyright to Annie, but the way of credit that Annie proposed makes Lane unable to speak.

Just when everyone was thinking about each other, Li Fan said: "Singers and friends, thank you for your trust in my song. To whom will I sell the copyright of that song? I have made a decision now."

The hearts of the singers jumped, and their eyes showed anticipation. Although their bids were not as high as Diana's, it did not mean that they had no chance at all.

In case Li Fan thinks they are more suitable than Diana.

And Diana is very nervous, can she successfully win the copyright? It is now.

Anne, who was relatively calm, didn't hold out hope because she knew how ridiculous the way she presented it.

She fought, tried, and that was enough.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little tense, Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "I decided to sell the copyright to Miss Anne, the reason is as you think, because her hometown is Scarborough."


Everyone was greatly surprised. They didn't think that Li Fan accepted the credit method proposed by Annie just because Annie's hometown was Scarborough.

However, except for Diana, the others are not too disappointed, and it's fine if they don't win.

Only Diana was extremely disappointed, but he knew that Li Fan's decision could no longer be changed. She had only deep regrets and sighs.

This might be the best opportunity in her life, but it passed her by after all.

Annie was so surprised that she couldn't believe her ears, and after a while, she recovered from her excitement and excitement.

He said again and again: "Mr. Li Fan, thank you so much for your trust. Regarding that sum of money, I will definitely pay it off within five years."

However, Li Fan waved his hand and said, "No, I don't plan to take credit."


Everyone was stunned again, and Annie said eagerly, "But Mr. Li Fan, I can't come up with that much money."

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "No, you can take it out."

Annie became more and more anxious and said, "No... Mr. Li Fan, I really..."

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "I didn't say I would sell it to you for 310,000 lan."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned again, wasn't it 310,000 lan? How much is that?

Annie asked nervously, "What's the price Mr. Li Fan said?"

Li Fan stretched out his right hand and compared the word "1".

100,000 Rand? Everyone thought so, and Annie was about to say that she couldn't come up with 100,000 Rand now.

But he heard Li Fan say, "1 Lan pound."


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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