Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1376 The Thorn That Can't Be Removed

Kesford Press.

Hearing the assistant's words, Aihua Duo nodded in surprise.

He knew that Sherlock Holmes would be a big hit.

After that, the assistant said: "Mr. Aihuado, our first batch of first printing is 300,000 copies. According to the current trend, it is very likely that all of them will be sold out today. So, how many copies will be printed in the second batch?"

Ai Huaduo said: "One million copies."

"One million copies?" The assistant was a little surprised, and said, "Mr. Evado, will it be too much?"

Aihuaduo shook his head and said, "No, not only will it not, but it is not enough. Sherlock Holmes's influence will become bigger and bigger. Because his story is far from over."

The assistant was pleasantly surprised and said, "Mr. Evado means that Mr. Li Fan will continue to create the story of Sherlock Holmes?"

Aiguo nodded and smiled: "That's true, and there are quite a few."

Hearing Ai Huaduo's confirmation, the assistant was excited and excited.

First, because he is also a Sherlock Holmes fan, he naturally wants to see more stories about Sherlock Holmes.

Second, with the growing popularity of Sherlock Holmes, the sales of Sherlock Holmes are destined to increase.


Langdun City, in a private room of a hotel.

Tris, the first detective in the country, is entertaining the detectives for a drink and dinner.

To celebrate Triris' "Blood Sunset", the sales volume today is likely to exceed 200,000 copies, and they finally removed the thorn that Li Fan brought to them that was stuck in the throat.

"Tris, congratulations, congratulations, come, I'll give you a toast."

"Tris, this time we were able to get rid of that thorn, mainly thanks to you. At the scene that day, you used a trick to get Li Fan's servant to agree to release a new book on the same day as you, and it was also your "Blood Setting Sun" ", defeated Li Fan. Tris, I also toast to you."


Listening to the various compliments from the detective writers, Tris was very proud, but then he said modestly: "Actually, Li Fan's "Sherlock Holmes" this time is not a threat at all, today's sales volume However, it is only expected to break through 10,000 copies, even if you release a new book today, you can easily beat him."

"Tris, although you are right, we can indeed easily beat him, but our sales will definitely not reach 200,000 copies. The effect will be much worse."

"Yes, 10,000 copies and 200,000 copies, only this powerful comparison can make people feel more comfortable."


The compliments from the writers made Tris proud again, and then he pretended to be modest.

At this time, Trice's assistant walked into the private room and looked at the writers who were drinking and eating. He seemed to want to say something? But he didn't seem to know how to speak, and he seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Tris saw it and said, "Dace, what do you want to say?"

An assistant named Dais walked over to Tris and whispered a few words in a low voice.

Tris's expression changed, and he said anxiously, "Dais, are you sure? You can't make a mistake?"

Dais shook his head and said, "I'm very sorry, Mr. Triss, the news is indeed true, and there is nothing wrong."

Tris's face changed again, and he murmured in disbelief: "How is this possible? This is absolutely impossible!"

The rest of the writers were puzzled when they saw Tris like this. One of the writers asked, "Tris, what happened?"

Tris didn't answer, the look on his face seemed a little lost, came over for a moment, suddenly stood up and said, "Everyone, our celebration today is over here, there is something I have to confirm in person."

After that, Tris turned around and walked out of the private room door, looking very anxious.

The rest of the writers looked at each other in dismay, and one writer stopped Dais, who was about to go out, and asked, "Dais, what happened?"

Dais hesitated for a moment,

Afterwards, he said, "According to the information I just got, the sales of Li Fan's "Sherlock Holmes" has surpassed that of Tris's "The Bloody Setting Sun."

"How is this possible? Dess, are you sure you're not mistaken?" a writer said in shock.

The rest of the writers were also in disbelief.

How could Sherlock Holmes, which is expected to sell more than 10,000 copies, surpass the "Blood Sunset"?

Dais sighed lightly and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, the news can't be wrong. And... and, based on the current sales growth trend, the final sales of "Sherlock Holmes" today are likely to exceed "The Bloody Setting Sun" is a big part."

" is this possible?" The expressions of the writers changed drastically.

If it is true as Dais said, on the surface it was only Tris who lost to Li Fan, but in fact, it was Li Fan who won again, all the detective writers in the country.

The thorn stuck in their throats, not only can't be taken away, but it will get stuck deeper and deeper, which will only make them more uncomfortable.

What's even more terrifying is that this time, such a good opportunity, can't remove that thorn. If you want to remove it in the future, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult.

Unless their mentality can change, they will completely accept and acknowledge Li Fan's status in the detective world of Lan Guo.

That thorn may be able to get rid of it without taking it.

Just, is this really possible? In that case, where should they put their face?

All the writers suddenly turned pale, why would they continue to drink and eat?

They got up one after another, said goodbye, and left the private room.

They are still very unwilling and very unconvinced. They have to personally go through their own channels to understand the real-time sales situation.

However, no matter how lucky they were, the answers they got were the same.

As of 8 p.m., according to incomplete statistics, the sales of Sherlock Holmes has reached 290,000 copies.

The sales of "Blood Setting Sun" are also very high, reaching 180,000 copies.

However, this data, which could have made all the detective writers in Lan Guo ecstatic, seemed rather ironic at this time.

There is a difference of 110,000 copies between the two.

A group of detective writers sighed, and then struggled strongly in their hearts, do you want to buy a copy of Sherlock Holmes and come back to see it?

At this time, they have seen the voices about Sherlock Holmes on the Internet, and they can be considered to know the reason for the sudden increase in the sales of "Sherlock Holmes".

They were struggling intensely in their hearts, and the time was getting later and later. Finally, it was 12 o'clock in the evening, and the day on January 27 officially ended.

The real-time sales data shows that the sales of "Sherlock Holmes" are 300,000 copies, and "The Bloody Setting Sun" is still 180,000 copies.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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