Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1533 Invitation

The singing is full of energy and the voice is loud. It should be a local folk song, which Li Fan has never heard before.

However, after listening to a few sentences, Li Fan found that the lyrics were somewhat interesting.

Of course, it's not the lyrics that interest Li Fan, but the person who sings.

Looking in the direction from which the singing came, Li Fan quickly found the singer, a middle-aged man in his forties who was walking outside the town with a load of luggage.

The baskets were empty, and it seemed that they had sold out the goods in the baskets and were going home.

And it's still early, it's not even 9 a.m., and everything is sold out so early. This may be the reason why the middle-aged man is singing.

At this time, some people came late and had not yet walked into the town.

"Hey! Lao Guo, I heard you singing from a distance, and I knew that your business was good today. As expected, it was sold out so early." A black man who was also daring and approached the middle-aged man. said the thin man.

The black and thin man's load was full of vegetables. It could be seen that he also went to the town to sell vegetables.

It's just that he was obviously late, the middle-aged men have already sold out, and he has not yet reached the town.

The middle-aged man stopped singing, but laughed and said loudly: "Today's business is really good, I met two big customers, and they bought almost immediately, and the rest were sold out soon. Fifth, you It's a little late today!"

The black and thin man known as "Old Five" said, "Yeah, I was delayed by other things in the morning. I hope these things can be sold out today."

The middle-aged man said: "Okay, I hope your luck today is also good."

The black and thin man nodded and said, "Old Guo, I heard that your two voices are very good. You like to roar a few times when you have something or nothing. Now I heard that there is something called "The Voice of Huaguo". The program is signing up, Lao Guo, I think you can go and shout a few times, maybe you can even be on TV."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Fifth, I really like to sing a few lines, and I feel like I can sing well, but I'm just entertaining myself, how dare I sing on any show? Besides, those shows are all good. These are some good-looking young people, I am a farmer who grows crops, how can I have that qualification?"

The black and thin man said again: "Old Guo, you don't know this, this program is different from other programs, as long as you sing well, you don't watch anything else.

It doesn't matter what looks, age, etc. "

The middle-aged man said: "Five, who are you listening to? How could there be such a show? It's not like we haven't seen those singing shows on TV, you see those who sing on stage, Which one is not young and good-looking?"

The black and thin man said: "This is also true. I heard a few young people at the market yesterday. They said that as long as you sing well, you can go to any program. I think you like to sing. I noticed it, and I don't know if it's true or not?"

The middle-aged man said: "Then leave it alone, even if it's true, I don't dare to go, how dare I sing on any show? I said, fifth, go to the market quickly, it's getting late ."

The black and thin man said: "Okay! Then I'm leaving, I hope my business today is also good today."

The middle-aged man nodded, said goodbye to the black and thin man, and continued to walk forward, singing again after a few steps.

It seemed that he was in a really good mood today, or in other words, he seemed to really like singing.

Li Fan is very interested in the singing of middle-aged men. Although middle-aged men do not have any skills in singing, it is precisely because of this that he seems to be able to sing well.

Singing skills can be developed in a short period of time, but singing skills require talent and years of practice and accumulation.

Moreover, Li Fan can judge that the middle-aged man should have been exposed to some professional knowledge in singing.

Otherwise, if he sings only by his own hobbies, it is almost difficult to sing to his current level.

"It's interesting." After Li Fan said this in his heart, he quickened his pace and chased after the middle-aged man.

If possible, Li Fan is ready to bring it to the stage of "The Voice", the middle-aged man is exactly the "good voice" that "The Voice" needs most.

After catching up with the middle-aged man, Li Fan shouted, "Go to that fellow, can I disturb you?"

Li Fan imitated the accent of the middle-aged man talking to the black and thin man, which was very easy for him.

The middle-aged man speaks with a heavy accent, but when he sings, he has no accent at all.

The middle-aged man heard the voice coming from behind him, guessing that he was calling him, so he stopped and turned around, and saw a young man standing not far behind him, looking at him.

The middle-aged man said, "Young man, were you calling me just now?"

Li Fan approached and said with a smile: "Exactly, I just heard you sing and thought you sang very well, so I bothered you and wanted to say a few words to you. I wonder if it will delay you?"

The middle-aged man seemed very happy to hear a strange young man praise him for his good singing, and said, "It's still early, so there will be no delay. What? Young man, do you like to sing too?"

Li Fandao: "It can also be said that when I listen to my fellow singing, it seems that I have received professional knowledge of singing?"

The middle-aged man was slightly surprised and said: "It seems that the young man is also an expert in this field. I did learn to sing with an old singer for a while. That was more than 20 years ago, that There was an old singer who came to our village for a while for some reason. He saw that I liked singing, and he taught me for a while. Later, the old singer left and I never saw him again. He is. I asked his name at the time, but he didn't say it and didn't know if he was still alive?"

It turns out that Li Fan nodded secretly and said, "Since an old singer has taught you for a while, you should also have this opportunity. Do you know "The Voice of China"?"

"The Voice of China?" the middle-aged man said in surprise, "The show that the fifth man just mentioned seems to be called The Voice of China. It is said that the show only focuses on the sound, no matter what else, as long as the sound is good, you can sing. Well, I can be on that show, and I don't know if it's true or not?"

Li Fan said with a smile: "Of course it's true, in fact, I'm not a local, but a member of the "Voice of China" program team. I happened to be in Xinqiao Town today, and I happened to hear a fellow singing, so I wanted to invite The fellow went to participate in our program, I wonder if the fellow is willing?"

Hearing what Li Fan said, the middle-aged man was even more surprised. He looked at Li Fan carefully for a while and said, "Young man, you are not a local, but your accent..."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Don't look at me young, but I have traveled to many places, and I have been here for a while, and I have learned the accent here."

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "I see, by the way, you are a member of the "Voice of China" program. Did you invite me to your program just now? Can I really go to your program to sing?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Of course it's true, if the fellow is willing."

The middle-aged man thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Thank you, lad, I still won't go, there are so many audiences on the show, I dare not go up and sing."

After listening to this, Li Fan smiled, and without reluctance, handed the middle-aged man an invitation card and said, "Fellow, this is the invitation card of the "Good Voice" program group, you can take it. If you want to go, You can take it directly to the South Sichuan Satellite TV's "Good Voice" program group to report, the validity period is 10 days, starting from today."

The middle-aged man took the invitation card with both hands, looked at it carefully, and said, "Okay, young man, thank you, if I want to go, I will go."

Li Fan nodded and said: "Okay, then I will not delay the fellow, I hope to see the fellow on the stage of "The Voice"."

The middle-aged man said: "Okay, goodbye, then boy!"

"Okay, goodbye fellow!" Li Fan said.

The middle-aged man nodded, turned around, carried the basket, and continued to walk forward.

Not long after walking, the long singing voice came from the middle-aged man's mouth again.


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