Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1374 Prepare to celebrate

Just one case has made book fans suddenly like and adore Sherlock Holmes.

And they know that there is another case, or a work called "Four Signatures".

Li Fan has written a total of two works this time. Although they are very impatient now and want to continue watching the next work, they are very eager to continue watching. The magical Sherlock Holmes continues to reason and solve the case, but they forcibly resisted the urge to continue watching. .

Because, there is one more important thing that they need to do immediately, and that is to tell all detective fans in the country, what kind of work is Li Fan's new work "The Detective Sherlock Holmes"?

They know that very few people who have watched or are watching "Sherlock Holmes", most detective fans, have not bought this work.

They only bought "The Bloody Setting Sun" by Tris, and certainly only watched "The Bloody Setting Sun".

The quality of "Blood Setting Sun" should also be considered wonderful, but it is definitely not as good as "Sherlock Holmes", and it is definitely not as attractive as Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

If other detective fans don't know Mr. Holmes by now, it's definitely a pity.

So, they forced themselves to put the book down and came to the Internet.

And the situation on the Internet is similar to what they expected, almost all the voices are about Tris and his new work "The Bloody Setting Sun".

"It's great! Mr. Trice's new work is really great. After reading it in one breath, I still feel very unsatisfied."

"Mr. Tris is worthy of being the number one detective novelist in our country. This "Blood Setting Sun" is really well written, and the reasoning part is really great."

"The protagonist Thiago is very charming, especially in the process of his reasoning, I have completely fallen in love with Thiago."

"By the way, has anyone seen Mr. Li Fan's new work called Sherlock Holmes?"

"I don't know, I didn't read it anyway. When I went to the bookstore to buy books today, I almost didn't see anyone buying Sherlock Holmes. I think not many people have seen it, right?"

"You don't need to watch Sherlock Holmes to know that it's not good-looking, and why would anyone waste that time? You know, spending time watching a work that doesn't look good is definitely a torment."


Seeing that there are such voices all over the Internet and fans who have read "Sherlock Holmes", they sighed in their hearts, what a bunch of stupid guys!

Well, for the sake of everyone being a fan of detective novels, I would recommend Mr. Holmes to you.

"Do you know Mr. Holmes?"

"Sherlock Holmes? Isn't that the protagonist of Mr. Li Fan's new work? What do you mean by that? You call him 'Sir'."

"I remember that before Mr. Li Fan, he seemed to call him Mr. Sherlock Holmes, and he also said that he was his friend. He called the fictional character in the novel his friend. This is definitely too deep into the play. You should Didn't you watch "Sherlock Holmes"? Then, like Mr. Li Fan, too deep into the play?"

"Too deep into the play? Maybe, if I could meet Mr. Holmes on Baker Street, I'd rather be in the play with Mr. Holmes."

"Oh! God, what do you mean by that?"

"If you have also watched Mr. Li Fan's new work "The Detective Sherlock Holmes", you will understand what I mean."

"Oh! Wait, friend, you mean Sherlock Holmes is good?"

"It's not good-looking, but it's good to see that people can't tell the difference between the inside and the outside. Well, I'll stop here. I have to continue to find Mr. Holmes. You know, there is another case in the back, waiting for you. It would be wonderful to have Mr. Holmes settle it!"

"Hey, no, that friend, you have to speak clearly before leaving.


"Friend? Friend? Really gone?"

"It looks like he's really gone, what does he mean? "Sherlock Holmes" is very nice?"

"Could it be Mr. Li Fan's request? However, it seems unlikely."

"Of course it's impossible. What is Mr. Li Fan's identity? Do you need to ask for it? You guys, it's a pity that you missed a classic detective novel and didn't know it yourself. Of course, it's still too late for you to read it now."

"Alas! It's a pity to see you. Go buy a copy of Sherlock Holmes and get to know Mr. Holmes. Otherwise, it's a pity."


After the original detective fan, some similar voices appeared one after another.

Not much, but enough to make most detective fans dumbfounded.

What's the meaning? Missing a classic work of detective fiction? Wouldn't it be a pity not to know Sherlock Holmes?

Is Li Fan's "Sherlock Holmes" really good?

These questions appeared in the minds of a large number of detective fans. Then, some people still dismissed them, but some people hesitated.

Otherwise, go buy a copy and come back to see? Anyway, "The Bloody Setting Sun" has been finished, so let's take a look at "Sherlock Holmes".

If you can't read it, if you don't read it, you will lose some money to buy books at most.

In this way, in the afternoon, the number of people buying "Sherlock Holmes" in major bookstores is quietly increasing.


"Tris, congratulations, your "Blood Setting Sun" is a big hit, and today's sales volume is afraid to exceed 200,000 copies. This is really enviable."

In a communication group of detective novel writers in Languo, a group of detective novelists congratulated Tris.

According to the timely sales statistics they obtained from special channels, the sales volume of "Blood Setting Sun" today is likely to exceed 200,000 copies.

A lot of detective novel writers are very envious.

"How many copies of Li Fan's Sherlock Holmes have been sold?"

"According to the current data, it should be in the form of six or seven thousand copies, and it is possible to exceed ten thousand copies today."

"10,000 copies is not bad for an ordinary writer, but if it's Li Fan, it's a huge shame. Especially compared to Tris's 200,000 copies. The one stuck in his throat. The thorn is finally taken out. Comfortable!"

"Yeah! Shu Tan, I can't wait now. I'm going to watch the news tomorrow. I wonder how the media will report it? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Tris, you have to invite us to celebrate this matter."

"Of course, no problem, just tonight, I'll invite everyone to dinner."

"Tris, this is a good idea, then tonight, this matter should be celebrated."

"Then let's celebrate tonight."


A group of detective writers decided to celebrate tonight.

One is to celebrate the big sale of Tris' "Blood Sunset", and the other is to celebrate that they finally got rid of the thorn stuck in the throat.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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