Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1392 The battle between justice and evil

With the discussion of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" by many martial arts fans on the Internet, a large number of readers who resolutely resisted "The Legend of Condor Heroes" couldn't stand the temptation and chose to return.

So far, about 80% of the readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" have returned, and the last 20% remain, and they are still stubbornly resisting.

Moreover, their resistance is constantly shrinking.

After learning the corresponding data, a group of martial arts writers mourned in their hearts. According to the current situation, by the next issue, the readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" will probably all return.

Of course, this is also a good thing in the long run.

After all, the sky of martial arts novels still needs Gu Yong's continued support. All martial arts writers can only comfort themselves in their hearts.

They can comfort themselves like this, but for the group of martial arts writers who are led by their fingertips, they can never comfort themselves like this.

At this time, they were burning with anger, and they were so angry that they beat their chests and feet. They thought that this time Gu Yong would completely plant a big one.

But I never thought that those unsatisfactory martial arts fans would run back so easily so quickly.

In the group that belongs to them, everyone seems to be very angry.

"Damn it, damn it! It's really unwilling to let Gu Yong restore his original energy like this."

"Those martial arts fans are also boneheads. When they resisted, they were filled with righteous indignation and resolute, saying that if Gu Yong did not change the plot, they would not continue to watch "The Legend of Condor Heroes". Now? They didn't even put a fart, they just ran back."

"Matt! One by one is too unscrupulous, what about resolutely resisting it? If you agree not to watch it again? You just insist on going back for a few months. That's fine. "The Companion" was also serialized. At that time, everyone would see that no readers chose to return until the serialization of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" was completed. In that case, Gu Yong's face would be lost, how cool would it be? ?"

"We shouldn't have counted on that group of stubborn readers, Gu Yong's fart, they all think it's fragrant, how can they be reliable?"

"Then what should we do now? If it goes on like this, by the time of the next issue, it is estimated that all those stubborn readers will run back."

"I do have an idea. It may work a little bit, at least slow it down. Those readers who haven't returned yet are returning quickly."

"What's your idea? Hurry up and say it."

"It's just pretending to be those readers who haven't returned, to scold and excite those readers who have chosen to return, saying that they are all boneheads and the like, and then, it should play some role on those real readers who didn't choose to return. It works. After all, everyone has a good face."

"Okay, that's it, Madan! They're a bunch of scumbags."


Therefore, on the Internet, among the voices discussing the latest content of "The Condor Heroes", some extremely discordant voices suddenly appeared.

"Madan! Didn't you say that Gu Yong would never return if he didn't change the plot? Why did you guys go back so easily now? Can you still be a little bit more prudent? Am I the only one left now? Are you holding on?"

"No, no, I'm still persevering, and I also believe that there must be many people like us, who are still persevering. We are not like those stubborn people, Gu Yong didn't say anything, just stubborn. ran back."

"Yes, there are still many people who are still persevering. They are determined not to be like those who have no morals. If they say they resist, they will always resist. Gu Yong will not revise and will not return."

"Yes, to be a human being, you must be disciplined, you must have a backbone, and you must not be a stubborn person. You can't fart like Guyong, it's all fragrant."

"Hey! I see, for those who ran back, Gu Yong's fart is really fragrant."


These suddenly appeared,

There were quite a few, extremely discordant voices, which made a group of martial arts fans dumbfounded.

What's up with this Nima? Why are there so many voices like this all of a sudden?

Then, some martial arts fans who reacted faster suddenly reacted and secretly said "not good".

They know that this must be the group of people who have always been there, who have been trying to blacken Guyong. After seeing the current trend of readers of "The Return of the Condor Heroes", they can't sit still.

Come out and pretend to be readers who haven't returned and make these statements in an attempt to influence the real readers who haven't returned to slow down their return.

It can even affect those readers who have chosen to return.

After trying to understand the conspiracy of that group of people, all the martial arts fans were also furious. They were really a group of dark and hateful guys!

How can we make you wish?

As a result, a contest between justice and evil once again set off a storm on the Internet.

"Everyone, don't be fooled, they are not the real readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", they are the group of guys who have been in the dark all the time. They pretend to be friends who have not returned, just to prevent everyone from continuing to return. "

"Yes, everyone, don't be fooled. It's impossible for real readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" to say such things. They are a group of shady guys pretending to be."

"Those friends who haven't returned, don't be influenced by them. If you are influenced by them, then you have been fooled by them."

"Yeah, everyone should know that there are always a group of guys hiding in the dark, always trying their best to make Hei Guyong big. They are that group of guys, don't be fooled."


Many martial arts fans stood up, but those guys obviously invited some sailors, and there were more and more dissonant voices.

"Humph! It's a joke, how could we be those guys? We are the real readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and we are readers with integrity and backbone. If you are willing to be stubborn, then you can choose Come back, I will never stop you."

"Friends, we are all readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and we used to love "The Legend of Condor Heroes", but this time, Gu Yong didn't take us seriously and write nonsense. It’s just a matter of revision. Seeing such a large-scale boycott, we didn’t say anything at all, which is completely disregarding us readers! Chilling, friends!”

"That's right, friends, it's not that we don't want to return, it's just that Guyong's fellow is too cold to our hearts."

"Gu Yong's guy is so cold to our hearts, but you still have to be a jerk. Baba just ran back like this. I really feel sorry for you."


The battle between justice and evil continues, and more and more martial arts fans have joined it, and it seems that more and more sailors are invited by those guys.

The two sides were evenly matched, and it was hard to tell the winner.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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