Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1543 The opportunity is here again

Ling Hua, Jiang Huan, Yun Fei, and Zhang Yuhan came out of South Sichuan Satellite TV while chatting.

"The Voice" program group office.

Li Fandao: "Director Wang, we can now announce the identities of the four mentors."

Wang Pingsheng said with a smile: "Okay, Mr. Li Fan, it has already been prepared, and I will let Xiaolin operate it."

Li Fan nodded. It was only a few days before the first live broadcast of "The Voice", and he was also very much looking forward to it.

He brought the previous life's "The Voice" to this world, made some changes, and boldly adopted the form of live broadcast.

Although this can be said to be a taboo for entertainment programs, Li Fan believes that "The Voice" itself is attractive enough and does not require the help of post-editing production.

The live broadcast will receive an unexpected effect, and Li Fan is looking forward to it, even more than the rest of the show team.



It's no secret that "Dream Singer" is recording the first episode of the show, and netizens on the Internet naturally have a lot of discussions.

At the same time, I am also trying to find a way to inquire about the situation of the recording scene. Although all the audience at the scene signed a non-disclosure agreement, it is difficult to disclose the situation of the scene.

However, after the recording of a program is completed, there will always be some gossips on the Internet more or less, the news may or may not be fake, it is difficult to judge.

But one thing is certain, those gossip will never be all fake, there will be truth.

This has been proven countless times in previous programs.

The popularity of "Dream Singer" is already very high, but this time because of "The Voice", its attention is even more unprecedented.

From this perspective, the "Dream Singer" program team should thank "The Voice".

Netizens are collecting gossip about the first episode of "Dream Singer" on the Internet, and they like it very much.

Originally, there was no such thing as "The Voice" at this time, but an official announcement from the "The Voice" program group forced the attention of netizens.

"The Voice" finally announced the identities of the four mentors,

On the official propaganda poster, the images of the four mentors have changed from the previous silhouette photos to normal photos.

The identities of the four mentors were finally officially announced, namely Ling Hua, Jiang Huan, Yun Fei, and Zhang Yuhan.

Netizens were delighted and excited, but not surprised.

Because they have long known that the identities of the four mentors will never be simple, and they are likely to be first-tier superstars, or even the top ones among the first-tier superstars.

Looking at it now, it really is.

Although the four mentors have never served as guests or judges in talent shows before, but now Li Fan invites them, they certainly cannot refuse.

Netizens are very excited. Although they may not watch "The Voice", the fact that the four top superstars join a show at the same time is exciting enough in itself.

This is a super event in the entertainment industry. Once the identities of the four mentors were announced, the entertainment industry was directly bombarded.

All kinds of stars have sighed one after another, and it is possible that only Li Fan can do it in a talent show that is not favored by the outside world.

Celebrities sighed, netizens also sighed.

However, for the die-hard fans of the four mentors, the mood is somewhat contradictory and complicated.

First of all, they are also very excited to see their idols as mentors on the "Voice" program, which makes them excited.

But while excited, they are also very worried, because from the current situation, the ratings of "The Voice" will not be ideal.

That is to say, "The Voice" will not be a successful show. If the final ratings are dismal, their idols will definitely be embarrassed along with "The Voice".

If it's not good, it will seriously decline the idol's reputation, and the consequences will not be serious.

They do not believe that the disclosure of the identities of the four mentors will increase the ratings of the show.

Except for their die-hard fans who will definitely watch it, those other people are unlikely to choose to watch "The Voice" because of the fame of the four mentors.

It may be interesting to look at it a few times, but it must not be possible to look at it all the time.

And the number of their die-hard fans is simply insignificant compared to the huge audience base, and it is almost impossible to increase the ratings.

The mood of the die-hard fans can be described as both excited and worried, contradictory and complicated.

However, it didn't take long for their mood to be dominated by excitement again.

Because Li Fan announced a message on his personal Weibo.

The news said that he will create a song for the final champion of "The Voice" and the mentor of the champion.

As soon as the news came out, netizens were more excited than the news that the identities of the four mentors were disclosed just now.

Because this means that they can hear Li Fan's new songs again, and there are still two.

Li Fan's first songs are absolute classics, but it's a pity that Li Fan doesn't often compose new songs.

The last song was the Lanwen song "Scarborough Fair" written by Li Fan in Languo a few months ago.

Netizens no longer look forward to Li Fan's new songs all the time, but they know that Li Fan's songs are about the word "destiny".

There are singers who want to get Li Fan's songs, they must have the opportunity, and they also need the opportunity to hear the new songs created by Li Fan.

Without the chance, Li Fan would not compose a new song for a long period of time. Even if he composes a song, it actually only takes a very short time.

Now, their chance has come again, they can hear Li Fan's new songs again, and there are two songs, which makes them extremely excited.

The die-hard fans of the four mentors also made their mood mainly excited.

If a student under his idol wins the final championship, his idol will be able to get a song by Li Fan.

In this way, even if the ratings of "The Voice" are terrible, the idol's reputation will definitely only rise, not decline.

The influence of Li Fan's songs is so great.

And the reason why they are not completely excited is because the chance of idols getting Li Fan's songs is only 1/4.

This is not very likely, it is simply dangerous, so they are still worried.

However, from the viewing point of view, with the huge temptation of the two songs, the "Voice of Good" program will definitely be more exciting, the instructors will definitely do their best, and the students will definitely do their best.


Netizens are excited and excited, but for the star singers, it is envy and jealousy.

They were already very envious. The four of them were able to get an invitation from Li Fan, and now they have the opportunity to get a song tailored by Li Fan, and they are even more envious.

In the circle of star singers, many star singers are also proud of their envy and jealousy, and have "denounced" Ling Hua, Jiang Huan, Yun Fei, and Zhang Yuhan.

The four of them looked at the "denouncement" of the star singers, and they were very proud. The more "denounced" the star singers were, the more proud they were.

However, at the same time as they were proud, they were all a little nervous, because of Li Fan's songs.

In their opinion, the other three are already real "enemies".


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