Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1383 Goodbye Hong 7th Duke

Some people began to waver. They really couldn't let go of everything about "The Condor Heroes".

or? Buy another issue to see? Although Gu Yong's fellow is hateful, but after all, he is the first person in martial arts novels. If you don't read his works, who else should you read?

Watching another issue is to give that fellow a chance. If that fellow dares to scribble again, he will really resolutely never watch it again.

They found a reason to convince themselves to watch another issue, so they happily ran to buy "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" released today.

Therefore, after nine o'clock in the morning, the bosses of major newsstands and bookstores were a little surprised to find that more and more people came to buy the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

Although I don't understand why this happens? But all the bosses are very happy and excited.

Whatever the reason, as long as the magazine sells well.

More and more martial arts fans buy "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", and naturally there are more and more martial arts fans who have seen the latest two chapters of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Chapter 9 "A Hundred Strategies to Avoid the Enemy", and Chapter 10 "Young Heroes".

On the Internet, the discussion about the content of the latest two chapters is getting hotter and hotter.

Among them, the most exciting plot for martial arts fans is the plot of Yang Guo accidentally encountering the nine-fingered beggar Hong Qigong on the top of Huashan Mountain.

In the second half of Chapter 10 "Young Heroes", Yang Guo, for various reasons, came to the top of Mount Huashan, which was covered with heavy snow.

And on the top of Huashan, he accidentally met Hong Qigong.

Hong Qigong also invited Yang Guo to eat a very delicious centipede meal.

A lot of martial arts fans are excited, one is because this is Hong Qigong's first appearance in "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Second, in addition to meeting the western poison Ouyang Feng before, Yang Guo now met the northern beggar Hong Qigong. He also had an intersection with Hong Qigong and ate a delicious centipede meal from Hong Qigong.

You know, since Hong Qigong is willing to invite Yang Guo to a delicious dinner, it proves that he recognizes and is optimistic about Yang Guo.

First there was the western poison, and now there is the northern beggar, Yang Guo is the rhythm that he wants to develop completely.

How can all martial arts fans not be excited?

In addition, at this time, everyone finally knew the life trajectory of Hong Qigong after the last Huashan argument.

Hong Qigong passed the position of the leader of the Beggar Gang to Huang Rong, and then he wandered around the world alone, looking for the delicious food in the world.

In the area of ​​Lingnan, the atmosphere is warm and there are the most rare recipes, so Hong Qigong went to Lingnan.

There, poisonous snakes make soup, old cats are stewed in pots, spotted fish resemble mice, giant shrimps are called dragons, fat oysters are cooked with ginger, dragon lice are steamed with worms, fins are raw xisha, snails are called Dongfeng, roast piglets with crispy skin, and simmered civet cats. The flesh is red, Hong Qigong is like ascending to the fairyland, and he has endless joy. He has not returned to the Central Plains for more than ten years.

Hong Qigong tasted delicious food in the Lingnan area, which made all martial arts fans envious.

Dongxie, Xidu, Nandi, Beibei, who has the highest martial arts? It's hard to say, but if you want to say who has the most unrestrained life, it's definitely not the Northern Beggar Hong Qigong.

Of course, over the years, Hong Qigong didn't just focus on eating delicious food. He hated evil and hated it. Occasionally, when he encountered injustice, he secretly helped the poor and the poor, killed the evil and punished the traitor.

And with Hong Qigong's ability, he naturally comes and goes without a trace, so over the years, Hong Qigong has shot a lot of murderers, but no one in the world knows that Hong Qigong has shot.

Therefore, no one in the arena knows the whereabouts of Hong Qigong, which is also the reason why Guo Jing and Huang Rong have not been able to inquire about Hong Qigong's whereabouts over the years.

This time, Hong Qigong returned to the Central Plains from the north and came to the top of Mount Hua, following the Five Chou Riverside.

This year, the second of the five ugliness in Chuanbian killed innocent people indiscriminately in the Lingnan area, killing a lot of good people.

After Hong Qigong learned about it, he naturally wanted to get rid of him, but it was easy to kill him, and it was difficult to find the remaining four ugly people.

Therefore, Hong Qigong decided to follow him secretly, waiting for the five ugliness to gather, and then slaughtering them in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, this one followed Huashan for thousands of miles from south to north.

It was also so lucky that Yang Guocai was in the snow on the top of Mount Huashan,

He met Hong Qigong.

A group of martial arts fans sighed, it seems that they should be thankful, so what are the five ugly people in the riverside? If it wasn't for the five ugly people in the riverside, Hong Qigong would definitely not go to Huashan, and Yang Guo would never meet Hong Qigong. .

On the Internet, there is undoubtedly the most discussion about this episode.

"I've been waiting for so long, and finally I've been waiting for Hong Qigong to appear again. As expected of the Beibeg, this appearance is extraordinary."

"This kid Yang Guo is really going to post. Hong Qigong will definitely teach Yang Guo's martial arts. It's just that this kid hasn't found a little dragon girl yet, so he needs to criticize him."

"Hong Qigong met Yang Guo, and I don't know if he will teach Yang Guo the Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon? Probably not."

"Whether it will be or not, this work will undoubtedly become more and more exciting. It is indeed correct to choose to continue watching it."

"Yeah, fortunately I chose to continue watching, otherwise, I would miss Hong Qigong's reappearance."


The heated discussion on the Internet has made those who are still not ready to continue watching "The Condor Heroes" more and more itchy, and their hearts are more and more shaken.

Hong Qigong appeared again? Did you meet Yang Guo on the top of Mount Hua?

Isn't that kid Yang Guo looking for the little dragon girl? How did you get to the top of Mount Hua?

Could it be that the little dragon girl is also on the top of Mount Hua?

Also, how did Hong Qigong get to the top of Mount Hua?

These many questions really made them feel unbearable, and they wanted to know why those questions were.

Finally, another group of martial arts fans who had a firm attitude before, couldn't stand the temptation, and hurried to the nearby newsstand, planning to buy the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

No matter how much it is, just read this issue first, and at most the next issue will be decided not to watch it again.

They thought so in their hearts. As for the next issue, can they really avoid watching it? Then it is unknown.

Of course, although another group of martial arts fans couldn't stand the temptation and ran to the newsstand, there are still more martial arts fans who are still unmoved and can still resist the temptation.

It's just that although they said they were determined not to watch it, they did not buy the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

But their eyes were unblinking, staring at the various discussions about "The Condor Heroes" on the Internet, and they still looked very focused.

Why is this happening? The reason is obviously self-evident. In fact, they can't put it down at all, and they also want to know very much. What is there?

The stubborn ones plan to use this method to understand the content.

In this way, they don't need to continue watching "The Condor Heroes" to know the content.

It's a way to get the best of both worlds.

How long can they last? This is unknown.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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