Registration for "The Voice of China" has begun, and people in the TV circle are watching from the sidelines, preparing to sit and watch the final ratings of "The Voice", which will become a joke.

And when the registration starts at this time, it will obviously be influenced by "Dream Singer". Those contestants with outstanding looks and good voice will obviously go to "Dream Singer" to sign up first, and will not choose to sign up for "The Voice of China".

Only those contestants who were brushed down in the "Dream Singer" audition may consider signing up for "The Voice of China".

People in TV circles can see this, and they gloat.

The staff of the "Good Voice" program group of South Sichuan Satellite TV will go to all parts of the country to personally search for the players, which has also spread in the TV circle.

This seems to show that Li Fan is actually a little worried that there are not many people who sign up for "The Voice", or that the quality of the singing of the people who sign up is too poor. Just in case, he has to send people all over the country to find them in person.

Looking at all the talent shows, the staff of the show team personally went to all parts of the country to search for players, and only "The Voice" was the only one.

In the eyes of people in the TV circle, this is really a bit embarrassing, and people in the whole circle are talking about it.

"The registration for "The Voice" has started, and it seems that it is really going to be broadcast in the near future. However, "Dream Singer" is also being auditioned now. I guess it is really difficult for the "Voice" program group to choose the ideal. people."

"Yeah, I used to think that "The Voice" could select some good-looking players to some extent. After all, some good-looking people also have a good voice. But now they and "Dream Singer" are selected at the same time, For those with outstanding looks, the first choice is definitely "Dream Singer". I see their contestants on the stage of "The Voice", and now they really can only be ordinary-looking people. Alas! This is again Why bother? Can't you just stagger "Dream Singer"?"

"Hey! As we analyzed before, it is impossible for Li Fan to take back the words that "The Voice" will be broadcast at the same time as "Dream Singer". Now it's hard to get on it!"

"I guess Li Fan also knew that he was really in trouble this time, otherwise, he wouldn't have sent someone to look for the singer in person. If I didn't expect it to be bad, he should have sent someone to find someone who sings well and looks good. Good contestant. After all, as an ordinary contestant who is ready to participate, if he is personally invited by the "Voice" program crew, he will definitely be flattered. Those who originally planned to participate in "Dream Singer" will naturally participate instead. "The Voice". Although this trick is troublesome and somewhat shameless, I have to say that it is really useful."

"If this is the case, then Li Fan will be equally embarrassed, and even more serious. Because,

Li Fan now claims to only talk about voice, and nothing else. If when the show is broadcast, most of the contestants on the stage are people with outstanding looks, it will cause the audience to question even more, thinking that Li Fan has finally compromised, and it is all fake. is deceiving. That would make things worse. "

"So, no matter what, Li Fan's fight this time is set?"

"Of course, let's wait and see the show."


People in the TV circle are gloating and waiting to see Li Fan's good show. It's not that they have any grudges with Li Fan, but Li Fan's identity. If he gets into a fight this time, it will definitely be very lively. They like to watch it. Celebrities get in a fight.

Anyway, Li Fan didn't know that they were waiting for a good show in secret. If they were told to Li Fan openly that they would wait for a good show, no one would dare to say that, they would not dare, nor would they want to offend Li Fan.


Magic TV.

Wang Ke, director of the operation department, said: "The Voice has begun to sign up, and it seems that it is really determined to fight against us."

Liu Yangman, director of the entertainment department, smiled indifferently, and said, "He is biting the bullet. Didn't he already send people to look for players all over the country? This is exactly his guilty conscience. How can there be any show crew in person? Going to look for a player? He's going to the doctor in a hurry."

Deputy director Ma Ke said: "As someone in the circle has analyzed, no matter what kind of players they find this time, the result will be the same. If they are all ordinary looking, no one will see the ratings. Looking for some good-looking people, he was even suspected of deceiving the audience. Anyway, this time he is going to become the background of our Magic City TV's "Dream Singer"."

Wei Xiangyang, director of the station, said: "Despite the fact, we must not show the slightest gloating meaning. It's enough to make a fortune in silence, but we can't offend him because of this."

"Of course, Director, we naturally know that, we want to see his jokes in private, how dare we offend him publicly? He is not an ordinary star, if you really offend him, the trouble will be big. "


On the Internet, countless netizens are also discussing the start of registration for "The Voice".

"Haha! "The Voice" has also begun to sign up, this is really going to be against "Dream Singer". Go ahead, go ahead, the more intense the better."

"Is this going to be a battle for people? I think "The Voice" should not be able to compete with "Dream Singer"."

"It doesn't have to be a fight for people. After all, the positioning of the two programs for the contestants is not exactly the same. "The Voice" is only about the sound, as long as the sound is good."

"Since you need a good voice, then those contestants with good voice and good looks will definitely pass the audition for "Dream Singer". In this way, can I think that those who sign up for "The Voice", They all have good voices and ordinary looks, but they didn't pass the audition of "Dream Singer"? To put it in a bad way, they were all eliminated by "Dream Singer"?"

"This...Although not all of them are, but most of the people who signed up for "The Voice" really shouldn't be able to go further in "Dream Singer"."

"In this way, the two programs are looking forward to each other! One has a good voice and looks, and the other is just a good voice. The appeal of "The Voice" is inherently insufficient!"

"It looks like this on the surface, but I think it's better not to rush to conclusions. After all, "The Voice" is a program planned by Mr. Li Fan himself. Maybe there will be any surprises?"

"Just wait and see, anyway, the two programs are really on the line now, which is much more interesting than only "Dream Singer"."


Netizens have a lot of discussions. Most netizens believe that from the current situation, "The Voice" is at an inherent disadvantage.

Although everyone knows that "The Voice" has some highlights such as the selection of students by the tutors, what is the scene of the selection of students by the tutors? There is no concept in everyone's mind now.

Similarly, for other modes of "The Voice", everyone also has no concept. In everyone's subconscious, the "Voice" mode is still regarded as a popular mode for similar programs.

When comparing "The Voice" with "Dream Singer", the difference in the two program modes was not considered directly, and it was natural to think that "The Voice" was at an inherent disadvantage.


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