Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1354 The thoughts of the writers

On the stage, the host suddenly felt a little pain in the ass, and the thing he was most worried about finally came.

In the previous temporary lounge, he heard conversations between several writers and knew that things would not be too harmonious.

In order to give the detective novel writers a precautionary shot, Ai Huaduo told the writers in advance that Li Fan would also come to the event today.

This incident made the writers feel a little unhappy, and they didn't want to see Li Fan.

The reason is related to Li Fan's work, "The Devotion of Suspect X".

"The Devotion of Suspect X" is very popular in Languo. In the August sales of detective works in Languo, it overtook the works of all detective novel writers in Languo and became the sales champion of that month.

The sales volume of a foreigner's work actually exceeds that of all the works of similar writers in his own country.

This naturally made Lan Guo's detective novel writers very unhappy and also very dissatisfied.

Especially famous detectives such as Triris, Droman, Jones, Frank, etc., because in the reports of various news media, they always say this:

"The Devotion of Suspect X by Hua Guo Li Fan, in the sales of detective novels in August, overwhelmed the works of famous Chinese detective novelists, such as Triris, Droman, Jones and others, and became the sales champion. "

Their names are always mentioned in such a disgraceful way, that they have always been very brooding.

Now, this "Detective Novel Festival" originally belonged to them and shared with their fans, but Li Fan's servant wants to come, isn't he here to block them.

Li Fan is now in Lan Guo, they do know.

After all, that song "Scarborough Fair" caused such a big storm on the Internet, it was difficult for them to know.

The point is, you write songs as long as you write them. No matter how hard you act in the music circle, no matter how snarky you are, it has nothing to do with us.

Now, what are you doing at our detective fiction festival?

The presence of Li Fan was quite unwelcome by the writers.

Before the event officially started, in the temporary lounge, a group of writers talked about Li Fan.

"You said that guy came here just to see, or did he have any purpose?"

"Then who knows? I hope he'll just come over and have a look. I don't want him to be here and make some shit."


All the writers just hope that Li Fan just came to take a look.

However, Tris, who had never spoken, suddenly said: "In my opinion, it is actually a good thing that Li Fan came here this time."

"A good thing?" The writers were stunned for a moment, and someone said, "Tris, why is it a good thing?"

Tris said: "In the sales of detective works in August this year, Li Fan's "The Devotion of Suspect X" overwhelmed all of our works to win the championship. This matter is undoubtedly the same for us. Sting in the throat, very uncomfortable.

And the only way for us to take out this thorn is to defeat Li Fan once and for all through a new work. However, that Li Fan is far away in China, and we have no chance of defeating him at all. But now, he is here. "

Speaking of which, the other writers all understood what Tris meant.

After thinking about it, as Tris said, Li Fan took the initiative to send it to the door this time, and asked them to take revenge.

Thinking about this section, the authors couldn't help but feel a little excited.

It's just that although their ideas are good, it's not easy to get things done.

Droman said: "Tris, how do you make sure that Li Fan will use a new work to compete with us? If he really just comes over and has no plans to publish a new book, there is nothing we can do. "

"It's naturally very possible that he didn't have a new book ready at all, and it's very likely, but it doesn't really matter," Triris said.

"Oh?" The rest of the writers were thoughtful,

Droman said, "Tris, you mean..."

Tris took over and said: "Yes, after the event officially starts later, we will find an opportunity to lead the topic directly to Li Fan, and then put a top hat on him, so that he can be seen in countless book fans. Under the watch, he had to announce in public that he was also about to release a new book.

As long as he says so, our goal will be achieved. Whether he is willing to compete with us or not, in the eyes of the outside media and book fans, there is a competition where he is better than ours. Of course, it doesn't matter if he refuses to say that he will release a new book, at least he will lose face and book fans will be more or less disappointed in him. In that case, we also make money. "

A group of writers secretly rejoiced after hearing this, and things were indeed easier to operate in this way.

However, there is still a problem. After hesitating for a while, a writer said: "Tris, in case, I said in case, in case Li Fan came here this time, he originally prepared a new work. Take this opportunity to promote his new work. In this way, if his new work this time presses all of us again, wouldn't we lift a rock and smash ourselves in the foot? After all, that Li Fan's strength is still very strong, which we have to admit. Of course, I think Triris, Droman, Jones are stronger than him, I'm just saying in case."

Tris smiled confidently, and said: "Nothing in case, I am very confident in this new work of mine, even if Li Fan shows the strength like "The Devotion of Suspect X", he is definitely not my opponent. Besides, I think that even if the guy has prepared a new work, the quality is definitely not as good as "The Devotion of Suspect X". You know, that guy has a big heart, he wants to do everything, and how much energy he has To prepare his new work?"

Hearing what Tris said, all the writers felt very reasonable, and all of them were immediately confident.

The host heard a dissonance from the conversations of the writers.

But now, Triss used the questions of media reporters to him, and finally successfully led the topic to Li Fan very naturally.

His goal has finally been achieved.

Now, the reporter is very cooperative and continues to ask, who is the writer that Tris said?

This is obviously in line with Tris's intention. Tris smiled lightly: "That writer is from China, the famous author, Mr. Li Fan, the author of "The Devotion of Suspect X"."

"Li Fan?" When Triris said this, the audience was shocked.

The name of Hua Guo Li Fan is definitely in the ears of all detective fans at the scene.

Not only because of "The Devotion of Suspect X", but also because of the song "Scarborough Fair" that has always been the hottest topic on the Internet since the night before yesterday.

Li Fan is actually on the scene now, this Nima is simply too unexpected, too pleasantly surprised.

And all the reporters were equally excited and excited. The happiness came so suddenly.

They just wanted to interview a few trees, but a forest came to them.

From yesterday to now, countless media wanted to interview Li Fan, but they couldn't find Li Fan.

But he never thought that he would meet Li Fan unexpectedly here.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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