If Ye Chu's new program planning is attractive enough, the average ratings may be able to reach 4.0 or more.

But that's all, it's almost impossible to get too much higher than 4.0.

Ye Chu doesn't expect to be much higher than 4.0. As long as it can reach 4.0, Ye Chu is already extremely surprised and satisfied.

You must know that the average ratings of several similar programs in the past were only 0.8.

Looking at it this way, it would be a bit difficult for the new program to reach 4.0 or higher.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Li Fan. He smiled and said, "Speaking of music entertainment talent show, I have a project plan here. I wonder if Director Ye would be interested in listening to it?"

Hearing what Li Fan said, Ye Chu's eyes suddenly lit up, and his face was full of uncontrollable surprise.

Although Li Fan has never done an entertainment show before, Li Fan is an all-round genius, and his project planning is absolutely no trivial matter.

Ye Chu said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, Mr. Li Fan, I am interested, very interested, please inform Mr. Li Fan in detail."

Seeing Ye Chu's impatient expression, Li Fan smiled in his heart and said, "In essence, this show of mine is no different from these current music entertainment talent shows, but it is very different in form. .

First, the show doesn't need judges, but four mentors. Mentors have the responsibilities of judges and can comment on contestants, but the responsibilities of mentors go far beyond commenting on contestants.

Mentors need to choose the players they are satisfied with among all the contestants and form their own teams. With four mentors, there are four teams.

Each mentor is the teacher of his own team. We call the contestants selected by the mentors "students", and the mentors are responsible for training their own students.

Now, let's talk about the general flow of the show.

The first is the process of tutor selection of students, which I call "blind selection of tutors".

Why is it blind selection?

Because the instructor cannot see the students in the process of selecting the students.

At the time of the show, four tutor chairs will be prepared for the four tutors in front of the stage. There are buttons on the tutor chairs that can be turned.

When the players sing on stage,

The four mentors all had to face the stage with their backs to the stage, so they could not see the appearance of the contestants, did not know how tall, short, fat or thin the contestants were, whether they were male or female, and could only hear the voices of the contestants.

Voice is the only judge for the instructor to select students. If the instructor likes the voice of a certain student, he can press the button on the instructor's chair to turn around for the student, and the instructor's chair will turn from back to the stage to facing the stage.

As long as the mentor turns around, it shows that he is willing to recruit the players on the stage as his students. "

When it came to this, Li Fan deliberately paused, because he knew that Ye Chu would have questions to ask.

Sure enough, I only heard Ye Chu say: "There is a mentor who turns around, which means that the players on the stage can advance, but if the players finish singing a song, and there is no mentor to turn around?"

Li Fandao: "The contestant on the stage was naturally eliminated. However, after the contestant finished singing, the four instructors would turn around collectively to comment on the contestant's singing and interact."

Ye Chu nodded and said again: "If there are multiple mentors turning around for a player at the same time, which team should that player join?"

Li Fan said with a smile: "This situation should not be uncommon. At this time, the power has been reversed. Which mentor's team should I go to? It is up to the students to choose. Before the students make a choice, the mentors can canvass for themselves. , try to win the students as much as possible.”

Ye Chu's eyes brightened, he canvassed for himself, and tried his best to win over students. In other words, isn't that just because the tutors are fighting each other for students?

It's interesting, it's so interesting, it's definitely going to be very interesting.

The more Ye Chu thought about it, the more excited he became, and he quickly said, "Mr. Li Fan, please continue."

Li Fan smiled and continued: "We can set a number of tutors and students. For example, each tutor can choose 14 students. When he has selected 14 students, he can no longer select students. After all the contestants have sung on stage, there are still teachers who have not selected enough 14 students. Then, among the eliminated contestants, some contestants who are very popular from the audience can be selected for the second resurrection singing. Let the teachers who do not have enough selected continue to select students."

Ye Chu nodded as he listened, and when he heard this, he said, "Then Mr. Li Fan, if all the contestants have not finished singing, all four instructors have selected enough students, and the remaining contestants who have not sung How to do?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Then they will be eliminated naturally, which may be unfair, but the singing order of the players is determined by lottery, and luck is sometimes part of their strength. Of course, they can wait until the second season. time, continue to participate.”

Ye Chu nodded, as Li Fan said, luck is sometimes a part of strength.

Afterwards, Li Fan briefly explained the process of the competition in the later stages, including the team's knockout matches, the final semi-finals, and the finals.

During the whole process of Li Fan's narration, Ye Chu listened very carefully and seriously. After listening, he carefully recalled it in his mind.

While surprised, excited, and excited, he also discovered a problem and said: "Mr. Li Fan, if the instructor only selects students by voice, then most of the students selected will be unremarkable in appearance, or even in appearance. Some people are sorry for the audience, what should I do?"

"Oh?" Li Fan looked at Ye Chu and said with a smile, "Master Ye thinks there is any problem with this?"

Ye Chu nodded and said: "There are indeed some problems. Mr. Li Fan may not know much about it. For talent shows, the audience is very concerned about the appearance of the contestants. Men should be handsome and women should be beautiful. Of course, you don't need to be particularly handsome. , it doesn't need to be particularly beautiful, but at least it must be at the upper-middle level. If the players on the stage are actually unremarkable, this will undoubtedly seriously affect the performance of the show. Even if the form is new and there are more highlights, the audience will It may not buy it, and the ratings are really difficult to guarantee. In this way, it is actually against the rules of talent shows. "

Li Fan is not surprised that Ye Chu would say this, because this is indeed the truth.

In these talent shows now, the first thing is to look at the face, and the appearance is outstanding, so you have the "ticket", and you have the opportunity to show yourself and strive to stand out.

If you don't look good, then I'm sorry, you can't even get the "admission ticket", and there is no chance for you to show yourself.

This is the market law of entertainment talent shows.

You can complain about God's injustice, but the fact cannot be changed, you have to accept it.


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