Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1497 Missed a century of excitement

After Abbot Huiming finished speaking, he recited "Amitabha Buddha", then turned around and entered the temple gate and hurried away.

The prejudiced monk of the island country sighed, bowed to the position where Li Fan was standing before, and led his disciples down the mountain.

Jinshan Temple and his party, he lost all face, and the image of the eminent monk was destroyed, but in the end he seized the chance of a new life.

It was also because of this chance that he did not leave ashamed in advance, so he was fortunate to see the last verse of Li Fan's "Bodhi Has No Tree" and had an epiphany.

Fu Xi? Misfortune? It is necessary to see the future creation of the prejudice monk.

If he can really wake up completely, he may not have the opportunity to become a real eminent monk in the future.

The tourists at the scene saw that the big monk left, but they did not continue to ridicule, because it was no longer meaningful.

Gu Yuan and the crew have also left, the matter has been resolved, today's shooting plan will continue, and the crew will be busy again.

The onlookers gradually dispersed, and while they dispersed, they were also excitedly discussing what had just happened.

In front of the gate of Jinshan Temple, it gradually returned to its normal state, but what happened here before is destined to be spread on the Internet and in reality at an extremely fast speed.


"Heavy! Heavy! Mr. Li Fan mysteriously appeared in Jinshan Temple and wrote a new legend."

"An ancient monument engraved with Buddhist verses has been buried for thousands of years. A monk from an island country wanted to take the verses on the ancient monument as his own. Fortunately, Mr. Li Fan exposed his conspiracy on the spot."

"In front of the temple gate of Jinshan Temple, Mr. Li Fan showed his magic again, exposed the conspiracy of the monks of the island country, painted a picture of a stele hidden in the deep mountains, and wrote a verse for the ages!"

"Abbot Huiming of Jinshan Temple has an epiphany because of Mr. Li Fan's verses through the ages, and will build the 'Geez Giving Pavilion' where Mr. Li Fan wrote the verses to show his gratitude!"

"The "Legend of the White Snake" crew was rejected from the entrance of Jinshan Temple. The matter was very difficult. Mr. Li Fan showed up and solved it easily."


Titles like this, which are very tempting and intriguing, suddenly appeared on the Internet.

When countless netizens saw it, their eyes widened immediately, and their strong curiosity could not be suppressed, and the Internet instantly set off a high tide.

"Lying on the grass! Lying on the grass! What's the situation? What thousand-year-old monument? What island monk's conspiracy?"

"Wocao! When did Mr. Li Fan go to Jinshan Temple? What happened there? I feel like I missed a century of excitement!"

"The "Legend of the White Snake" crew was rejected from the temple gate, the stone monument buried for thousands of years, the conspiracy of the monk in the island country, the map of the monument hidden in the mountains, a verse through the ages, the epiphany of the abbot Huiming, each of which seems to have a very wonderful story, Now it's happening together. God! What did I miss?"

"What happened in Jinshan Temple? Friends who know it, hurry up and say it, don't be too appetizing."

"Yeah, please let me know, the flames of my curiosity have already burned to Jinshan Temple."


Countless netizens have begged their parents to tell their grandma on the Internet, and let those who know what happened in Jinshan Temple quickly tell the story. They can't wait to know.

When the tourists on the scene met, they immediately felt a great sense of satisfaction and superiority, and they felt very comfortable.

They like to watch those voices on the Internet, and they keep begging them to say things quickly, and they enjoy this sense of superiority very much.

After the netizens "clamored" impatiently for a while, there were only tourists on the scene, who slowly said on the Internet: "Don't worry everyone, I was there at the time, and I will come to tell you about the scene now. The situation is full of ups and downs, and it's exciting. This matter has to start from yesterday. It is said that yesterday the "Legend of the White Snake" crew was filming in the Jinshan Temple. At Jinshan Temple..."

In that way, the tourists began to talk about the prejudice when the great monk entered the temple yesterday, and slowly explained the ins and outs of the whole incident clearly.

Countless netizens watched him speak, as if they were watching a wonderful movie. They were hooked on the plot, and were very excited and excited!

After the tourist finished speaking, netizens also felt that they had finished watching a wonderful movie, and the atmosphere on the Internet was even more high.

"Grass the grass! Wonderful, really wonderful! Mr. Li Fan is still as handsome and coquettish."

"'Map of Tibetan Stele in the Deep Mountains', which was painted by Mr. Li Fan himself, plus the cause and effect of this incident, as well as the two ancient verses, the value of this picture is destined to be immeasurable, and Jinshan Temple really made a lot of money this time. sent."

"It's more than just making a lot of money. The 'Eternal Stone Monument', 'Hidden Monument in the Mountains', and 'Li Fan's Poems', this Nima is simply outrageous!"

"Since then, the legend about Mr. Li Fan has added another paragraph."



Countless people were discussing the legend that Li Fanxin left behind, but at this time Li Fan was walking slowly on a rather quaint street at the foot of the Golden Mountain.

Li Fan left the scene after he wrote the verse "Bodhi is no tree". He knew that the matter had been settled.

After Abbot Huiming read this verse, it was impossible not to lift the ban.

This verse was written by Huineng, the sixth patriarch of the previous life.

In a previous life, the Fifth Patriarch Hongren one day summoned all the disciples and invited them to each compose a verse based on their own heart. Ancestor."

Shenxiu wrote a stanza, saying, "The body is a bodhi tree, and the mind is like a bright mirror. Always wipe it diligently, and don't let it cause dust."

The Fifth Patriarch, Hongren, ordered his disciples to pay homage to incense sticks and recite this verse. But he personally told Shenxiu, "You have written this verse, but you have not seen your true nature. You have only gone outside the door, not entering the door. With such an opinion, you will never find the supreme Bodhi."

Huineng was illiterate, and after listening to someone read Shenxiu's verse, he also wrote a verse, which is exactly, "Bodhi has no trees, and a bright mirror is not a stage.

This shows that in Huineng's view, there is no insurmountable gap between "fools" and "wise men", "good men" and "bad men", and between them and "Buddha". in a moment.

This kind of "Ephemeral Theory" not only played a huge role in the evolution of Chinese Buddhism, but also had a significant impact on the later Chinese philosophical theories.

The verses written by Shenxiu prevented him from getting the inheritance of the Fifth Patriarch Hongren, so he went to the north to teach the Fa and established the Northern Sect.

And Huineng got the inheritance of the Fifth Patriarch Hongren, spread the Fa in the south, and established the Southern Sect.

Soon after, the northern sect of Shenxiu gradually declined, while the southern sect of Huineng achieved the orthodox status of Zen Buddhism and became the mainstream of Chinese Buddhism.

Therefore, Huineng became the sixth patriarch after the fifth patriarch Hongren.

Why "Six Patriarchs"? That is because from Bodhidharma to Huineng, a total of six generations have passed. Bodhidharma is the "first ancestor", and Huineng is naturally the "sixth ancestor".

Among them were the second patriarch Huike, the third patriarch Sengcan, the fourth patriarch Daoxin, and the fifth patriarch Hongren.

According to legend, after the sixth patriarch Huineng passed away, his body did not rot or deteriorate, and his real body has been preserved to this day, becoming the treasure of Nanhua Temple.

It may be just a legend that Huineng's body is neither rotten nor corrupted. However, after research and research by relevant experts, it has been confirmed that the treasure of Nanhua Temple, the real statue of Huineng, is indeed based on the body of the sixth patriarch, Huineng. , which is shaped by our country's unique folding method.

What is the clamp method? Interested friends can learn about it online.


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