in the studio.

Li Fan, Meng Tao, Ling Hua, Jiang Huan, Yun Fei and Zhang Yuhan walked towards the tutor chair in front of the stage together.

They could see from a distance just now, four mentor chairs were standing in front of the stage, but they couldn't see it clearly.

Taking a closer look now, Ling Hua, Jiang Huan, Yun Fei, and Zhang Yuhan all tutted their tongues.

Also, behind each chair is the instructor's name.

Ling Hua walked to his chair and said with a smile, "I'll go up and try it out."

After he finished speaking, he sat up, leaned against the back of the chair, and squinted slightly, looking like he was enjoying himself.

After a while, he said, "It feels really good. This is definitely the most expensive chair I've ever sat in."

Li Fan smiled and said to Jiang Huan, Yun Fei, and Zhang Yuhan, "You guys also sit up and try it out. You need to familiarize yourself with the operation buttons above."

All three nodded their heads and looked at Ling Hua's enjoyment. They were already eager to try it out, but listening to Li Fanyi was exactly what they wanted.

He immediately walked to his chair and sat on it, and it was as comfortable as he imagined.

Li Fan smiled and said, "See the biggest red button on your right. Press that button and the chair will rotate 180 degrees."

The four nodded, all stretched out their right hands and pressed the red button, and the chairs immediately rotated one hundred and eighty degrees at an unpleasant speed, from facing away from the stage to facing the stage.

Li Fan asked, "How do you feel?"

Ling Hua smiled and said, "It feels very good. I can't wait for the show to start."

Jiang Huan, Yun Fei, and Zhang Yuhan also said that they can't wait for the show.

Li Fan smiled and said, "The countdown has entered."


The "Good Voice" program group is preparing nervously and busy, but the "Dream Singer" program group is unusually leisurely. They are recording and broadcasting. At 8 o'clock in the evening, just play the recorded video directly.

Since it is leisurely, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of discussion.

"The "Voice" program team is probably already busy now, it's really pitiful!"

"Who asked them to do live broadcasts? It's just to find guilt for themselves."

"Now I'm busy and confused, and the ratings will be terrible at that time. It's really pitiful to think about."

"Hurry up to eight o'clock in the evening, I can't wait."



At 6 o'clock in the evening, there are still two hours before the start of the two programs, and the atmosphere on the Internet has gradually reached a high level.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! It will start in two hours, and I can't help but be a little excited."

"Haha! After get off work, go home for dinner, and then wait for the show to start. Alas! I have to work hard on Saturday."

"There will be more people going to work on Saturday. As long as you can get off work on time, which show are you going to watch?"

"Of course I'm watching 'Dream Singer'. I watch it every season and I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

"It must be watching "Dream Singer". The contestants in it sing well, and they are full of young and beautiful handsome men and women. It is a pleasure to watch."

"Indeed, watching "Dream Singer" is an absolute enjoyment. Watching the crooked melons and jujubes of "The Voice" is definitely a pain, and there is no need to struggle at all."

"I support Mr. Li Fan's 'The Voice', but I will choose to watch 'Dream Singer', which is not contradictory."

"That's right, I watched "Dream Singer", but that doesn't mean I don't support Mr. Li Fan."

"'Dream Singer' is the correct way to open a talent show, of course, watching 'Dream Singer'."

"It seems that the vast majority of people will choose to watch "Dream Singer"! Hehe! Me too."

"Hey! Who told the two programs to be broadcast at the same time? If the time is staggered, I will definitely support "The Voice", but now that the two programs are broadcast at the same time, I can only give up "The Voice" already."

"Indeed, I originally said that I would support "The Voice", but who knew that the two programs chose to broadcast at the same time, I can only be sorry for "The Voice"."

"'The Voice' should take the initiative to avoid 'Dream Singer'. In that case, regardless of how much the ratings will increase, a 20% increase will definitely be no problem."

"The "Good Voice" first announced the broadcast time, and "Dream Singer" followed. Obviously, "Dream Singer" deliberately chose to broadcast at the same time as "The Good Voice". This is called competition between similar programs. , I can only say that "The Voice" is quite unlucky to be so targeted by "Dream Singer"."

"This is not to blame for "Dream Singer", business competition is like this. It is still "The Voice" that is not very sensitive. If they are sensitive, they should be able to understand the conspiracy of "Dream Singer" in advance. "Singer" is exhausted, who will announce the broadcast time first? "Dream Singer" should be less than "The Voice"."

"Hey! This is the end, what's the use of talking about it? I hope more people will support "The Voice"."


According to various voices on the Internet, the vast majority of people will choose to watch "Dream Singer", and some people who originally planned to watch "The Voice", but because the two programs are broadcast at the same time, they have to choose to give up "The Good Voice" sound".

When the die-hard fans of the four mentors saw such a situation, they could only smile bitterly in their hearts. As they thought, even if the four superstars helped out at the same time, other than their die-hard fans, others would not choose because of this. See "The Voice".

The fact that The Voice will have poor ratings seems impossible to change.

The popularity of the four mentors will be damaged by "The Voice", and it is inevitable.

Fortunately, the mentor of the champion students can get a song by Li Fan. With Li Fan's song, the popularity will definitely not drop but rise.

The die-hard fans of the four mentors all have an urgent desire to hope that the students under their idols can win the final championship.


The members of the "Dream Singer" program team, people in the TV circles, and major companies across the country all felt very gloating when they saw the voices on the Internet at this time.

As expected, the vast majority of people would choose to watch "Dream Singer".

In this way, "The Voice" is absolutely cool.

Li Fan planned it himself, claiming that the investment reached 100 million yuan, and the four top superstars helped, but in the end, he could only sing a song "cool".

The more people waited, the more excited they became, the more they thought about it, the more they gloated, as if they had seen "The Voice" reduced to a joke...

And just amid the heated discussions among netizens, members of the "Dream Singer" program crew, people in the TV circles, and major companies across the country gloating over their misfortunes, the time slowly came to 7:50 in the evening.

Before the start of the two programs, we entered the real countdown.


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