Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1393 guests from afar

On the Internet, the battle between justice and evil is inexorable, and the two sides have been deadlocked for a long time.

However, as more and more martial arts fans who came to hear the news joined the battlefield, the justice side gradually took the initiative.

After all, the number of martial arts fans far exceeded the number of sailors invited by those guys. After holding on for a while, the evil side quickly collapsed.

This storm finally ended with a victory for the martial arts fans.

However, although the martial arts fans have won a complete victory, the impact of those guys' remarks is unavoidable.

Those readers of The Condor Heroes who have not yet chosen to return have witnessed the entire process of this storm.

They also naturally knew that those guys who claimed to be readers of "The Condor Heroes" who resolutely chose not to return during this storm were actually those who had always existed, posing as shady guys.

However, those who pretended to be fake, but what they said was not necessarily unreasonable.

They were indeed filled with righteous indignation at the beginning, and their attitude was very firm.

Now that I think about it, time has not passed for too long, and the anger at that time is still clearly remembered, and the words at that time were indeed decisive.

Now just because of the wonderful story behind "The Legend of Condor Heroes", I can't resist the temptation, and I have the idea of ​​returning.

This really seems to be too unethical, and it is indeed the bones of those people. Although the words are not good, they are the truth.

So, do you still choose to return?

Those readers who have not yet returned have already thought of returning, and in the next issue, they should choose to return.

But now, affected by those remarks, the time for their return may be delayed later.

And those remarks affected not only the readers who have not yet chosen to return, but also some readers who have returned, especially those who have chosen to return today.

They just chose to come back today, and just finished reading the latest chapter of "The Condor Heroes", they were pointed at the nose and scolded for lack of discipline and stubbornness.

Although they clearly know the sinister intentions of those people, but this Nima is also a fact. Their choice to return today seems to be somewhat unscrupulous.

What did you say to firmly resist it?

As a result, they were also affected, and they were very depressed and uncomfortable.

Of course, if you feel uncomfortable and go back to your hometown, most people will not choose to boycott it again.

But after all, there are still a small number of people who chose to boycott again for their own integrity. No matter how wonderful the next story of "The Condor Heroes" is, they will not buy it again in the next issue.

As for the issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" that they had bought today, they originally planned to tear it up like the last time, but after hesitating for a while, they were finally reluctant to give up, sighed, and put the magazine in a corner, thinking that they would not read it in the future. Just open it.


Although the victory was finally won, the mood of the martial arts fans was not very happy.

They know that the remarks of those shady people will more or less affect those readers who have not returned.

The time when all readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" will return may have to be delayed later.

This made them very depressed, but there was nothing they could do. They could only curse in their hearts, that group of dark guys, everything was not going well, and there were many disasters.

The martial arts fans are cursing, and the group of dark guys are gloating at the misfortune and very excited.

Although they were completely defeated in this storm, their purpose has been achieved.

They believe that their remarks will definitely affect those readers who have not returned, or even those who have returned.

Their hearts are cool!

"Cool! It's cool! It's been a long time since I've been this cool, and now it's time for all the readers of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" to return,

It will definitely be delayed. Of course, never being able to return to nature is best. "

"This method really works. Although those guys won this time, they are definitely not happy. Although we lost, we are very happy. Comparing the two, I feel even better."

"Hey! Those who won were unhappy, but those who lost were happy. This is a miracle we created."

"I don't know if Guyong has seen everything just now. If he does, he will definitely be very angry."

"That guy decided to serialize in four chapters just to speed up the return of those readers, but now it has been completely destroyed by us. It's no wonder he's not in a hurry."


A group of guys are gloating and excited, as if those readers who have not returned will not return in the future, and they also seem to see Gu Yong's angry appearance at this moment.

However, it is very regrettable that Guyong did not see the storm that just happened on the Internet.

Even if he saw it, he would definitely just laugh it off.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan was hanging out in the village with several visiting guests.

These guests are quite special, they come from the distant country of Lan.

It was Jared, Ryan, Alves, Evado, and Cleo.

Before, when Li Fan was in Languo, he had invited them to visit Sansheng Village. They readily agreed and said that they would come during the traditional Chinese New Year.

And today, the fifth day of the new year, they came together.

Among the few people, Jared has come to the village for the third time, and he is already familiar with everything in the village.

Lane, Alves, Evado, and Cleo came to the village for the first time. They were very fresh and curious about everything in the village.

The group walked, chatting and laughing.

Ryan, chairman of the Languo Music Association, said with a smile: "Mr. Li Fan, the leader of Scarborough Township, and Miss Anne, after knowing that I am coming to Sansheng Village, asked me to say New Year's greetings to you and your family. A big pass."

Li Fan also smiled and said, "Mr. Ryan, please convey my gratitude to them, and take advantage of our traditional Spring Festival to wish them New Years."

Lane said: "Okay, I will convey it on behalf of Mr. Li Fan. Now, there are many tourists visiting the town of Scarborough every day, and there are even some tourists from other European countries. It was brought to Scarborough Town by Mr. Li Fan."

Although it has been a while, Ryan is still grateful to Li Fan every time he thinks of his hometown and the changes in Scarborough Town.

Li Fandao: "Mr. Ryan is too polite. It has been a while since the matter has passed. Mr. Ryan has already thanked him many times, so don't thank him any more. Otherwise, it will be too outlandish."

Ryan laughed and said, "Mr. Li Fan is right, then I won't thank you any more."


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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