Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1532 singing outside the town

Regarding the registration of "The Voice", there is another important group that is also talking about it, that is, those who have passed the "Dream Singer" audition, and those who are preparing to participate in the "Dream Singer" audition. player.

For them, "The Voice" is a similar program to "Dream Singer", and it will be broadcast at the same time, which makes them somewhat worried that "The Voice" will steal part of the audience of "Dream Singer".

They are participating in a talent show, and naturally hope that the more audiences the better, so that they can show their faces in front of more people, even if the final results are not ideal, it is not that they have no chance of becoming famous.

So, the audience base is very important to them.

Now that "The Voice" is on the rise, they are naturally a little worried about coming to snatch their audience.

However, in general, everyone is still optimistic, and most people do not think that "The Voice" can take away many audiences.

It's just that for those who are going to participate in the audition for "Dream Singer" and are almost certain to pass the audition, they have one more hesitation.

They are thinking, should they give up participating in the audition for "Dream Singer" and sign up for "The Voice of China" instead?

After all, "The Voice of China" is a program planned by Li Fan himself. Although it is not favored by the outside world, its planner is Li Fan after all.

"The Voice has also started to sign up. Should I choose "Dream Singer" or "The Voice"?"

"In my opinion, it is actually a good choice. If you are confident in your appearance, then go to "Dream Singer". Although "The Voice" is a program planned by Mr. Li Fan, its positioning is doomed. The ratings will be far less than that of "Dream Singer". Therefore, the first choice is still "Dream Singer". If you look average, it is almost impossible to pass the audition of "Dream Singer", then you can only sign up for "The Voice" "."

"It seems to be the case. Judging from the various voices from the outside world, "The Voice" is indeed at an inherent disadvantage. Let's consider "Dream Singer" first."


This statement has been recognized by most people, who chose "Dream Singer" after hesitating for a while.

In their opinion, the mature stage of "Dream Singer" is far superior to the new stage "The Voice" in terms of all aspects.

But not everyone chose this way. For example, there was a woman named Xie Shiyu.

Xie Shiyu, 22 years old, not only sings well, her voice is highly recognizable, and she looks very beautiful. She had already signed up for the audition of "Dream Singer".

But now, she has decided not to participate in the audition for "Dream Singer", she is going to sign up for "The Voice of China".

Xie Shiyu's decision made everyone around her feel very incomprehensible.

"Xiaoyu, with your conditions, you can definitely easily pass the "Dream Singer" audition, and finally achieve good results. Why do you want to participate in "The Voice of China"?"

"That's right, Xiaoyu, look at the evaluation of "The Voice" on the Internet now, there are so many voices questioning, and even think that "The Voice" is at an inherent disadvantage. The final ratings are definitely far inferior to "Dream" "Singer", why do you have to?"

"Mr. Li Fan's original intention in planning "The Voice" must be excellent, to provide those ordinary-looking people with an opportunity to realize their dreams. For those ordinary-looking people, even the ratings of "The Voice" The rate is not high, but it is indeed an opportunity, and they have no other choice. But you are different, Xiaoyu, you are so beautiful, "Dream Singer" is your stage."

People around have persuaded Xie Shiyu not to go to "The Voice", but Xie Shiyu smiled slightly and said, "Maybe what you said is correct, but I still decided to go to "The Voice", and I don't know why I did this The decision may just be a feeling in the dark. So, don't persuade me any more, I will not change my decision. "

Seeing that Xie Shiyu's attitude was firm, the people around decided to change the front line to persuade Xie Shiyu's parents, hoping that Xie Shiyu's parents could make Xie Shiyu change his decision.

However, Xie Shiyu's parents said that they supported their daughter's decision and were unwilling to interfere with her daughter's decision.

The people around were helpless, and all sighed that Xie Shiyu had made a wrong decision.


South Sichuan TV.

Since the registration of "The Voice" began, the registration mailbox has received registration players from all over the country, sending them over to audition demos.

The members of the first group of the program group are strictly screening these audition samples, while the members of the second group of the program group have traveled to all parts of the country to actively search for the "good voice" that the program needs.

Li Fan also left South Sichuan Province and went to South China Province, which is further south of China.

Li Fan went to South China for no reason. He just chose a place at random. He is now in a small town in South China.

The town is not big, and the architectural style is quite antique. The tallest building is only five floors, and there are very few.

On the outskirts of the town, you can also see the broken walls of the ancient city walls, which are covered with moss and weeds, giving people a sense of desolation.

However, the whole town does not feel desolate, but rather lively.

Today should coincide with a small town fair, and villagers from all four villages and eight townships came from all directions and entered the town.

Some people carry baskets on their backs, others carry baskets on their backs, and some people walk slowly and leisurely with their hands behind their backs. There are fewer young people, but more children and people of a certain age.

People who carry baskets into the town usually have empty baskets. They are here to go to the market and to buy things.

And those who carry baskets into the town usually have things in them, mainly all kinds of vegetables and livestock, all of which are vegetables grown by themselves, and livestock that they raise, and they come to sell things.

There are some lucky people who have sold out the things they brought to be sold outside the town before entering the town, and then happily carried the empty baskets and left in the direction they came from.

Compared with the bustling metropolis, the small town has a different taste and taste. Li Fan likes such a small town, and he has a kind of intimacy in his heart.

In the memories of his childhood in his previous life, the Longshan Township Market looked like this every time there was a fair.

Li Fan walked slowly to a road outside the town. Some people entered the town and some went out. It was quite lively.

Not long after, a long singing voice caught Li Fan's attention.


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