Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1544 Rating Prediction

The identities of the four mentors were disclosed, which attracted widespread attention from the outside world. Naturally, the major entertainment media were watching the wind. How could they let go of such explosive entertainment news?

All four mentors were attacked, and the major entertainment media were besieged and blocked. The four mentors understood that if they did not accept interviews from the media well, this matter would not be good.

So, each of the four mentors was interviewed by the media.

Moreover, many of the questions that the four mentors were asked by the media were similar.

A reporter asked Ling Hua: "Mr. Ling Hua, there are rumors in the outside world that most of the contestants selected by "The Voice" are some of those things, and that word is not very good to say. Mr. Ling Hua should know, and even It is said that there are disabled people and the elderly. As a mentor, the live broadcast time is approaching, Mr. Ling Hua should have met those players, right? May I ask Mr. Ling Hua, is the situation of those players really as rumored?"

Ling Hua replied: "I and the other three instructors have indeed been to South Sichuan Satellite TV, and we really want to go to see the players' situation first, so as to have a better understanding and make some preparations in advance. However, our request It was rejected by the program team. The program team said that when the program is broadcast, we can only select students by voice. If we know the situation of the players in advance, we will be interfered by other factors when selecting students. , which goes against the purpose of the show's 'only on voice'. Therefore, we don't know anything about the situation of the players now, and I can't answer your question now."

The reporter asked Ling Hua this question, and also asked the other three mentors this question.

The answers of the other three mentors were similar to Ling Hua's.

After these reports were reported by major entertainment media, they once again aroused heated discussions from all walks of life.

on the Internet.

"The four mentors all said so. It seems that the mentors really don't know anything about the players' situation. This can be regarded as a precedent for entertainment talent shows."

"It seems that this program is real, and it is necessary to thoroughly implement the purpose of 'only on the voice'. It is indeed a program planned by Mr. Li Fan himself, and the principle is strong."

"Principle is stronger, but this makes it even more worrying. I was thinking, if a mentor is attracted by a certain voice and turns around, when he turns around and sees, the contestant on the stage turns out to be a handicapped person. I don't know if you will be frightened and turn around again?"

"So, this show is bullshit. Of course, I don't mean that Mr. Li Fan is bullshitting. Mr. Li Fan's starting point is absolutely admirable, but for the viewers watching the show, it's a bit torturous. already."

"You can't say that,

Mr. Li Fan didn't force you to watch it. If you don't want to watch it, don't watch it. Anyway, I think Mr. Li Fan shouldn't care about the ratings of the show. "

"Yes, Mr. Li Fan is just to provide a stage for those people, which is fundamentally different from other talent shows."

"Your statement is not correct. Anyway, "The Voice" is a talent show. Since it is a talent show, how can there be a fundamentally different statement? Moreover, even Mr. Li Fan doesn't care about the ratings of the show. However, South Sichuan Satellite TV and Yisale Electric couldn't care less. Their family invested a full 50 million yuan. Therefore, "The Voice" will ultimately speak in terms of ratings. If the ratings are not good, it will be a failure. program."

"Well, that's true, it's a pity."



TV circles.

"Tsk tsk! It's really about principles. As far as this is concerned, I still admire the "Good Voice" program team very much."

"It is indeed a good thing to talk about principles, but what the "Voice" program team did is undoubtedly stupid."

"That's right, for a program, what everyone cares most about is the ratings, and ratings are also the only pursuit of TV stations when it comes to programs. At that time, the ratings of the program will be dismal, but no one will remember that your program is so principled. "

"Hey! What do we care about? Just wait and watch the show. It will start in a few days."

"That's right, just wait and watch the show."


Magic TV.

"The Voice is still very principled, yes, yes, it is indeed a program planned by Li Fan himself."

"Let them talk about principles. We only talk about ratings. Our program recording was very successful. We urged the post-production staff of the program to make the program to the perfect level."

"Of course, there are still three days left, which is enough time to slowly make excellent production in the later stage. Moreover, we have added a new content this time, shooting VCR for each player, and then the audience will be able to pass the VCR and get more detailed information. It will be very interesting to understand the situation of the players.”

"Well, very good, our "Dream Singer" this time must reach a new high in ratings."

"Thanks to The Voice, our show has received unprecedented attention this season, and the ratings will definitely hit a new high."

"Our total average rating last year was 6.8, and the highest rating was as high as 8.1. The average rating of the first episode was 7.2, and the highest rating was 7.5. The first episode of this year will be broadcast in three days. Beyond last year, how much do you think we can achieve?"

"Let's just talk about the average ratings, I think there should be no problem reaching 7.5."

"Conservatively estimate 7.3, 7.5 is not a problem, 7.7 is possible."

"Okay, everyone must work hard so that our "Dream Singer" ratings this year will reach a higher level, so that similar programs from other TV stations will look up to them with more envy and jealousy, and even dare not compete with us."

"That's for sure. By the way, what do you think will be the ratings of the first issue of "The Voice"?"

"Chuannan Satellite TV's previous similar programs had the highest average rating of only 0.4, which is quite miserable. However, after all, "The Voice" is a program planned by Li Fan himself, and there are four top superstars to help out, so the ratings should not be high. As for being too miserable, it is estimated that it should be able to reach 1.5."

"If it wasn't for us to broadcast at the same time as them, their ratings might indeed be able to reach 1.5, but now, it's not bad to be able to reach 1.0."

"Well, 1.0 is about the same, maybe a little more, but definitely not too much."

"Actually, the 1.0 ratings are already an extremely surprising result for South Sichuan Satellite TV. But this time they invested a full 50 million yuan. Thinking about it like this, it will be a result that makes people want to jump off the building. "

"Chuannan Satellite TV can't blame others for his own death. Meng Tao's position as director is probably not sitting for a few days."


The people of Magic Capital TV are very gloating, and at the same time, what new heights will the ratings of "Dream Singer" reach this time? Full of anticipation!


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