Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1537 All the players are confirmed

Wang Na's answer was firm, Li Fan nodded, Wang Pingsheng became more and more puzzled, and finally couldn't help but whispered, "Does Mr. Li Fan know her?"

Li Fan said with a smile: "I saw it once at the audition of "Dream Singer" in West Lake, Tangzhou."

"The audition for "Dream Singer"?" Wang Pingsheng looked at Wang Na, who looked rather ordinary, and gradually understood what he was thinking.

Then, Li Fan said, "Wang Na, let's start."

Wang Na nodded, stood in front of the microphone, adjusted her emotions, and started her singing.

Li Fan just smiled faintly at this opening, but Wang Pingsheng was taken aback. What happened to Nima? Obviously it is a girl, but it is a male voice.

Moreover, it is still that pure male voice, which is not awkward or uncomfortable at all. If only listening to the voice, Wang Pingsheng would never believe that it was sung by a girl.

Of course, Wang Pingsheng was just surprised, not surprised. In this world, girls sing male voices, or boys sing female voices, it does exist.

You know, in traditional opera, the male role is the male singing female voice.

However, it is extremely rare for a girl to sing a male voice so naturally, to the extent that it is fake.

Wang Pingsheng understands a little why Li Fan and Wang Na have an intersection. For the "Voice" program, a player like Wang Na is simply an ace-level player. Wang Pingsheng is very happy.

Soon, Wang Na finished singing, waiting anxiously for the result. Li Fan and Wang Pingsheng looked at each other, and then Wang Pingsheng said, "Wang Na, congratulations, you have been promoted."

"Yes, thank you Director Wang, thank you Mr. Li Fan!" Wang Na was always excited.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Come on, I believe you will have a good result."

Wang Na hurriedly said, "Thank you, Mr. Li Fan, I will try my best."

Li Fan nodded, and then Wang Na said goodbye and left.

After Wang Na left, Wang Pingsheng couldn't help saying excitedly: "Mr. Li Fan, a contestant like Wang Na will definitely be able to greatly increase the focus of the show. At that time, both the audience and the four mentors will be very surprised."

Li Fan nodded and said, "That's right, that's it. Such players are exactly what our show needs."

Wang Pingsheng nodded,

Looking forward to the next audition.

At the exit of the audition scene, Xiaoyun saw Wang Na coming out, so she grabbed it and asked in a low voice, "Nana, how is it? Have you seen him?"

Wang Na grabbed Xiaoyun's hand tightly and said excitedly, "I saw it, Xiaoyun, I saw him. He is really Mr. Li Fan. I am so lucky."

When Xiaoyun heard this, she also looked excited, and said, "It's true, did he say anything to you this time? Does he still recognize you? By the way, you should be promoted, right?"

Wang Na said: "I said, Mr. Li Fan asked me..."

The two of them whispered as they walked farther and farther, and at this time, the third batch of contestants who auditioned today also arrived one after another.

Among this batch of contestants, there is one contestant who is very eye-catching. She is tall and very beautiful. It is the woman who insisted on coming to "The Voice", Xie Shiyu.

Xie Shiyu stood out from the crowd among the waiting contestants, which attracted a group of contestants who couldn't help but whisper.

Everyone is mainly wondering, why did Xie Shiyu not participate in "Dream Singer" with such external conditions, but came to participate in "The Voice"?

Shouldn't they be the only people who don't look good to participate in "The Voice"?

This is not that they belittle themselves, but it is indeed a helpless fact.

For most of the contestants, if they could, they would actually prefer to participate in "Dream Singer".

In their opinion, Xie Shiyu's participation in "The Voice" really wasted her external conditions.

Xie Shiyu sat quietly in a corner, she did not agree with the whispers of others, but she was not going to refute.

She knew that those people would soon change their minds, and they would soon know that they were very lucky to be on The Voice.

Xie Shiyu took her appearance order and waited quietly. Her road to "The Voice" has begun from this moment.

Before too long, it was her turn to play, she let out a small breath and walked into the player tunnel.

And the moment she walked out of the passage, both Li Fan and Wang Pingsheng's eyes lit up, and they were a little surprised that such a beautiful woman would come to audition.

Even in Li Fan's point of view, Xie Shiyu is an absolute beauty. Although she is better than Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, she is not too far behind.

Of course, it's not enough just to be beautiful, this is a stage that belongs only to sound after all.

However, Xie Shiyu was so beautiful but did not go to "Dream Singer", but came to "The Voice", which made Li Fangao take a few glances.

Because, Li Fan believed that when Xie Shiyu decided to come to "The Voice", someone would persuade her to go to "Dream Singer", but she still came to "The Voice", which showed that her sixth sense was very strong, she believed "The Voice" is a better stage.

Xie Shiyu looked at the two people on the jury, she believed that the young man must be Li Fan, which made her also a little nervous, but she was able to maintain a basic calm, and after bowing, said: "Two teachers Alright, my name is Xie Shiyu..."

After Xie Shiyu introduced himself, Wang Pingsheng said: "Okay, Xie Shiyu, your external conditions are very good. I hope your voice can be equally good."

Xie Shiyu said: "Okay, thank you teacher, I will try my best."

Afterwards, Xie Shiyu began to sing, and as soon as he spoke, both Li Fan and Wang Pingsheng nodded secretly.

Xie Shiyu's voice is indeed excellent and highly recognizable. Although there are some flaws, there is a lot of room for later training. He is an excellent student.

Xie Shiyu naturally also successfully advanced.

After Xie Shiyu, the rest of the contestants continued to appear, one after another, batch after batch.

And the time also passed in the audition of each contestant. At four o'clock in the afternoon, all 126 contestants had finished their audition.

In the audition room, Wang Ping looked at the information in his hand and said, "Mr. Li Fan, all 126 contestants have finished their audition, and 68 contestants have advanced."

The promotion rate exceeded 50%, Li Fan was very satisfied, and said with a smile: "The promotion rate is very good, with these 68 players, plus those who were directly invited, the players of the first season of "The Voice" There are enough people."

Wang Pingsheng seemed very excited and said: "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, the number of players is enough. For the directly invited players, five more people have come to report so far today. Including the 36 people yesterday, there are a total of 41 players. There are still two days before the registration period, and there should be people who will come to report. The final total number should be more than 50 people. Adding in the 68 people who passed the audition here, the final number is about 120 people. Our previous estimates were about the same number. It looks like we were lucky."

Li Fan nodded and said, "It's really good luck. Now that almost all the contestants have been determined, the rest is easy."


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