Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1351 Detective Novel Festival

Netizens are talking a lot, and the heads of various record entertainment companies are also talking about it.

Someone laughed, "Hundreds of thousands or one million rand was not sold, but only one rand was sold in the end. That guy's head is short-circuited."

Someone sneered, "In my opinion, that guy is just trying to make a name for himself. I heard that Annie is very beautiful. Who knows if they have any deals in private?"

Someone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "No matter what the reason was, he only sold for 1 lan, but one thing is certain, that song must not be as exaggerated as what is said on the Internet, now I am relieved."

Not only one person is relieved, but almost all the people in the record entertainment company are relieved.

That song is not as exaggerated as what is said on the Internet, which means that they have not missed anything. It is just an ordinary good song. For a record entertainment company, it is not worth mentioning at all.

The people from the record entertainment company are relieved, as are the first-, second-, and third-tier star singers.

They can finally be sure now that the song is just an ordinary good song, so it doesn't matter.

Many singers are still glad that they didn't go today.

Otherwise, if you go there, it's not worth it, whether it's a trip for nothing, or spending a dozen or two hundred thousand rand for an ordinary good song.

Only those singers who were in the concert hall last night had infinite regrets and sighs in their hearts, envy and jealousy of the singer named Annie.

They knew that Annie's life would be different right now, and it was simply a blessing from a previous life.


Li Fan didn't go online to read all the rumors from the outside world. He, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying went back to Jared's house, picked up the little girl and Lucy, and after dinner, went to some more. place to play.

Playing is naturally very happy, especially the little girl and Lucy, who never stopped chatting along the way.

When it was past 10 pm, a few people went back to the hotel to rest. Tomorrow will be the detective festival jointly organized by the four major publishing houses of Lan Guo, and Li Fan needs to attend.

Detectives are one of the most popular types in Lan Guo, and there are many detective fans. For tomorrow's Detective Festival, all the detectives are naturally looking forward to it.

On the Internet, everyone is excited to talk about it.

"I've been looking forward to it for so long, and it's finally here. I wonder which famous detectives will be there tomorrow?"

"Mr. Triss has confirmed his attendance. I heard that Mr. Triss will announce his new book on the spot tomorrow. I am really looking forward to it."

"Yes, it's not just Mr. Triss. I heard that there will be several writers attending tomorrow, and they will announce their new books on the spot. For us, tomorrow will definitely be a good day."

"It's a pity that I'm not in Langdun City, and I can't go to the scene tomorrow. It's a pity."

"My friend, it doesn't matter. I will go to the scene tomorrow. If there is any news, I will tell everyone on the Internet as soon as possible."

"That's great, my friend, and you'll have a hard time tomorrow."



Silent all night, the next day, January 20.

In the early morning, the little girl still went to school with Lucy, while Li Fan and the three daughters rushed to the scene of today's detective festival with Jared.

The scene was in Russell Square, not far from the city center. When Li Fan and his party arrived, it was 8:30 in the morning.

At this time, the scene has not yet officially opened, but there are already a lot of people around, sitting or standing in twos and threes, or whispering, or laughing loudly.

It seems that they should be all detective fans who came to the festival.

Li Fan laughed and said, "It looks like there will be a lot of people today."

Jared also smiled and said: "Yes, you must know the current detective, but it is very popular. We will go in first, and at nine o'clock, we will officially open to fans."

Li Fan nodded, and several people entered the venue.

just walked in,

Aihuaduo greeted him with a big laugh, and beside Aihuaduo, there were two middle-aged men who were also full of smiles.

Aihuaduo said, "Mr. Li Fan, three beautiful young ladies, good morning!"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Good morning, Mr. Aihuado."

Aihuaduo said again: "Mr. Li Fan, please allow me to introduce two friends to you first. After they knew that you were coming over today, they could not wait to see you."

No need to guess, the two friends Aihuaduo said were the other two middle-aged men.

The identities of the two, as Li Fan guessed, were Mason, the head of Laura Publishing House, and Dylan, the head of Langcheng Publishing House.

Mason and Dylan greeted Li Fan very happily, and they were also looking forward to cooperating with Li Fan.

Li Fan said that if there is a chance, he is naturally willing to cooperate with the two publishing houses.

Afterwards, Li Fan asked Jared, Evado, Mason, and Dylan to do their own work. He didn't need to accompany him. He and the three daughters could just walk around and have a look.

After the four Jared said their apologies, they said goodbye and left. As the organizers of today, the four of them will indeed have many things to deal with.

After the four left, Li Fan and the three daughters were very interested and began to visit the various arrangements of the scene.

At present, the scene has not been opened to detective fans. In the entire huge scene, there are only staff members who are still doing the final preparations.

At the very center of the scene, there was a temporary stage. The stage was square and about ten meters long. On the ground in front of the stage, there was also a long red carpet.

I think it's for the detective's house attending today, or when the guests enter the venue.

It's just that Li Fan doesn't plan to walk the red carpet. He is a low-key person. How can a low-key person go to the red carpet?

Around the stage, there are some arrangements related to the "detective" element, as well as the active game area.

Li Fan and the three daughters walked and watched, quite interested.

Qin Yulin said, "I wonder if the old scientist named Alves will come over today?"

Su Qing said: "I don't know, but I'm afraid there are a lot of people today. Even if he comes, we may not be able to see him."

Li Fan smiled and said, "As long as he comes, I should be able to see him."

Tang Ying said: "It should be able to see that he is an old man in his seventies who is still very conspicuous in the crowd."

This is indeed true, Su Qing and Qin Yulin both nodded their heads.

They didn't know that Li Fan didn't mean that the old man stood out in the crowd, but that he had a little spell to help.

Anyone and anything, as long as they are within the perception range of the little mantra, will definitely be discovered by the little mantra.

Half an hour passed quickly, and at nine o'clock in the morning, the event site was officially opened to detective fans.

Countless detectives poured into the event scene with anticipation and excitement.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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