Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1535 1 Everything is ready

People in the TV station circle feel incredible, and major companies across the country are even more incomprehensible. They really don't understand, how could Yisale Electric invest 50 million in "The Voice"?

Even if Yisell electrical appliances are rich, 50 million is definitely not a small amount, and it is not a loss that can be lost at will.

What's more important is that if all the money is lost in the end, the loss of 50 million is actually a small matter. The key is to lose face and lose face.

It is conceivable that the fact that 50 million was lost will definitely be passed on as a joke by major companies across the country, saying that the high-level vision of Yixing Electrical Appliances is too bad this time.

The consequences can be said to be serious, but Yisale Electrical Appliances has just been named, and major companies across the country have talked about it and have different attitudes.

Some are cold-eyed bystanders, some are sarcastic, some are envious...

Among them, most of them are cynics, because Yisale Electrical Appliances is a well-known large company in the country, and there are many companies that are usually envious and jealous of it.

Now, after finally waiting for Yisale Electric to make a stupid decision, they naturally have to seize the opportunity to sneer and sneer, while waiting for Yisale Electric to invest this time, and finally become a major enterprise in the country because of the loss of money, and even the outside world. joke.

For countless ordinary netizens, other than being surprised, they have no other ideas. It is also a good thing for them to have a company willing to be named.

Because of this, they can be fortunate enough to witness, what kind of show is the first talent show with an investment of 100 million yuan in history?

I have to say that because the amount of investment was exposed, netizens have more expectations for "The Voice of China".


For Li Fan and the "Voice" program team, the confirmation of the title business is just an episode in this week.

Now, a week has passed, and the second group of members of the program group who went to various parts of the country have returned to South Sichuan Satellite TV one after another, and they have more or less gained something.

Li Fan also returned to South Sichuan TV. The director Meng Tao heard that Li Fan was back, so he hurriedly left his work and hurried to meet him.

Seeing Li Fan, Meng Tao laughed and said, "Mr. Li Fan, it's hard work, hard work, it's really hard work for you."

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "The director is serious, and the rest of our program team are working harder."

Meng Tao said: "Of course the other staff have also worked hard.

The TV station is waiting for your program group to celebrate. "

Li Fan smiled and said: "In this case, the director can prepare in advance. If there is no accident, you can celebrate after the first episode of the show is broadcast."

Meng Tao laughed again, and said, "Okay, okay! We must celebrate when the time comes."

Then, after the two talked for a while, Meng Tao said goodbye and left.

Li Fan came to the "Voice of Good" program team, and after a few words of greetings with the program team members, he praised and affirmed everyone's work this week. All the program team members were very happy when they heard it.

Afterwards, director Wang Pingsheng said: "Mr. Li Fan, we have selected 126 contestants from the contestants who signed up, and we have notified them to audition live on the TV station tomorrow. In addition, as of now, they have been invited to the show with invitation cards in hand. There are 36 people in the group to report.”

"Oh?" Li Fan became interested, and said, "Director Wang, please show me the list of people who came to report with an invitation card."

Director Wang said with a smile: "I knew Mr. Li Fan would be interested and he was ready."

After speaking, he handed a list to Li Fan.

Li Fan took it, said "thank you", and then turned his attention to the list.

This week, he invited a total of nine people, who will come? He was also a little curious and expectant.

Soon, Li Fan saw a familiar name, Guo Sheng.

It was the middle-aged man that Li Fan invited outside the town. He finally came, and there was a faint smile on Li Fan's mouth.

Afterwards, Li Fan saw five familiar names one after another. Among the nine people he invited, six had already come.

And there are still three days before the deadline to report. I wonder if the remaining three will come?

There are thirty-six people on the list. Apart from the six invited by Li Fan, Li Fan also knows something about the other thirty people.

Because the other staff had all confirmed with Li Fan before issuing the invitation card.

Handing the list of personnel back to Wang Pingsheng, Li Fan said, "It's hard work, Director Wang, are they all arranged?"

The "they" in Li Fan's mouth was naturally the thirty-six invited contestants, and the program team was responsible for their accommodation.

Therefore, Li Fan has a question.

Wang Pingsheng said: "It's all arranged, Mr. Li Fan."

Li Fan nodded and said: "Our four mentors, each of whom needs to select enough 12 students, which is equivalent to a total of 48 contestants. We tentatively select five or six stages for the blind selection of mentors. Arrange 20 contestants to participate, a total of 100 or 120 contestants are required to participate, and 36 contestants have been confirmed now, and the remaining places will be determined in the audition of the registered contestants tomorrow. I hope the final confirmed places are different from the expected places Not much."

"Okay, Mr. Li Fan, we understand." The program staff said in unison.

Afterwards, the person in charge of the purchase of new equipment said excitedly: "Mr. Li Fan, our new equipment has been installed and cost a total of 12.5 million yuan. Good guy, it's all the top equipment in the world. In addition, four The mentor chair is also ready.”

Li Fan nodded and said: "Okay, hard work, let the relevant staff familiarize themselves with the new equipment as soon as possible. We are broadcasting live, and there must be no mistakes."

The man before replied: "Mr. Li Fan, please rest assured that there will be no mistakes."

Li Fan nodded, and then listened to others reporting on the week's work, and was satisfied after listening.

So far, all the preparatory work has been completed, just waiting for the results of the contestants' on-site audition to come out tomorrow.


Early the next morning, Li Fan went to the TV station. Today's contestants audition live, which is very important to the whole program.

Therefore, Li Fan needs to personally check.

When Li Fan arrived, the other members of the program team also arrived, and they greeted Li Fan, and Li Fan responded one by one.

Director Wang Pingsheng said: "Mr. Li Fan, there are more than 100 audition contestants, we have arranged for them to come to the scene at different times. Our audition starts at 8:30, and now the first batch of contestants has arrived. "

Li Fan nodded and said: "Okay, let the contestants relax a bit when they audition later, don't be nervous, then the two of us can be the judges. There are fewer judges, and the contestants are not so nervous."

Wang Pingsheng nodded and said, "Indeed, Mr. Li Fan thought it through."

The time slowly approached 8:25, and the contestants' audition was about to begin.


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