221b Baker Street.

Alves sat on a rattan chair, holding a copy of Sherlock Holmes in his hand, looking at the portrait of Sherlock Holmes on the cover that was quite similar to him, just like looking at himself when he was young.

He has already read the two stories "A Study in Scarlet" and "Four Signatures".

At this time, although he was sitting quietly on the rattan chair, deep in his heart, it was burning hot like a flame.

The scorching flame made him feel as if he was a few decades younger, with endless energy and strength all over his body.

Of course, Alves knew that it was just an illusion in his heart.

But in the past few days, Alves really felt that he seemed to be much younger, and his already healthy body seemed to become more healthy.

Alves didn't know that this was actually because he took a cup and Li Fan gave him the spiritual spring of space, but his body became more healthy, which made him very excited.

Because he knows that his apartment at 221b Baker Street will continue to welcome many guests from now on.

The guests will be visiting, Mr. Holmes, the detective who lives here.

Of course there won't be Sherlock Holmes here, but there is Alves.

Moreover, the image of Sherlock Holmes depicted by Li Fan is based on his appearance, and the image illustration of Sherlock Holmes is seven or eight points similar to him.

At that time, he was Holmes.

Thinking of this, Alves is very excited and triumphant. He likes to read detective novels, and he has always been proud that he has a detective brain, which is no worse than the protagonists in those detective novels.

In this way, he will be more similar to that Li Fan's fictional, famous detective Holmes.

For this reason, Alves finds it very novel and interesting. He is an old urchin, and he is very much looking forward to the upcoming visitors!


Starting from the afternoon, the number of customers who came to buy "Sherlock Holmes" in major bookstores is slowly and quietly increasing.

a bookstore.

"Boss, do you still have Mr. Li Fan's "Sherlock Holmes" in your bookstore?" a tall and thin customer asked, his voice seemed a little anxious.

"Yes, it's on the new bookshelf over there." The boss replied.

"Is there no new bookshelf? Boss, is there any other place? Hurry up and give me a copy." The tall and thin customer said again, his voice seemed even more anxious.

"Is it on the new bookshelf?" The boss looked in the direction of the new bookshelf suspiciously, and was surprised to find that the place where "Sherlock Holmes" was originally placed is now empty, and it really doesn't exist anymore.

It seems that more than a dozen books have been sold out on the bookshelf, and the boss is quite happy. It seems that some people will buy it.

Afterwards, the boss asked a staff member to hurry to the warehouse, take out "Sherlock Holmes" and put it on the new bookshelf, and give a copy to the lanky customer by the way.

However, the staff replied that the 500 copies of Sherlock Holmes that arrived in the store today were all sold out.

"It's all sold out?" The boss was stunned for a moment, and then burst into joy.

He originally thought that 500 copies would take a long time to sell out, but he never thought that it would be sold out in less than a day.

Then, the boss was about to say sorry to the lanky customer just now.

But after hearing the tall and thin customer say "Damn", he turned around and walked out of the store in a hurry.

At this time, the boss felt that something was wrong.

"Sherlock Holmes", which was originally thought to be sold for a long time, has now been sold out, and the customer just now is anxious to buy "Sherlock Holmes".

Is that book very popular?

Just after the boss's thoughts were over, another glasses customer hurriedly walked through the door.

As soon as he entered the door, he asked eagerly, "Boss, Mr. Li Fan's "Sherlock Holmes\

,"Do you have any here? "

Another customer came to ask about the book, and the boss was even more sure of the idea just now.

It's just that the book has been sold out, and the boss can't help but regret it. I didn't buy more today, and now I can't make any money. It's really depressing.

"Sorry, it's all sold out." The boss said apologetically to the glasses customer who just came in.

When the glasses customer heard it, he said "Damn" in disappointment, then turned around and went out, also hurried away.

The two customers just now completely opened the door for customers to ask if there is a prelude to "Sherlock Holmes".

After that, customers came to ask one after another, if there is "Sherlock Holmes"?

After being told that they were all sold out, they all turned around and left in great disappointment.

Another customer came in to ask, and the boss couldn't help asking: "This friend, may I ask, is "Sherlock Holmes" very popular now?"

The customer replied: "Of course, I don't know when it started. There are more and more voices about Mr. Holmes on the Internet. They are all saying that it will be a great loss and regret if you don't know Mr. Holmes. That's why I'm so eager to buy. Well, boss, I'm leaving, I have to go to the next bookstore to see."

After finishing speaking, the customer also left in a hurry, and he had to continue rushing to the next bookstore. If he couldn't buy "Sherlock Holmes" today, it is estimated that it would be difficult for him to fall asleep at night.

"If you don't know Mr. Holmes, it will be a great loss and regret?" The boss was surprised and hurried to the Internet to see what happened.

Perhaps, he should go into a lot of Sherlock Holmes.


On the Internet, as the customer just said, there are more and more voices about Sherlock Holmes.

Those who had just opened the "Sherlock Holmes" with the mentality of trying it out, but after reading it, they were also deeply attracted to Holmes's personal charm and could not extricate themselves.

And especially after watching the second "Four Signatures".

If "A Study in Scarlet" is the first appearance of Sherlock Holmes, then "Four Signatures" will undoubtedly reveal Sherlock Holmes's personal charm.

In the previous life, "Four Signatures" was a great success once it was released.

It was the beginning of Sherlock Holmes becoming a household name.

Its influence is long and far-reaching, and it has won the love of readers of all levels.

Based on the appearances and details in life, the works use imagination and experience, and use every detail and impeccable logical reasoning to deduce one terrifying and amazing inference one by one.

In this work, the author Conan Doyle brings the enormous energy of human observation and logical reasoning to the extreme.

"Four Signatures" mainly says that on July 7, 1887, a young lady named Mary Morstein went to 221b Baker Street to visit Sherlock Holmes and wanted to seek help from Sherlock Holmes.

Mary told Holmes that her mother had died when she was very young, and that her father was a blue army officer stationed abroad.

She hadn't seen her father for many years.

Later, her father took leave to return to Languo, and on December 3, 1878, Mary received a telegram from her father saying that he had arrived at a hotel in Longton and asked Mary to come and see him.

However, when Mary arrived at the hotel that day and wanted to reunite her father and daughter, she was told by the hotel clerk that her father had left and never returned the day before her arrival.

After that, Mary tried her best to find her father.

And, since that day, until now, Mary has not received any news about his father.

Major Shulto, a veteran of Mary's father's regiment, lived in Longtown when Mary's father disappeared.

On April 28, 1882, four years after Mary's father disappeared, Schulto died.

After Schulteau's death, beginning on May 4, 1882, Mary received an expensive pearl on the same date every year.

On July 7, 1887, which is today, Mary received an anonymous letter from the writer inviting Mary to meet at a theatre this evening.

And that's why Mary came to visit Sherlock Holmes today for help. She wanted to ask Holmes and Watson to accompany her.

Because, this letter may be related to an expensive jewelry she receives every year.

Holmes and Watson agreed to Mary's request.

That night, after some twists and turns, Mary, Holmes, and Watson met the anonymous letter writer,

The anonymous letter was written by a man named Sedius, the son of Schulto, who had died four years earlier.

It turned out that when Shuerto returned to Langdun City, he brought back a large number of treasures, and Shuerto also lived a prosperous life with this treasure.

In this batch of treasures, some of them should belong to Morstan, that is, Mary's father.

Four years ago, Mary's father returned to Langdon City and stayed at the hotel. After notifying Mary to come to see him at the hotel, he went to Shuerto's house to get back the treasure that belonged to him.

However, Mary's father and Shuerto had a dispute over the distribution of their treasures, and a fierce quarrel occurred. During the quarrel, Mary's father suddenly died of a heart attack.

For some special reason, Shulto concealed the news of Mary's father's death.

It was not until four years ago, when Schulto died, that he told his two sons the truth of the matter, saying that he had a treasure, one of which should belong to Mary's father.

Let her two sons find Mary and give Mary the treasure that should belong to her father.

However, his two sons, Thaddeus and Bartholomew, did not find the treasure, only a string of pearl necklaces, which Schulto said before his death, to give to Mary.

In this way, Thaddeus took the pearls and prepared to send one pearl to Mary a year.

That's why Mary receives a pearl on the same day every year.

However, just one day ago, Bartholomew finally discovered the treasure that his father Schulto said.

Sedius said that he hoped to share part of the treasure with Mary to make up for the mistakes his father made in the past.

Besides, that was what Mary deserved.

Bartholomew was a little reluctant, but finally reluctantly agreed.

However, when Holmes, Watson, Mary and Thaddeus arrived at Bartholomew's residence, they found that Bartholomew had been murdered with a stinger and the treasure had disappeared.

Then, after a series of tedious and complicated reasoning and tracking, Holmes finally caught up and captured the murderer who poisoned Bartholomew and stole the treasure, Smao.

And then, Smao revealed the amazing secret about that batch of treasures.

Simao used to be a soldier of the Lan Kingdom stationed abroad. For a number of reasons, he and three other warriors killed a servant of a local king and stole the treasure he brought.

Simao and the three warriors hid the stolen treasure in a certain place, and were arrested and imprisoned for murder.

At the prison where the four were being held, Shulto and Marie's father was an officer stationed at the prison at the time.

Smoo made an agreement with the two that if the two could help the four escape, the four of them would be willing to share the treasure equally with the two.

In order to convince the two of him, Smao also told them the address of the treasure.

After discussing with Mary's father, Shuerto decided that Shuerto would go to the treasure location mentioned by Smao to check to see if there was really treasure?

However, after Shuerto went, he never went back. Instead, he took that batch of treasures by himself, returned to Langdun City, and lived a prosperous life.

At this point, all the truth is revealed.

When Shuerto returned to Langdun City, why did he bring back a lot of treasure?

Why did Mary's father go to Shuerto to share the treasure and other questions, all of which have been answered.

After trying to get out of prison, Smoo poisoned Shulto's son Bartholomew and stole the treasure.

Obviously for revenge, and to get back the treasure that should have belonged to him and the other three people.


As soon as the story of "Four Signatures" came out, a group of detective fans completely became fans of Sherlock Holmes.

The charm of Sherlock Holmes continues to spread on the Internet.

On the Internet, there are more and more sayings that as a detective novel lover, if you don't know Sherlock Holmes, it will be a very regrettable thing.

Those who had decided to refrain from watching Sherlock Holmes could no longer sit still.

They went to the bookstore one after another to buy a copy of Sherlock Holmes.

However, it was only at this time that they discovered that "Sherlock Holmes" was no longer available for purchase, and many bookstores had already sold out.

They had to run from bookstore to bookstore, hoping to buy a copy, which is what happened before.


When the time comes to night, the sales of "Sherlock Holmes" are increasing at an extremely fast rate.

20,000 copies, 50,000 copies, 100,000 copies, 200,000 copies...

Kesford Press.

It was time to get off work, but Aihuado was not in a hurry to leave. He was waiting for good news.

He knew it would come soon.

Sure enough, the assistant hurriedly knocked into his office and said excitedly: "Mr. Evado, according to incomplete statistics, the sales volume of Mr. Li Fan's Detective Sherlock Holmes has exceeded 200,000 copies so far. And it's increasing at a very fast rate."


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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