Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1546 in the studio

Stage waiting area.

The 20 players who are about to play, the more I think about it, the more nervous I get.

A band teacher saw the nervousness of the players, smiled slightly, and said, "You don't have to be nervous, you are all very well prepared, just sing when the time comes, and don't think about anything else. Now Don’t even think about other things, everyone can communicate with each other and chat casually.”

When the students heard what the band teacher said, their hearts really calmed down. They also knew that it was useless to think too much now, so they tried their best to convince themselves to stop thinking about those messes.

After following the band teacher's suggestion, everyone started chatting with each other. After a week of getting along, they were already quite familiar with each other.

This chat distracted their attention, and they were not as nervous as before.

The band teacher smiled slightly. After a week of getting along, he and the players were also quite familiar.

How did the players play tonight? Which students will win the mentor's turn? He is also very much looking forward to it.

He silently wished every player good luck in his heart, but he also knew that there would definitely be players who would be eliminated.


Who is the most nervous person in the "Good Voice" program group right now?

Naturally, it is the director Wang Pingsheng. He is the commander-in-chief of the show. The show is broadcast live, and there can be no mistakes. How long does each link in the show take? He needs to go through repeated deductions in order to be able to direct the program more accurately and calmly during the live broadcast of the program.

Of course, he was nervous, but he didn't appear flustered. He was directing the program on the spot to prepare for the upcoming live broadcast, which seemed to be in good order.

"Xiao Wang, it took 7 seconds for you to change the lights just now. It's a little longer. Continue to be proficient. When you broadcast live at night, you must complete it within 5 seconds."

"Okay, Director Wang, no problem, I will definitely be able to do it."

"Little Li, please check the relevant audio equipment again, and be sure to be foolproof."

"Okay, Director Wang, I'll go right now."


Who is the least nervous about the show crew now? Who is the most leisurely?

Of course it was Li Fan.

He has already done everything that this show should do, and he has fully explained what should be explained.

Seeing that Wang Pingsheng's on-site command was orderly and reasonable, Li Fan was very satisfied, so he could feel more at ease.

Director Meng Tao was also on the scene in Studio No. 1. Watching the program crew busy in the studio, making final preparations for the live broadcast, he was actually a little nervous.

He invested 50 million in this show. If he messed up, his position as director will definitely be lost.

Although he absolutely believed in Li Fan, he couldn't be 100% reassured without seeing the final result.

Besides, this is a live broadcast. If something goes wrong at that time, their South Sichuan Satellite TV will be completely reduced to a joke.

Of course, risks and interests always coexist. If the premiere of "The Voice" is successful today, the influence of South Sichuan Satellite TV will definitely reach a new level.

His popularity of Meng Tao will also be unprecedentedly high.

His anticipation of the result was also the reason why he was a little nervous.

His eyes swept around the studio, and when he saw Li Fan who was light and cloudless, he secretly said "ashamed" in his heart.

Is it because he cares more about the performance of this show than Li Fan?

The answer is absolutely no. Although there are rumors that Li Fan doesn't care about the performance of the show, Meng Tao knows that Li Fan definitely cares about the results.

The reason why he is so calm is only because he has absolute confidence, and because he absolutely believes in director Wang Pingsheng, the other members of the program team, and the 20 upcoming players.

In other words, he absolutely believes that his eyes will not be wrong.

This is a realm that is extremely difficult for ordinary people to achieve. Meng Tao knows that even he is still a long way from this realm.

Meng Tao smiled bitterly in his heart, there really are people beyond genius level in this world.

He walked over to Li Fan and said, "Mr. Li Fan, it's about to start."

Li Fan also smiled and said, "The director seems to be a little nervous."

Meng Tao laughed, without concealing it, and said, "It's true, it made Mr. Li Fan laugh."

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "It's normal for the director to be a little nervous. With a full 50 million investment, and the glory of South Sichuan TV, I am also nervous."

Meng Tao sighed and nodded.

At this time, a program crew member came over and said, "Mr. Li Fan, the four mentors are here."

"Oh?" Li Fan laughed, "Invite them directly to the studio."

"Okay, Mr. Li Fan." After finishing speaking, the show crew turned around and left.

Not long after, the four mentors walked into the studio under the leadership of the program crew member just now and walked towards Li Fan and Meng Tao.

"Mr. Li Fan, Director Meng." The four greeted Li Fan and Meng Tao respectively.

Li Fan and Meng Tao also responded one by one, and both sides made a few polite words.

Afterwards, Yun Fei said: "This studio is very good. It can accommodate at least four or five thousand audiences, especially the stage. There is a sense of sight of a top stage. Is this a brand-new creation?"

Meng Tao smiled and said: "It is indeed a brand-new construction, using the most advanced technology."

Ling Hua clicked his tongue and said, "Director Meng, does it cost a lot?"

Meng Tao nodded and said: "It is indeed a lot. The stage construction and audio equipment cost a total of nearly 30 million."

The four instructors were all stunned when they heard it. Jiang Huan smiled and said, "I finally know why "The Voice" needs an investment of 100 million yuan. The money spent on equipment is already a huge amount of money. sold out."

Zhang Yuhan said with some anticipation: "The world's top audio equipment, the sound quality from such equipment should be very enjoyable to listen to, right?"

Ling Hua, Jiang Huan, and Yun Fei's eyes also lit up, and they were obviously very interested and looking forward to it.

Li Fan said with a smile: "The sound quality will indeed sound very comfortable, and you will also feel very comfortable when you sit."

"Oh?" The eyes of the four of them lit up again, Ling Hua said, "Mr. Li Fan is referring to the four tutor chairs?"

Li Fandao: "Of course, the cost of the four tutor chairs is also not low. The cost of each one is 1.5 million. To be honest, I have never sat in such an expensive chair. It is your good fortune."

"A chair of 1.5 million? A chair costs 1.5 million?" All four of them looked surprised. This Nima is really taking money and not making money. Whose show dares to do this?

Most entertainment programs have a total investment of less than 1.5 million.

The cost of a chair exceeds the total investment of others, no wonder it requires an investment of 100 million yuan.

In addition to being surprised, they are very curious and looking forward to the tutor chair. A chair of 1.5 million is really comfortable to sit on, right?

Ling Hua clicked his tongue and said, "Mr. Li Fan, let's hurry up and take a look. To be honest, I'm very curious and looking forward to it now."

Li Fan said with a smile: "I originally wanted to go to see it. You also need to be familiar with the tutor chair in advance. Let's go there."


The fourth update, for the tiger's roar and the lion's roar (2/10)



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