Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1355 I have plans to write a new book

front of the stage.

Ai Huaduo had a headache when he heard Tris lead the topic to Li Fan. When he invited Li Fan the night before yesterday, he knew that these writers would not be too friendly to Li Fan.

Looking at it now, it really is.

Fortunately, he had already pointed it out to Li Fan in advance, otherwise he would not be able to face Li Fan now.

At the same time, he was also a little annoyed. Mr. Li Fan was a guest from afar, with a distinguished status and a strong writing ability. Can you writers be friendly, communicate and learn from others?

It is no wonder that there is an old saying in Huaguo called "literati compare favorably with each other", and it is more appropriate to apply to writers like you.

corner of the crowd.

Jared said a little embarrassedly: "Mr. Li Fan, you don't have to worry about them, they are jealous of your book selling well in Lan Guo."

Li Fan shook his head and smiled: "I don't care. Before I came, I guessed that there would be such a result. Moreover, this is not necessarily a bad thing."

Alves laughed and said, "I guess Tris wants to compete with you with the new book to get revenge for the sales in August. It's interesting and interesting."


at the stage.

A group of excited reporters continued to ask: "Mr. Triss, are you sure that Mr. Li Fan is there? Then, why didn't he walk the red carpet and stage?"

The reporter's questioning made Trice very satisfied, and continued to answer: "I am sure that Mr. Li Fan is at the scene. As for why Mr. Li Fan did not walk the red carpet with us? I don't know that, I guess he is not willing."

What this kid means, doesn't he mean that Li Fan looks down on them and doesn't want to walk the red carpet with them?

The reporters were also very satisfied with Tris's answer, and continued to ask, "Mr. Tris means that Mr. Li Fan is not willing to walk the red carpet with you, right?"

When the host listened to the reporter's question, he couldn't help but complain in his heart, "You reporters like to fan the flames. You have to make things up for things that didn't exist before."

Immediately, he said: "This reporter friend, Mr. Li Fan was indeed invited by Mr. Evado to come to the scene, but Mr. Li Fan came to the scene just to visit and experience our activities today. No need to walk the red carpet."

The reporters were a little disappointed by the host's answer, and then another reporter said: "Host, anyway, since Mr. Li Fan is here now, can we invite Mr. Li Fan? Our book fans at the scene must also hope very much. I can meet Mr. Li Fan."

When many book fans at the scene heard the reporter say this, they all cheered and booed very cooperatively.

Of course, they really wanted to meet Li Fan, that magical young man from China.

"This..." The host said with some embarrassment, "This naturally depends on Mr. Li Fan's own wishes."

At this time, a staff member quickly ran to the host's side, whispered a few words, and then ran away.

The host then said happily: "Dear reporters and book fans at the scene, the organizer just heard news that Mr. Li Fan agreed to meet you. Now, let us welcome Mr. Li Fan with warm applause. "

A group of reporters and book fans at the scene couldn't help but be overjoyed after hearing it, and applause and cheers broke out instantly.

Tries, Droman and other writers looked at each other and nodded secretly, finally getting the kid out.

It's just that this was also given in vain. The kid had a chance to pretend, and the writers were very depressed.

Amid the applause and cheers around, Li Fan walked through the crowd and onto the stage.

This way of appearing is a little different from what he thought at the beginning, but it doesn't matter, it's all appearances anyway, as long as the result is the same.

Li Fan's appearance on the stage naturally attracted everyone's attention, including the host and a group of detective novel writers.

They also saw Li Fan for the first time.

When the reporters saw Li Fan's appearance, they were particularly excited, and they scrambled to ask questions:

"Mr. Li Fan, may I ask what is the reason that your song "Scarborough Fair" only sold for 1 rand?"

"Mr. Li Fan, about the copyright of your song, you only sold it for 1 lan pound. Now there are various voices in the outside world. Some people say that you are trying to gain fame, some people say that you and the singer named Annie, and there are other things in private. transactions, etc. Please, do you have anything to say about your various views on the outside world?"

"Mr. Li Fan, your song..."

All the reporters' questions were related to Li Fan's "Scarborough Fair", not today's detective novels.

This made a group of writers frown. They managed to get Li Fan out, not for these reporters to ask these questions.

However, most of the book fans at the scene seemed very excited.

That incident has always been buzzing on the Internet. If they can hear anything valuable from Li Fan's mouth today, it will be enough for them to go online and pretend to be forced.

It's just that Li Fan didn't intend to give them a chance to pretend.

With a faint smile, Li Fan said, "Friends from the reporters, today's theme here is detective novels. Please also ask questions related to today's theme. Other questions are obviously not suitable for answering here."

Li Fan's answer disappointed the reporters and book fans at the scene, but the organizer, the host and the writers breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, the reporters tried to ask a few more questions. Li Fan did not answer the question about the song. The reporters had to give up regretfully.

I have to return the question to today's topic. Fortunately, there can also be a lot of topics on today's topic.

A reporter asked: "Mr. Li Fan, Mr. Triss said just now that if you also publish a new book, your new book will be more anticipated than his. Do you agree with Mr. Triss' statement?"

Li Fan smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter whether I agree or disagree with this question. Whose works are readers looking forward to more? Readers themselves have the most say, and I have no right to answer for them."

The reporters were a little disappointed when the answer was perfect. Another reporter continued to ask, "Then Mr. Li Fan, Mr. Triss will announce his new book today, and will you announce yours too?"

Li Fan replied: "I didn't originally plan to write a new book, but after I arrived at the scene today, I met an old friend who made me plan to write a new book."

Hearing what Li Fan said, the eyes of the reporters suddenly lit up, and all the book fans at the scene became very curious instantly.

Triris and other writers looked at each other, frowning slightly, Li Fan's answer was different from all the answers they imagined, and they didn't like this feeling.

Aihuduo, Mason, and Dylan were all excited. Mr. Li Fan is going to publish a new book? This is definitely very good news.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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