Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1519 Choice

Almost all people in the TV circle think that Li Fan's "The Voice of China" is going to be pornographic, because no TV station is willing to cooperate with Li Fan.

But that doesn't seem to be the case, and one TV station has a different voice.

South Sichuan Satellite TV, the lowest-ranked satellite TV in the national satellite TV rankings.

If Funan Satellite TV is a second-rate satellite TV, Chuannan Satellite TV is a third-rate satellite TV, and it is still the last one among the third-rate satellite TV.

But in any case, South Sichuan Satellite TV is also a satellite TV, and the TV signal coverage is the same as other satellite TV.

The executives of South Sichuan Satellite TV are also discussing the feasibility of "The Voice of China".

Director Meng Tao said: "To be honest, I have the same opinion as other satellite TVs, and I also don't think the ratings of "The Voice of China" will be very good. But I think Li Fan is by no means a false person. Since he said If the audience rating can surpass that of "Dream Singer", it proves that he has absolute certainty. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to say such a thing publicly. Could it be that he sees the market of entertainment talent shows more accurately than us? Everyone said one thing Say what you think."

Deputy director Chen Wei said: "I agree with the director. Li Fan is definitely not someone who speaks falsely. His genius is far beyond our imagination. Maybe, he really has absolute certainty."

Hao Jianfeng, director of the entertainment department, said: "Li Fan said that this show will return to the essence of a music talent show. According to the current planning of "The Voice of China", it can indeed return to its essence. Perhaps, the audience will really like this show. file, returning to the essential music talent show."

Wang Luoyuan, director of the operation department, said: "This matter is not complicated, it is very simple, it is a question of whether we absolutely believe in Li Fan. If we absolutely believe in Li Fan, then cooperate with him, if not, then No cooperation. Of course, the premise is that Li Fan does not dislike our South Sichuan TV and is willing to cooperate with our South Sichuan TV. "

Director Meng Tao said: "Director Wang has come to the point. The question we are discussing today has a premise, that is, Li Fan does not dislike our southern Sichuan TV, which is a low-end TV. Under this premise, we are not absolute. I believe that Li Fan's problem, everyone will focus on this point of discussion, and should not draw conclusions lightly.

After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for South Sichuan TV to increase its influence. If you miss it, I'm afraid it won't happen again. And an investment of at least 50 million yuan is another super investment that can hurt our muscles and bones for us in South Sichuan Satellite TV, and we need to be cautious. "

Meng Tao's words made everyone in the conference room nod secretly. The matter is indeed that simple, but it is such a simple matter, and the conclusion needs to be cautious.

This is their South Sichuan TV,

An excellent opportunity to increase their influence, but an investment of at least 50 million is enough to make them hurt. If they fail, the consequences will be extremely serious.

After all, their South Sichuan Satellite TV belongs to the last TV station, which is inferior to those of the David TV.

This was a decision that was not easy to make, and everyone in the conference room had a heated discussion.

Some people think that Li Fan should be absolutely believed, and that he should invest at least 50 million in exchange for a chance to get a new life for South Sichuan Satellite TV.

Some people think that Li Fan is certainly worth believing, but at least 50 million investment is too risky, and this blockade should not be carried out.

The numbers of the two viewpoints are about the same, and the two sides disagree.

The director Meng Tao frowned slightly, and he was also weighing the benefits and losses very quickly in his heart, and the situation that the dispute could not end required him to make a final decision.

After weighing it for a while in his heart, Meng Tao finally made a decision, that is, choose to trust Li Fan absolutely, and they are willing to cooperate with Li Fan.

Of course, the premise is that Li Fan does not despise their Sichuan TV and is willing to cooperate with them.

Meng Tao said: "Okay, I have made a decision. We must absolutely believe in Li Fan. Director Chen, you and I will go to Sansheng Village to visit Li Fan, and we will leave immediately. We are in southern Sichuan Province and Funan. The provinces are adjacent to each other, it does not take too long for us to go to Sansheng Village, we will be able to arrive this afternoon.”

Listening to Meng Tao's decision, the people in the conference room stopped arguing. Some were happy, some were worried, but no one objected.

It's not that they don't want to object, but they know it's useless to object.

Deputy Director Chen Wei said, "Okay, Director, I'll go to Sansheng Village with you."


Li Fan didn't know the various discussions in the TV circle, and he wouldn't care if he knew it.

At noon, Li Fan's bus pulled into the Longshan Township Market Passenger Station.

After leaving for more than ten days, Li Fan finally returned to Longshan again.

It's 5 minutes past 12:00 noon, and there are still 5 minutes before the school closes. The time is just right.

When Li Fan walked to the school gate, he just heard the bell for the end of get out of class, and waited for Su Qing and the little girl to come out at the school gate.

A few minutes later, Su Qing took the little girl's hand and walked out of the school gate.

Seeing Li Fan, the little girl broke free from Su Qing's hand, ran to Li Fan's side, took Li Fan's hand and said, "Brother, you're back."

Li Fan smiled slightly, squeezed the little girl's cheek with the other hand, and said, "I haven't seen you for more than ten days, and the girl is getting more and more beautiful."

The little girl blocked Li Fan's hand and muttered angrily, "You come to pinch me again."

At this time, Su Qing also came over, Li Fan stretched out his hand to embrace Su Qing's waist, but was also blocked by Su Qing's hand, gave Li Fan a blank look, and said angrily, "This is the school gate, There are my students watching."

Li Fan felt a little helpless, and said, "You can see it when you see it. Your students are so old, they are not children anymore."

Su Qing's face was slightly red, and she rolled her eyes, "What are you talking about, don't teach the little girl badly, let's go, let's go to dinner."

Li Fan hehe said, "You don't understand what little girl right now. I heard that there are boys in your class who wrote love letters to her. Children these days are really precocious."

After hearing this, the little girl hummed proudly and said, "Of course there are, there's more than one, I don't even bother to care about them."

Su Qing was speechless for a while, glared at Li Fan fiercely, and said, "Let's go, let's go to dinner."

After finishing speaking, he dragged the little girl and walked away quickly, whispering something to the little girl while walking.

Li Fan laughed and followed.

The three went back to school after eating at a restaurant in the market.

As soon as they entered the school gate, the little girl ran away, while Li Fan and Su Qing returned to Su Qing's bedroom.

As soon as the door closed and the curtains were drawn, no one knew what the two of them were doing inside?

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the preparation bell for class rang, and Li Fan and Su Qing walked out of the dormitory together.

Su Qing went to the office to prepare for the afternoon class, while Li Fan left the school gate and walked towards the village.


Ask for a recommendation ticket! what! what!

There are more than 40,000 collections, but there are only a hundred or so recommended tickets every day, and the subscriptions are also pitiful. The heart of the countryside has always been refreshing!

I would also like to thank the friends who subscribed and voted for the countryside. When I think of you, the countryside feels very warm again.


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