Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1395 Protecting the village and the beasts come to pay New Year's greetings

Sansheng Village.

After Li Fan, Jared, and Ai Huaduo reached a new cooperation agreement, the group continued to hang out in the village.

Today is the fifth day of the Chinese New Year. There are many tourists in the village, which makes the whole village seem very lively.

The beauty of the village, even in the cold winter, is still very attractive.

Lane, Alves, Evado, and Cleo walked all the way, sighing repeatedly that they had already heard of the name of Huaguo Sansheng Village.

Coming here today, I only feel that it is more beautiful than the legend.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but they always feel that their bodies have become very relaxed and comfortable since they entered the village.

Every cell in the body seems to be breathing happily, and they have never felt so comfortable in their bodies as they are now.

For Li Fan to live in such an environment every day, several people are very envious.

Ryan sighed: "There is a saying in China, 'One side of the water and soil raises the other side', and Mr. Li Fan lives in such an environment, so it's no wonder that he is such a monster."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Mr. Ryan's saying 'one side's soil and water raises the other side' is true, but the reason why I have some achievements is not all from this side's soil and water, I'm born, there's no way. "

After hearing this, Ryan first laughed, and then shook his head with a few people and sighed. Li Fan's statement is indeed more accurate. Although this is a spiritual land, it is impossible for everyone who lives here to be able to do the same. Li Fan is like a monster.

Li Fan's evildoer is indeed born, they want to envy, but they can't envy.

After a while, Alves said again: "By the way, when it comes to Sansheng Village, it's not just Mr. Li Fan who is evil. When I was in Lan, I heard a lot of legends about this place. It is said that there are very large, very handsome and fierce guardian beasts here, I don't know if it is true or not?"

Hearing Alves say this, Ryan, Cleo, and Avado's eyes lit up at the same time, and they naturally heard such rumors.

Now that they have arrived at Sansheng Village, if the rumors are true, wouldn't they have a chance to see those legendary guardian beasts?

However, they did not expect much of it.

Because those are just rumors after all, and to be honest, they are very skeptical about its authenticity.

They didn't believe that there really were those rumored guardian beasts here.

Even if there is, it will certainly not be as exaggerated as rumored.

Li Fan didn't speak after hearing it, but Jared smiled and said, "Do you not believe that those legendary guardian beasts really exist?"

Alves laughed and said: "To be honest, there are indeed some doubts. After all, those rumors are too exaggerated."

Ryan, Cleo, and Evado also nodded at the same time.

Jared shook his head and said: "No, those rumors are not exaggerated at all. The real guardian beasts are even more shocking than the rumors."

"Oh?" Alves was suffocated, and Alves hurriedly said: "Jared, when you came here before, did you see those legendary guardian beasts?"

Jared nodded and said, "When I came for the second time, I was fortunate enough to see a sculpted divine beast named 'Xiaotian'. That strong sense of oppression was enough to make people suffocate. Thinking about it now, it still makes people palpitate. "

Hearing Jared's words, Alves, Ryan, Cleo, and Evado jumped in their hearts.

Could it be that the legendary guardian beast actually exists?

Alves couldn't wait to ask Li Fan, "Mr. Li Fan, does the legendary guardian beast really exist?"

Li Fan laughed and said, "My farm is indeed guarded by some special partners. The term 'protecting the farm's divine beast' is praised by tourists."

This time, the hearts of Alves, Ryan, Cleo, and Evado have already jumped from the rush just now.

It became the current frenzy.

The legendary guardian beast actually exists!

So, don't they really have a chance today to see those legendary guardian beasts?

Thinking of this, Alves and the others could no longer calm down, that was the legendary guardian beast!

Alves asked Li Fan eagerly: "Mr. Li Fan, I wonder if we will be lucky enough to see them today? If we don't see them, I think my mind will never be at peace."

Ryan, Cleo, and Evado also expressed the same meaning again and again.

Their hearts are extremely urgent, even more urgent than ever.

Seeing a few people so urgent, Li Fan smiled and then nodded.

Several people came from the distant country of Lan, and Li Fan had no reason to refuse.

Moreover, today is the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the weather is good, and there are many tourists in the village. Li Fan is thinking in his heart, should we let those guys show up?

By the way, I would like to say a New Year to everyone, as a special benefit for these tourists who came to play today.

Everyone chooses to come to the village to play during the Spring Festival, and the farm should also send some benefits to express gratitude.

After pondering for a moment in his heart, Li Fan nodded secretly and made up his mind.

At this time, a few people happened to walk to the edge of Luohe, and Luohe was Xuanba's territory.

That being the case, let Xuanba begin.

Li Fan said with a smile: "Since you are so eager to see my friends, there is one of my friends who happens to be in this falling river, so let's let them come out and say goodbye to everyone. "

In the river?

Listening to Li Fan's words, Alves' hearts were suddenly agitated, and Jared was also the same. No, it should be said that he and Alves were even more agitated.

Because, he had seen Xiaotian before and felt the extremely strong shock in his heart, but Alves and the others have no concept in their hearts, but they are not as excited as Jared.

Since it was in the river, several people immediately turned their eyes to the direction of the river.

The river is very wide, and there is still a thin layer of ice. Several people stared wide-eyed and dared not blink. They were afraid that if they blinked, they would miss some exciting pictures.

Seeing the expressions of these people, Li Fan smiled in his heart, and he communicated with Xuanba in his heart, and asked that guy to come out and greet everyone in a hurry.

At the bottom of the falling river, Xuan Ba ​​was lazily patrolling his territory, and now his body was much larger than before.

The length of the shell has exceeded four meters, and the four legs are long and sturdy, like four pillars of the sky.

The large and pointed head with an olecranon-like upper jaw makes it look ferocious and terrifying.

"Xuanba, hurry up and come out and give everyone a New Year's greeting." Li Fan's voice came from his mind, Xuanba was agitated, and then excitedly swam towards the direction where Li Fan was.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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