Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1517 spread in the TV circle

Now that it has been determined that they will no longer cooperate, Li Fan also bid farewell.

Ye Chu personally sent Li Fan out of the TV station, and then returned to the previous conference room.

Ye Chu said: "It's really a pity that we didn't work with Mr. Li Fan this time, but it's over, and it's pointless to say more. Everyone continues to improve the program we planned before, and this time we must succeed. "

"Yes, Director." Everyone agreed in unison.

Afterwards, Liu Hai, the director of the office, said: "Director, you said that Mr. Li Fan did not cooperate with us successfully. Will he go to other TV stations to cooperate?"

Ye Chu pondered: "It's hard to say. When he told me about this show yesterday, he seemed to have a temporary intention. If it was a temporary intention, he should not go to other TV stations to cooperate. But he seems to attach great importance to it. This program, it is possible to find other TV stations to cooperate."

Wang Peng, director of the new program, said: "Even if he finds other TV stations to cooperate, other TV stations will not be able to cooperate with him unless he can agree to modify the program, but he is obviously determined not to modify it. He suddenly figured it out and agreed to the revision, and an investment of 100 million yuan is enough to scare off most TV stations."

One of the planners said, "It's true, it's a pity that such a good program idea, Mr. Li Fan is also quite stubborn, is it bad to change it? What about following the laws of the market? Not all entertainment talent shows are like this now. ."

Another planner said: "People are trying to restore the essence of music talent shows. The starting point is actually good, but some take it for granted. Entertainment shows are not charities."

Ye Chu said: "In short, everyone can pay more attention to the trend in this regard."

"Director, if you don't say it, we will pay attention. To be honest, I'm really curious if he will find another TV station to cooperate with? Is there any other TV station that will really cooperate with him?"

"Yes, I'm also curious, and I'll also pay attention. The TV station circle is so big that it can't hide any secrets."

Everyone said that they would pay attention. Anyway, the TV station's circle is so big. As long as Li Fan really has contact with other TV stations, they will definitely know.

Ye Chu nodded and said again: "Okay, let's continue to improve our new program, this time must be successful."


Li Fan walked out of Funan TV station, thinking in his heart, if the cooperation with Funan TV station failed, which TV station should he go to?

Or maybe he doesn't have to take the initiative to attack for the time being,

Waiting to see if any TV station will take the initiative to find him?

Li Fan knows that he currently has a music talent show called "The Voice of China", and the process of "The Voice of China". His cooperation with Funan Satellite TV has not been successful. The news of these three aspects, It will spread in the circle of TV station.

The TV station's circle is so large, and he did not deliberately ask the people of Funan Satellite TV to keep it secret. The news is certain to spread.

In this world, there are very strict copyright protection laws, and everyone is aware of copyright. The creativity and process of "The Voice of China" will not be pirated by TV stations. Li Fan does not need to worry about it at all.

After the news spreads in the TV station circle, if a TV station takes the initiative to throw an olive branch, it means that the TV station completely trusts him and has enough courage. Such a TV station is worthy of Li Fan's cooperation with it.

If no TV station takes the initiative to throw an olive branch, then make other plans at that time.

After making up his mind, there was nothing else to do for the time being, so Li Fan decided to go back to the village first.

So, I took a taxi and went directly to the provincial passenger station.


The TV station's circle is really not big, and everything is just as Li Fan thought. When he got on the bus back to Longshan Township, the relevant news had already spread in the TV station circle.

People in the TV circles were talking about it.

It is not surprising that Li Fan will suddenly plan a music talent show.

After all, Li Fan is the number one musician in China, no, he is now the number one musician in the world.

Moreover, he is a well-rounded genius. He would suddenly have a whim and plan a music talent show, which is really a very normal thing.

Everyone was also very surprised about the idea of ​​"The Voice of China". As expected of Li Fan, he was able to be so creative with a whim of planning.

However, what makes everyone feel very sorry and regrettable is that his shortcomings are also extremely obvious.

If this shortcoming can be corrected, the idea will be perfect, and any TV station will definitely be moved when watching it.

It's just a pity that Li Fan will not revise it. Funan Satellite TV has already worked hard for this, but the result is only in vain.

Everyone can fully understand this, it is Li Fan's idea, he can accept the modification, that's no wonder.

"The idea of ​​this show is really good, it's a pity, it's a pity!"

"Creativity is good, but it requires an investment of 100 million yuan, which scares individuals to death."

"The investment is okay, didn't Mr. Li Fan say that he can be responsible for pulling a title business. The TV station should only need to invest about 50 million. The key is that its shortcomings are too obvious, people dare not vote! After all, fifty million is not five hundred and fifty."

"Cut! If it's Five Hundred Fifty, there's nothing to do with you, Funan Satellite TV will definitely cooperate directly with Mr. Li Fan."

"But to be honest, Lao Liu, I think you can give some advice to the top management of your station, suggesting that they choose to cooperate with Mr. Li Fan. Isn't it a matter of 50 million? For your Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV, there should be no What's the problem?"

"It's not as easy as you said, and it's not like you don't know that it is more difficult for a big TV station to spend 50 million to invest in an entertainment program than for a small TV station. Money, but because the organization of the big TV station is too large, and there are too many interests involved. It is almost impossible for Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV to invest 50 million in "The Voice of China". Of course, if Mr. Li Fan is willing to invest that If the fatal flaw is corrected, then it will be another matter.”

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If Mr. Li Fan is willing to make changes, there will be many TV stations that want to cooperate with Mr. Li Fan."

"Then you said that in the current situation, will any TV station choose to cooperate with Mr. Li Fan?"

"Then who knows, this needs to be decided by the senior management of the TV station, and we have no right to speak."

"I do hope that our TV station can cooperate with Mr. Li Fan, but I estimate that the possibility of high-level agreement is almost zero."

"Wait and see. I estimate that the senior management of major TV stations will discuss this issue. Will any TV station choose to cooperate with Mr. Li Fan? It won't take long to know the answer."



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