As guessed by people in the TV circles, the high-level executives of various TV stations are indeed discussing Li Fan's "The Voice of China".

Magic Capital TV, director Wei Xiangyang personally presided over the meeting and said, "What do you think?"

Deputy Director Ma Zhedao: "As is being discussed in the TV circles, the idea is very good, but the shortcomings are also very obvious. If the investment is not large, it is possible to cooperate, but now it requires at least 50 million investment, it is not worth it at all. ."

Wang Kedao, Director of Operations Department: "I think even if the investment is not large, there is no need to cooperate at all. "The Voice of China" may have certain achievements, but it can never be compared with our "Dream Singer". Now "Dream" The new season of "Singer" has begun and is currently in the audition stage, and other similar programs from David TV have avoided its edge. We are already number one, and there is absolutely no need to cooperate with "The Voice of China"."

Liu Yang, director of the entertainment department, said: "But Li Fan has made a statement, saying that his "The Voice of China" will surpass our "Dream Singer" in ratings."

Wang Ke sneered and said, "I don't doubt Li Fan's ability, nor do I deny his genius, but he obviously doesn't understand the entertainment program market, and he is overconfident. The programs he planned are indeed full of creativity. But it is too ideal. If he can correct that shortcoming, there may be a possibility of surpassing our "Dream Singer". But it is obviously impossible for him to modify it. To surpass our "Dream Singer" is simply a nonsense. "

"Yes, I agree with President Wang. An entertainment program is not about creating a song. Even if he is Li Fan, he cannot take it for granted."

"The Voice of China wants to surpass our "Dream Singer" in ratings. This time, Li Fan is really overconfident."


Everyone agreed with Wang Ke's words, and Liu Yang also said: "Our "Dream Singer" is now the king of music talent shows. It is indeed not what Li Fan said that he can surpass."

After listening to everyone discussing for a while, Wei Xiangyang finally said: "It seems that everyone has the same view, and I agree with everyone's view that there is no need to cooperate with Li Fan on "The Voice of China". So, this issue ends here. "


Hunan Satellite TV.

Director Chu Pingsheng said: "At least 50 million must be invested. This is a huge amount of money. Do you think it's worth the risk?"

Lin Liangdao, Director of Operations Department: "I don't think it's worth it at all. The shortcomings of "The Voice of China" are too obvious.

The ratings are really hard to be optimistic. Moreover, now that the new season of "Dream Singer" on Magic Capital TV has begun, launching similar programs at this time is purely to automatically send people to their homes to be cannon fodder, which is too irrational. "

Yang Lindao, director of the planning department: "Although I don't want to admit it, it's a fact that the "Dream Singer" is the dominant family. Li Fan said that the ratings of "The Voice of China" will surpass that of "Dream Singer". . It should be because he doesn't understand the entertainment market, but we understand that it's not worth taking the risk."

"Yes, Li Fan is only in charge of planning, and he doesn't have any capital investment. Of course he doesn't care. But if we want to invest capital, we must at least 50 million, or even more. To be honest, I don't think he can pull it. With a sponsorship of 50 million yuan, if we can get 10,000 to 20 million yuan, it will be sky-high, and our investment will be even greater, and we can't let him get in the way."

"That's right, we can't blindly trust him just because he's Li Fan. We have more experience and more say in entertainment programs than him. We should trust our own judgment. This project is not at all. It's worth working with."


After hearing everyone talk for a while, Wei Xiangyang finally said: "Since everyone said so, and I agree with everyone, we are naturally very willing to cooperate with Li Fan, except this time."


Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV.

"Do you think it is necessary to cooperate?"

"It's completely unnecessary. The idea of ​​"The Voice of China" is good, but it will never have a good yield. Li Fan has absolutely no understanding of the entertainment program market, nor does he understand the tastes of the audience. Willing, take it for granted to plan the program. An entertainment program that does not meet the market is doomed to fail. Of course, I have to say that Li Fan is indeed a genius, and he can come up with such an idea, but it is a pity that it is out of the actual market. ."

"If the investment is not big, you can actually take a gamble, but now it's completely unnecessary."

"Cheng, since everyone has the same opinion, we decided not to cooperate. I don't know if there are other TV stations that would choose to cooperate with Li Fan?"

"It shouldn't be. After all, what we can see, other TV stations can also see."

"Even if any TV station, blinded by Li Fan's fame, chooses to cooperate with Li Fan, it will definitely suffer from unsatisfactory ratings in the end, and it will become a big joke in the TV station circle."



Southern TV.

"According to the news I just got, none of Magic Capital TV, Hunan TV, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV chose to cooperate with Li Fan. It seems that everyone has the same opinion."

"Everyone's opinions are the same, which further proves that "The Voice of China" does not have a market, and our decision not to cooperate with Li Fan is correct."

"Even our four TVs are unwilling to cooperate, and it is even more impossible for other TVs to choose to cooperate. I think Li Fan's show is going to be yellow, and he can't find a TV station that is willing to cooperate with him."

"As of now, Huang's chances are very high. Unless he can correct that fatal flaw, which is almost impossible."



All of the four TVs, without exception, chose not to cooperate with Li Fan, and while the four TVs were discussing each other, the top executives of the other TVs were also discussing this issue.

And they almost all made the same decision, that is, not to cooperate with Li Fan, and even the four major TVs did not dare to provoke them, and they did not dare to provoke them.


Funan TV.

The people in the conference room before were all paying attention to the views and attitudes of various David TVs towards "The Voice of China".

After seeing the choices made by various TV stations, the people from Funan TV were not surprised, it was as long as they expected.

"That's true. No TV station is willing to cooperate with him. I'm afraid that his "The Voice of China" is going to be yellow."

"Hey! I think it's Huang Ding, who made him so stubborn and refused to accept our proposal for revision."

"This is called refusal to accept the opinions of professionals, and in the end, the program that I was fortunately planned and worked so hard to plan became yellow."

"I was a little overjoyed when I thought that "The Voice of China" was going to be yellow, although I knew it was wrong."

"It's really not good, but I'm also a little bit happy. Hehe!"


Thinking that "The Voice of China" is about to become pornographic, everyone's hearts are more or less happy and gloating. Who made Li Fan refuse to accept their professional opinions?

All right now, is the show going to be yellow? Is your blood going to be wasted?

Unless Li Fan can modify the program according to their suggestions.

But now, under this circumstance, it is even more impossible for Li Fan to revise.

Because, if Li Fan revises the program planning because there is no TV station willing to cooperate with him, then he will have no face.

I would rather make the show yellow than modify it.

Therefore, "The Voice of China" is almost fixed.


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