Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1352 The old man's detective brain

Detective novel fans began to enter the scene, and the quiet scene instantly became noisy.

However, this is also the atmosphere that the scene should have. After the detective novels entered the scene, they mainly concentrated near the stage.

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying also fell into the crowd.

The three girls also began to pay attention to the crowd, wanting to see if the old man was coming?

Li Fan didn't pay attention, because he knew that the old man hadn't come yet.

About ten minutes later, Xiao Zhu's voice sounded in Li Fan's mind, "Master, the old man has already arrived, and is now preparing to enter the scene from the east entrance.

"It's really coming." Li Fan nodded secretly, and Li Fan sincerely admired the old man.

Afterwards, Li Fan calmly said to the three girls, "Let's go over there and see."

The "over there" where Li Fankou was was naturally the east entrance, but he didn't tell the three girls that the old man was there now.

Naturally, the three women would not have any objections, so they followed behind Li Fan and went to the east entrance.

When approaching the entrance, Li Fan pretended to be surprised and said, "The old man is really here, look over there."

Following the direction of Li Fan's finger, the three girls saw the familiar old man, and they were also delighted. They also respected the old man very much.

Li Fan took the three daughters to the front of the old man and said with a slight smile, "Good morning, old man, I didn't expect us to meet again."

Although the old man was quite old, he had good ears and eyes, a strong body, and obviously a very good memory. He recognized the person in front of him at a glance. It was the young man from China who helped him the day before yesterday afternoon, and the three beautiful woman.

The old man smiled and said, "Young man, to be honest, it really surprised me to meet you here."

Li Fan said, "However, I'm not surprised to meet the old gentleman here, Mr. Alves."

"Oh?" The old man was a little surprised. Li Fan actually knew his name. He stared at Li Fan for a while, looking thoughtful.

Suddenly, the old man smiled heartily and said, "Young man, since you know my name, why are you here? I'm not surprised, Mr. Li Fan."

Li Fan laughed and said: "The old man's logical thinking and inference ability are really strong. If the old man writes detective novels, he will definitely be a very good detective novelist. However, the word 'Sir' also invites the old man Don't mention it again, in front of you, how can I dare to call you 'Sir'."

Obviously, Li Fan was not surprised by what the old man said.

However, the three girls, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, were confused. They couldn't understand why the old man guessed Li Fan's name after hearing Li Fan call out his name?

Qin Yulin asked curiously, "Old man, how did you know his name?"

The old man laughed and said: "It's not hard to guess, the young people know my name and appear here again. Then, my name is very likely, it was told to the young people by Jared of Nasander Publishing House, because four Among the directors of the big publishing house, only Jared knows my name, which means that the young man and Jared should be more familiar.

So, which young man in China would be familiar with Jared? It is easy to think of Li Fan, the author of the Harry Potter series, because the two have a cooperative relationship. Also, that Li Fan also has the identity of the author of detective novels, and that "The Devotion of Suspect X" is very popular in Lan Guo. In the end, coupled with the keen intuition of a detective, it was easy to guess his identity. "

After listening to the old man, the three women suddenly realized. After listening to the old man, it seems that it is not difficult to guess Li Fan's identity.

Of course, this is after the old man said the reason.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Old man, you have analyzed so much before.

That last point is what you want to express, right? "

What's the last point? A detective's keen intuition.

Thinking of this, the three girls couldn't help but smile a little, the old man is really a little "old urchin".

The old man smiled heartily and said, "The last point is naturally the most important, young man, how is it? Do I have the brains of a detective, old man?"

Li Fan looked at the old man. The old man was quite thin, but he was quite tall, over 180 cm. Although he was over seventy years old, he did not have a hunchback. Feeling very alert.

If the old man said that he used to be a detective, some people would really believe it.

So Li Fan said: "Looking at the appearance of the old man, he does have the mind of a detective. If I write a detective novel next time, the protagonist may be based on the appearance of the old man."

After listening to the old man, he said very happily: "As expected of the famous Mr. Li Fan, this vision is really good and accurate. When are you going to start writing the next detective novel?"

Li Fan said: "It depends on the situation, maybe tomorrow, maybe I don't know when?"

The old man said, "Maybe tomorrow? So, your next detective novel has already been conceived?"

Li Fandao: "I don't have this yet. I'm a genius writer. I just write a novel. Where do I need to think about it in advance?"

The old man said: "That's right, your detective brain should not be under mine."

Li Fan: "..."


One old and one young are bragging as they walk and say what they say is true.

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying followed behind and shook their heads helplessly.

However, seeing the old man's mental state is very good, the three daughters are quite relieved.


Time passed slowly. At ten o'clock in the morning, a host appeared on the stage, and a lot of media reporters had come, and all kinds of long guns and short guns were aimed at the red carpet.

Detective novel writers and guests present, walking on the red carpet on the stage is just the beginning, and a group of detective novel fans have already surrounded the stage and the red carpet.

Li Fan, his three daughters, and the elderly were also among the crowd watching.

The old man said, "Young man, don't you want to walk the red carpet?"

Li Fandao: "Old man, keeping a low profile has always been my criterion. It's obviously not suitable for me to be so flamboyant on the red carpet."

The old man nodded and said, "Well, yes, young people should keep a low profile."

Just as the two were talking, under the warm introduction of the host, the first guest had already stepped onto the red carpet, it was Angus, Chairman of the Languo Writers Association.

Angus walked gracefully and smiled. The cameras in the hands of the media reporters began to flicker non-stop, and the fans of detective novels also burst into cheers.

After Angus, the rest of the guests and writers took to the red carpet in turn.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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