Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1510 Difficulty is not ordinary

After leaving the tea shop, Li Fan and Yan Huaili said goodbye to each other and left.

At night, Li Fan came to Qin Yulin's room again.

"Brother-in-law, how is it? Have you talked to him?" Qin Yulin asked.

Li Fan nodded and said, "I've talked about it, I invited him to play the role of Sha Monk."

Qin Yulin said happily: "That's great, his dream can finally come true. By the way, brother-in-law, are you going back?"

Li Fan said: "Well, there is nothing to do here for the time being. I plan to go back to the provincial capital tomorrow."

Qin Yulin pouted, "Okay."

Li Fan smiled and said again: "Take a good job, now your crew is over half of the overall filming progress, and it won't be long before all the filming will be finished. Then you can go back to the village."

Qin Yulin said: "Okay, I know, I will take good pictures."

Then, after delaying for a while, Li Fan left Qin Yulin's room.


The night was silent until the next morning.

Li Fan left Zhenjiang without any further delays and got on the plane back to the provincial capital.

This time I came to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the main purpose was to find a suitable Sun Wukong actor.

Now, the actor has been successfully found, which is shorter than Li Fan expected.

In addition, because I happened to meet at the West Lake in Tangzhou, in the audition of "Dream Singer" Tangzhou Station, I happened to meet the woman named Wang Na.

This gave Li Fan an idea. He wants to create for the world, those who, like Wang Na, dream of becoming a singer and have strength, but for one reason or another, they cannot rely on these talent shows to realize their dreams. A stage that can help them realize their dreams and express themselves.

A stage that is different from these face-seeing stages.

A stage that only listens to the sound and does not look at any other factors.

Look, height, age, occupation, background and other factors are all ignored.

There was such a stage in a previous life, a stage for a good voice.

The good voice stage of the previous life,

Is it absolutely fair and impartial, without a little bit of trickery? Li Fan is not sure.

However, he will use the template of the good voice in the previous life to create a real fair and just, without the slightest tricky, a good voice stage for this world, "The Voice of China"!

Just, how to create such a platform? Li Fan had to think about it carefully.


The journey was uneventful. After 4 pm, Li Fan walked out of the provincial airport.

Outside the airport, Li Fan was about to take a taxi to leave when he heard someone calling him, "Excuse me, is Mr. Li Fan in front?"

Li Fan turned around and saw that the person who was speaking was a man of about forty years old, dressed in formal clothes, and a little fat. He was very unfamiliar.

Although it looked strange, Li Fan still smiled politely and said, "I'm Li Fan, may I ask you, sir?"

The slightly fat man laughed and said, "It really is Mr. Li Fan. My name is Ye Chu. I am the director of Funan Satellite TV in Funan Province. I am very happy to meet Mr. Li Fan here."

At this time, a slightly fat man named Ye Chu approached, and the two shook hands very naturally, Li Fan said with a smile: "It turned out to be Director Ye, I have long admired the name of Director Ye, and I am very happy to see you today. ."

Li Fan's remarks are not a scene, he has indeed heard it a long time ago, the name of Ye Chu, the director of Funan Satellite TV, Ye Chu's reputation has always been good in the outside world.

Ye Chu seemed very happy to hear Li Fan say this, and said, "I see that Mr. Li Fan was about to take a taxi just now. I don't know where Mr. Li Fan is going?"

Li Fandao: "I am going to take a taxi. I am going to the city center."

Ye Chu laughed and said again: "It's a coincidence, I'm also going to the city center, I wonder if I can go with Mr. Li Fan?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Of course, I am honored."

Ye Chu said: "In that case, let me take a taxi."

Li Fan said: "Then I would be more respectful than obedient."

Afterwards, Ye Chu greeted a taxi, and the two got into the car together.

In the car, Ye Chu said: "Mr. Li Fan should have come back from Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas. What happened in front of the Jinshan Temple is really amazing!"

Li Fan said: "It's just some lace news, ashamed, ashamed!"

Ye Chu said: "Mr. Li Fan is too modest. What kind of lace news is this? This is obviously a good story that is destined to form an allusion."

Li Fan said modestly again, and then asked, "I don't know where Director Ye came back from?"

Ye Chu said: "Come back from the magic capital to participate in a cultural exchange meeting on a TV station."

"Oh?" Li Fan said, "You need Director Ye to attend in person. The standard of this exchange meeting should be very high, right?"

Ye Chu said: "The standard is not low, but it is not too high. Most of the other TV stations go to the deputy station director and the office director. The reason why I went there in person is because this exchange meeting is an entertainment talent show. The program is the main one, and this has always been a weak program on our station. I want to learn some experience myself. Second, I happened to go to the Magic City for a business trip because of another project, and the time and exchange meeting happened to be connected. "

"So that's the case." Li Fan nodded after hearing this, and said, "Director Ye is going to focus on supporting the entertainment talent show?"

Ye Chu nodded and said: "It is true, but it is very difficult. In fact, in recent years, Taili has been building an influential entertainment talent show. But because the entertainment talent show in Taiwan started late, etc. The reason is that it has not created an influential program. Now, the market for entertainment talent shows is getting bigger and bigger, the audience base is getting bigger and bigger, the major TV stations are getting more and more popular, and the competition is getting bigger and bigger. Influential entertainment talent shows are becoming more and more difficult. This is one of the reasons why I will attend the exchange in person."

When it comes to entertainment talent shows, the most successful, the most influential, and the most popular with audiences is undoubtedly the Magic Capital TV.

Among them, the music entertainment talent show "Dream Singer" is currently the most popular entertainment talent show. The new season has begun and is in the stage of audition at each station.

After Magic Capital TV, there is Hunan TV, and then Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV and Nanfang TV.

In addition to these four TVs, the entertainment talent shows launched by other TVs also have certain competitiveness.

It's just a pity that Funan Satellite TV's entertainment talent shows in the past all received mediocre responses without any disturbances, and some were even stillborn, but they were reluctantly stopped before they were officially broadcast.

There are many reasons for this, but Funan Satellite TV itself has little influence, which must be one of the important reasons.

In the country, there are dozens of satellite TVs besides CCTV.

Each David TV has an approximate ranking based on its comprehensive influence.

The number one is Magic Capital TV, followed by Hunan Satellite TV, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV, and Southern Satellite TV...

And Funan Satellite TV, unfortunately, has to be ranked out of the 20th place.

To put it another way, Funan Satellite TV can only be regarded as a second-rate satellite TV.

Ye Chu wants to create an influential entertainment talent show.

Its difficulty is not ordinary.


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