Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1536 Goodbye to the mysterious man

Live audition backstage.

The first batch of players has already selected the order of playing, and they are preparing before playing, adjusting and brewing their emotions, and telling themselves not to be nervous.

They cherish this opportunity very much. The doors of other talent shows are almost closed to them, only the door of "The Voice" is open to them.

No matter how badly this show is viewed by the outside world, it is an extremely rare opportunity for them.

"I wonder if Mr. Li Fan will serve as a judge in person?" Every contestant has such a question in his heart.

Thinking that Li Fan might serve as a judge in person, it was difficult for them to calm down their nervous hearts.

Wang Shu was the first contestant to audition, which made him the most nervous. He likes to sing and practice hard at home when he has nothing to do. He has also wanted to participate in music talent shows countless times.

But he didn't go in the last time, because his appearance was really ordinary and a little too much, he was a little inferior, and he didn't dare to participate in the talent show.

Until the sudden emergence of "The Voice", he saw a glimmer of hope and had the courage to participate.

So, here he comes, but he's nervous.


At the audition scene, Li Fan and Wang Pingsheng were already seated. Wang Pingsheng looked at the time, it was 8:30 in the morning, and he said to a staff member next to him, "Let's start."

The staff nodded and said, "Okay, Director Wang."

Afterwards, the staff went to the backstage and said to the players who were preparing there: "The live audition starts now. Don't be nervous, everyone must sing at your best level. Now, No. 1 player Wang Shu, please come on stage."

Wang Shu was suffocated, and quickly agreed, "Okay, thank you teacher."

Walking out of the contestant passage and coming to the audition scene, Wang Shu tried his best not to be nervous. There were two people sitting on the jury seat, one was director Wang Pingsheng, who had already met, and the other was a young man. Below is a little common.

"Is that Mr. Li Fan?" Wang Shu wanted to know this question very much, but he didn't dare to ask, and there were only two judges at the scene, which made him suddenly less nervous.

There was only one microphone and one guitar on the stage, and the contestants sang acapella without accompaniment.


If you can play the guitar, you can play and sing.

"Hello, two teachers, my name is Wang Shu..." Wang Shu introduced himself.

Wang Pingsheng smiled and said, "Okay, Wang Shu, let's get started. You are the first contestant to audition. I hope you don't get nervous and pass it smoothly, giving us a good start to today's audition."

Wang Shu gratefully said: "Thank you Director Wang, I will."

Afterwards, Wang Shu glanced at Li Fan, who had been silent for a while, took a deep breath, stood in front of the microphone, and began to sing.

"Are you like me bowing your head in the sun, sweating silently and working hard..."

He sang a song "My Future is Not a Dream" by Zhang Yu, which is a song by Li Fan.

Li Fan's eyes lit up and looked carefully at Wang Shu who was singing.

Of course, the reason why his eyes lit up was not because Wang Shu was singing his song, but because of Wang Shu's voice, his voice was very penetrating.

Although his voice is not as high-pitched as Zhang Yu's, his penetrating power is very strong and his recognition is good. Li Fan is quite satisfied.

It looks like it's off to a good start today.

Li Fan nodded to Wang Pingsheng secretly, Wang Pingsheng understood it, and said to Wang Shu, who had finished the audition and was feeling uneasy: "Congratulations, you are promoted."

Hearing these words in Wang Shu's ears, it was like a fairy sound, and he said excitedly: "Thank you, thank you two teachers!"

The news of the successful promotion of the first audition contestant Wang Shu was passed back to the backstage, and the players who were waiting in the backstage were envious and more confident.

The second audition player appeared...


The first batch of players are playing audition in turn, and the second batch of players are coming to South Sichuan Satellite TV one after another.

Wang Na and Xiaoyun were among them.

Wang Na said: "Xiaoyun, I'm very nervous now, much more nervous than when I took the stage at the West Lake audition last time."

Xiaoyun naturally understands why Wang Na is nervous, because she is likely to see the mysterious young man who appeared in West Lake that day, and that man's name is likely to be Li Fan.

Xiaoyun said: "Nana, relax, if that person is really Mr. Li Fan, it means that he is very optimistic about you, and you can definitely advance."

Wang Na smiled bitterly and said, "It is precisely because Mr. Li Fan is optimistic about me that I am nervous. If I don't sing well, won't Mr. Li Fan be disappointed?"

Xiaoyun said: "Nana, why can't you sing well? You think too much."

Wang Na said: "I do have confidence, but he is Mr. Li Fan after all. Thinking about the possibility of seeing him, I get nervous and can't calm down."

Xiaoyun said: "You must calm down, at least not get too excited."

Wang Na said: "Okay, I see."

The two whispered all the way, led by the staff all the way to the backstage preparation room.

There are already many people waiting in the preparation room, and everyone is nodding to each other. Other than that, there is no unnecessary conversation.

Wang Na and Xiaoyun also stopped talking, and only whispered a few words occasionally.

Not long after, a staff member came to arrange everyone's appearance order. Wang Na got her own appearance order. She had calmed down a lot, but became inexplicably nervous.

The audition players appeared one after another. Some were excited and excited because they successfully advanced, and some were regretful and disappointed because they did not advance.

Wang Na doesn't know if she will advance? And just when she was at a loss, it was time for her to audition.

Wang Na stood up, Xiaoyun made a cheering gesture, Wang Na nodded and walked into the player channel.

The contestant passage was not long, but Wang Na felt that she had walked for a long time. The moment she walked out of the passage, her mood was suddenly unprecedentedly excited. She really saw the mysterious young man who was at the West Lake scene that day. man.

And that man is sitting here now, it means that his name is really called Li Fan.

Although Wang Na was almost convinced before, she was only guessing, and now, she finally knew the answer 100%.

At this time, Wang Na, in addition to being excited, also felt very lucky that she was able to receive Li Fan's comfort and guidance that day, which was God's blessing to her.

At this moment, Wang Na only felt that she was the luckiest person in the world.

She bowed deeply to Li Fan and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li Fan."

Wang Pingsheng was a little surprised by this scene, and said to himself: "What's the situation? Looking at this, does it mean that Wang Na knows Mr. Li Fan, and has had an intersection?"

Li Fan looked at Wang Na, feeling quite relieved, smiled slightly, and said, "Are you fully prepared?"

"...When the stage that can help you realize your dream appears, have you given up, or have you been fully prepared? It depends on your own choice." This is the scene at the West Lake that day, Li Fan What to say to Wang Na.

This sentence has always been in Wang Na's heart. Now listening to Li Fan's question, Wang Na said firmly: "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, I am completely ready."


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