Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1498 Surprised the Horse

At the foot of the Golden Mountain.

There is a rather quaint street here, one side is close to the mountain, the other side is close to the water, there are temples and pavilions on the street, which are intricately repeated.

Walking on the street, you can see the water on the right and the mountains on the left. The mountains are reflected in the water, and the sparkling waves are like ripples on the mirror surface, which makes people very relaxed and happy.

It is precisely: the two banks of the building are connected by water, and the Jiangnan and Jiangbei are mirrored in the sky.

The street was full of people and it was very lively. Li Fan walked along the street and heard what the tourists said in his ears, all of which happened in front of the Jinshan Temple not long ago.

After easily solving the "Legend of the White Snake" crew, Li Fan was also in a very good mood. Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, he felt extraordinarily beautiful.

As he was walking, Li Fan noticed a group of people surrounding him not far ahead. There should be entertainers in the crowd, and they were performing some kind of performance, and the crowd burst into cheers from time to time.

When he had nothing to do, Li Fan also got some interest, and slowly approached the crowd. It turned out to be a monkey juggler who was performing the art of monkey juggling.

This kind of performance is generally called "monkey opera" and is an ancient performance art whose origin can be traced back at least to the Tang Dynasty.

The monkey player is about forty years old. He is not tall and quite thin. A large monkey, under the guidance of the monkey player, makes various vivid movements, which attracts cheers from the onlookers.

After the performance for a while, the big monkey came to the crowd with a small porcelain pot and lifted the small porcelain pot over his head.

Its meaning, every onlooker naturally understands, some tourists turn around and leave, but most of them still donate their money, more or less put some money into the porcelain basin.

When the big monkey came to Li Fan with the small porcelain basin, Li Fan smiled and put a bill in the ceramic basin.

After walking around the crowd, the big monkey returned to the monkey man and put down the porcelain basin.

Then, the monkey juggler continued to perform.

After watching for a while, Li Fan left and continued to stroll on the street. The matter of Jinshan Temple was over, and I hoped that the search for actors would go smoothly.

Just, where should I look for? There is no exact place for Li Fan. Just wandering aimlessly.

In the late afternoon, Li Fan came to Jinshan Wharf and was about to leave by boat for Zhenjiang.

A ferry is parked on the pier,

Just as Li Fan was about to step on the ferry, he suddenly heard the sound of hooves coming towards the ferry.

Li Fan wondered, how could there be such a hurried sound of hooves?

There are horses on the ancient streets, Li Fan knows, and he has seen them before, but they are horses for tourists to ride for sightseeing. They will only walk slowly and leisurely under the lead of the owner. There is no such rapid hooves.

Li Fan was surprised and turned to look in the direction of the sound of the hooves.

And just when Li Fan turned around, there were bursts of exclamations.

"Quick! Get out of the way! There's a horse... a horse is coming!"

"Oh my god! The people in front are going away, the horse is going crazy."

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! The people in front of you get out of the way!"


Looking at Xunsheng, I saw a large brown horse with a tall head, galloping along the street. The crowd in front of them avoided the sound of hooves and exclamations.

Fortunately, it is already late, and the flow of people near the pier is not much, otherwise, I am afraid that some people have already been injured by horseshoes.

However, even if the flow of people is not large, the situation is very dangerous. Young people may be able to escape in time, but if they encounter the elderly or children, the consequences will be disastrous.

This frightened tall horse ran all the way, and the crowd did not suffer any major casualties. It was extremely lucky.

But if the horse continues to run, the next situation is impossible to predict.

"This frightened horse must be stopped." This is what everyone in the neighborhood knows at this moment.

But, knowing is knowing, how to make the horse stop? For a while, no one had an idea.

Go straight up and pull the horse's reins? This is a way, but who dares to go up?

Such a high-headed horse gallops wildly, and whoever goes up will be injured, and it will be seriously injured.

Therefore, in addition to loudly reminding the people in front of them to get out of the way, no one dared to go up to restrain the frightened horse.

Li Fan is about 1,000 meters away from Jingma. With his skills, he can naturally approach Jingma in a very short time and take action to stop Jingma.

It's just that Li Fan didn't take action, not because he was unwilling to take action, but because he saw a figure approaching Jingma at a speed far exceeding ordinary people, obviously intending to stop Jingma.

That figure Li Fan still knew was the monkey trickman he met in the morning.

Li Fan was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the monkey juggler had good skills.

Now that the monkey juggler took action, Li Fan stopped taking action, just stared at the monkey juggler and the frightening horse.

One is going to see how the monkey tricks are doing? Second, if there is an emergency, it is fortunate that they will be rescued as soon as possible.

The speed of the monkey juggler was very fast, and just as he was about to approach the frightening horse, others around him also saw him, and at the same time understood his intentions, and couldn't help exclaiming in unison.

They didn't expect that someone would dare to go up to subdue the horse. It's too dangerous. It's okay to be hit directly, but they are afraid that they will be in front of them after being hit, and they will be trampled by the horse's hoof. In that case, they won't die. Gotta go to Half-Life too.

However, the situation that everyone was worried about did not happen. After seeing the man approaching Jingma at a very fast speed, he reached out and grabbed the reins with his left hand, rubbed two steps under his feet with the Jingma, and then jumped up, unexpectedly directly. Riding on the back of a horse, the action is quite chic.

Everyone's eyes widened, surprised, and then there were bursts of applause and applause. No one would have thought that that person actually had such a skill.

The monkey juggler rode on the back of the horse, yanked the reins with both hands, and shouted loudly, "Yu~Yu~"

With people under control, the shocking horse's emotions were obviously stabilized, and after running forward for dozens of meters, it finally stopped slowly.

When the shocking horse's mood was completely stabilized, the monkey juggler jumped off the horse's back, and then patted the horse's neck lightly, and the horse regained its tameness again.

At this time, the surrounding crowd burst into applause and cheers, and they all praised the monkey man for his skill.

The monkey juggler waved his hands again and again, showing humility.

Li Fan also nodded secretly, the monkey juggler was obviously a trainer, and his skills were not low, so I was afraid that he was not an ordinary person.

After a while, the owner of the horse arrived out of breath. He took the monkey man's hand and thanked him constantly. He was very grateful.

He should really be grateful, if it wasn't for the monkey trick to restrain the frightened horse, it might have caused some unimaginable consequences.

At that time, he will definitely not get rid of the relationship.

The monkey man handed the horse's reins back to the horse's owner, and told the horse's owner to be very careful next time, and not to frighten the horse again.

The owner of the horse responded again and again, and expressed his gratitude again.

The monkey player waved his hand, reached out to greet his monkey, and left.


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