Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1384 The sky of martial arts still needs Gu Yong to support

Sansheng Village.

The entrance to the village is very lively, with hundreds of dining tables neatly placed in the open space.

In one corner of the open space, a dozen or so temporary stoves were burning brightly. In a dozen large pots, steamed, boiled, or fried, all prepared for today's noon banquet. Food.

The chef team is making the final preparations for the opening table.

All the workers of the engineering team, all the employees of the farm, the tenants who rented out the small courtyard, and the villagers who were invited were sitting together chatting and laughing, and everyone was very interested.

Today is the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, and there is already a very strong Chinese New Year atmosphere. Today's banquet is undoubtedly a grand New Year's dinner.

That is to say, these hundreds of people will celebrate the New Year together today.

Hundreds of people celebrate the New Year together, such a lively "New Year" is enough to make anyone excited.

Everyone sat together in piles, talking about the sky, arranging the dragon gate array, and the laughter was always constant.

A group of bear children were even more excited. They ran up and down in the crowd, chasing and making trouble. From time to time, they took some snacks from the table and put them in their mouths, getting carried away with excitement.

Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Su Yilin, and Qin Lie were also in the crowd, sitting with some elderly people in the village, chatting and laughing, and they were also very interested.

The two old men, Su Yilin and Qin Lie, laughed very happily. They hadn't felt such a strong Chinese New Year atmosphere for a long time.

Li Fan, Su Qing and Qin Yulin were also in the crowd, and people would always come over to greet Li Fan and say "Happy New Year".

Li Fan also responded with a smile, saying "Happy New Year" to everyone.

As the time approached 12 noon, Fengzi and Taozi lit firecrackers with tens of thousands of firecrackers already prepared.

The red fire, the "crackling" explosion, and the thick blue smoke made today's already very lively atmosphere even more intense.

Su Qing and Qin Yulin covered their ears with their hands and looked at the direction in which the firecrackers were set off. They seemed a little cautious. Li Fan saw it, and the corners of his mouth curved into a faint smile.

The firecrackers were set off for a full five or six minutes before the end, and just after the end, a group of arrogant children shouted and wanted to run to the position where the firecrackers had just been set off, looking for the "captured" firecrackers that were not set off.

When the adults on the side saw it, they hurriedly stopped a group of bear children and "scolded" them.

The bear children giggled and dispersed.

After the firecrackers were set off, everyone chose their seats and sat down. Various delicious dishes were served one after another, and the dusty wines were also opened, and the banquet officially began.

For a while, Gongchou staggered, and voices such as "good wine", "good food", and "happy Chinese New Year" came from each of them.

It’s still the same old rules. Li Fan, his father, his third uncle, toast to the guests from table to table. Every time they arrive at a table, they are full of words of mutual blessing, and then they each drank the wine in their cups. .

After the toast was completed, Li Fan, his father, and the third uncle also chose a seat to sit down, and then chatted and drank with the guests at the table.

This feast was eaten from 12:00 noon until nearly 3:00 in the afternoon, and it ended slowly.

After eating and drinking, the guests continued to chat, laugh and chat, waiting for the evening banquet to start.


Time gradually came to night, the banquet continued to start, and the guests continued to stagger...

The owners of major newsstands and bookstores across the country have also begun to count today's sales.

Much to the delight of the bosses, the sales of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" today are much better than they expected.

From ten o'clock this morning, the number of people who came to buy "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" began to gradually increase, and after noon, it increased significantly.

From this point of view, many people who chose not to watch "The Return of the Condor Heroes" due to the incident of the last episode of Xiaolongnu have already chosen to return.

Although there are still more people who have not returned, the bosses saw the beginning and hope, and their hearts were full of joy.

And the rest of the martial arts writers,

This is also very obvious.

In fact, they are more concerned about the sales of this issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" than the bosses of major newsstands and bookstores.

They want to see how many readers of Gu Yong's "The Legend of Condor Heroes" can be left after such a serious Xiaolongnu incident?

This is very important to them.

From their point of view, they naturally hope that the remaining readers are as few as possible, which is undoubtedly very beneficial for them to release new books.

All day today, they were paying attention to the sales of "Xiaojianghu" magazines in major newsstands and bookstores, as well as the discussions of martial arts fans on the Internet.

The final result made them very regretful. They found helplessly that many martial arts fans have chosen to return.

Belongs to the circle of martial arts authors.

"Alas! Guyong is Guyong after all, the Xiaolongnu incident was so turbulent, and the reaction of book fans was so intense, but only a week later, many people chose to return. If things go on like this, it is estimated that In a few issues, all the fans will be returning."

"That's something that can't be helped. Who made him Gu Yong? Coupled with the wonderfulness of "The Condor Heroes" itself, it is indeed difficult for fans to resist the temptation to return."

"Actually, you don't need to pay too much attention to this matter. The Xiaolongnu incident was a surprise to us. The benefits we got through this incident were all unexpected gains. Don't be too greedy."

"It's true, and the readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" can return quickly, which is actually a good thing for us in the long run. It's the same sentence as before, Gu Yong propped up a sky of martial arts, Only if Guyong, the pillar of the sky, does not fall, we will have more opportunities. If the pillar of the sky falls, our chances seem to increase, but in fact it is reduced."

"That's true. I hope that Guyong can continue to support this piece of sky. Then, in the long run, I hope the readers of "The Return of the Condor Heroes" can return as soon as possible."


Taking into account the long-term issues, a group of martial arts authors began to hope that the readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" would return sooner.


Great martial arts magazine, the office of editor-in-chief Wang Yang.

Jian Yishen smiled bitterly and said, "Editor-in-chief, according to today's situation, the return time of readers of "The Return of the Condor Heroes" is probably much earlier than we expected."

Wang Yang sighed softly and said, "It's true that there will be a lot of mornings, but we still underestimate the allure of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" to book fans. Anyway, come back as soon as possible. After all, in the long run, The sky of martial arts still needs Gu Yong to support. Only when Gu Yong supports the sky of martial arts, other martial arts authors below can be more nourished."

After Jian Yishen heard this, he was a little unconvinced and wanted to refute, but he couldn't get out of his refutation, and in the end he could only sigh helplessly.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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