Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1396 Tourists gather

Sansheng Village, falling into the river.

Xuan Ba ​​was swiftly swimming towards Li Fan's direction.

On the shore, Jared and Alves stared at the river without blinking.

A section of the river in the distance, the originally calm water surface suddenly became surging, the waves piled up, and the waves kept churning.

The tumbling section of the waves is at least seven or eight meters in length, as if there is some giant underwater, which is swimming forward rapidly.

Jared and Alves jumped in their hearts. They knew that the guardian beast hidden at the bottom of the river had come.

Looking at this momentum, its size is indeed very large.

Several people were excited, excited, and looking forward to it.

At this time, exclamations came from all around, and the exclamations were obviously from other tourists.

There are a lot of tourists in the village today, and there are quite a few tourists on the side of the river where Li Fan and the others are.

Among them, some are regulars in the village, some are tourists who come only once in a while, some are farther away, and a few are tourists who are here for the first time today.

But whether it was a frequent visitor, an occasional visitor, or a first-time visitor, they all watched in astonishment at the sudden change in the river.

After the shock, they exclaimed, they didn't know what was under the turbulent water surface?

But they knew that there must be something unusual down there that was moving fast.

Otherwise, there would be no such momentum.

After exclaiming, the tourists all instinctively ran towards the direction away from Luohe, and their first reaction was to escape.

However, those tourists who often come to the village did not do anything, because they suddenly remembered a saying that has only recently become popular in the village, saying that there is actually a guardian beast in Luohe.

For this statement, everyone was skeptical before, not sure.

But now, looking at the constantly churning waves in the falling river not far away, their hearts suddenly moved.

It seems that that statement should be true.

Now the movement in Luohe should be the one who was stationed in Luohe, the beast that protects the village.

Could it be that the protector of the village is about to show up?

Thinking of this, the tourists who often come to the village all become very excited and excited, and they hurriedly shouted to the tourists around who seemed to be preparing to escape, "Don't be afraid, everyone, it's the guardian beast, I'm afraid it to show up."

"Guardian of the village?" Hearing these words, the tourists who were about to flee suddenly stopped.

Legend has it that Xianyuan Farm is secretly guarded by the guardian beasts, and every tourist knows it, including those who come to the village for the first time today.

They also know that the guardian beasts rarely show up, and it takes great luck and chance to see the guardian beasts in the farm.

Could it be that they have such great luck and opportunity today?

Thinking of this, all the tourists suddenly became excited and excited, and the fear that had just occurred in their hearts quickly disappeared.

Since it is a guardian beast, there is no need to be afraid.

Because, they know, those guardian beasts will only protect them, not hurt them, even though in the related legends, those guys are all very vicious.

All the tourists were excited, excited, and stared at the river with anticipation.

At this time, the river surface seemed to be calm again, and only the remnants of the waves that had just been lifted were still flapping on the water surface, making ripples in circles.

what's the situation? Why is there suddenly no movement?

Isn't it the guardian beast? Or is it that it doesn't show up?

All the tourists seemed very disappointed for a while.

But they didn't know that the reason why the river surface seemed to be calm again was because Xuan Ba ​​had already arrived, and in the waters in front of Li Fan, he was slowly emerging from under the water.

The next moment, the tourists who were already very disappointed,

He exclaimed again, his hands slammed on his mouth, his eyes were round, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

I only saw that on the originally empty river surface, a giant turtle-shaped behemoth gradually emerged from under the water surface.

Its shell is at least four meters long, and its four long and thick legs stand on the water, just like standing on the ground, and will not sink at all.

The long tail is very thick, and the back of the tail is covered with serrated ridges, which looks very scary and cautious.

Of course, the most terrifying thing was the huge and pointed head with an olecranon-like jaw, which made people tremble involuntarily, and a strong sense of oppression suddenly struck.

All the tourists suddenly felt like they were about to suffocate.

Although everyone knew that the guardian beasts would not hurt them, they were still instinctively afraid.

Of course, in addition to the instinctive fear, there are more uncontrollable surprises, excitement and excitement.

The legendary protector of the village has actually appeared.

They have such luck and chance today!

In the crowd, Alves, Jared, and Ryan were also very happy and excited.

This is the legendary protector of the village, they finally saw it, and it really is such a behemoth.

At this time, they finally knew that the real protector of the village is indeed more extraordinary than the rumors.

Only by standing in front of the guardian beast in person can you feel that kind of extremely strong fear and shock.

This kind of feeling cannot be described accurately in words, only one's own experience.

At this time, a tourist who often came to the village recognized Li Fan who was standing by the river, and suddenly came to a realization, thinking to himself, "I said how good luck today is, seeing the legendary guardian beast appearing, It turns out that it was Master Li Zhuang who was here."

Afterwards, he said excitedly towards Li Fan: "Master Li, so you are here. Did you summon this guardian beast?"

He didn't know what kind of quantifier should be used to describe the guardian beast. "This one", "this one" and "this one" seemed inappropriate, so he simply used "this one". Anyway, this is absolutely not wrong. .

When Li Fan heard a tourist calling him, he turned his head and nodded to the tourist who called him, and said with a smile, "Yes, it's the Spring Festival, let him come out to say a New Year to everyone."

The question from the tourist just now, and Li Fan's answer, were not small, and many tourists around heard them.

In my heart, I was even more pleasantly surprised. One was that Li Fan was also there, and the other was that the legendary protector of the village was going to pay New Year's greetings to them.

Surprisingly, they quickly spread the news that Li Fan was at the scene and that Huzhuang divine beast was going to pay them New Year's greetings.

Pass one by one.

Soon, tourists in a large area nearby heard the relevant news.

Excited tourists quickly gathered towards the area where Li Fan and others were located by the river.


Recommended reading: The new book "Yuan Zun" by the God of Silkworm Potatoes and the new work "The Great Way to the Sky"

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