Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1548 Feeling or illusion?

There are still 10 minutes before the show starts, and countless viewers are already watching in front of the TV.

Most of the TV in front of the audience is playing Magic Capital TV.

As the first of the four major TVs, Modu TV is very popular, and the audience has become accustomed to watching Modu TV.

Now, the premiere of the first episode of the new season of "Dream Singer" is about to begin, and there are more viewers who have chosen the TV channel to be on Magic TV.

Magic Capital TV has also started to warm up early, with eloquent and infectious advertising words, various introductions from the four judges and teachers, carefully selected short video clips of contestants, etc. The hearts of the audience are so irresistible that they can't stop looking forward to it.

"Wow, haha! Watching the pre-warming clip of "Dream Singer" now, I feel really excited, and it feels even better than last year's."

"Yeah, this year's stage should have been rebuilt. I just saw a stage clip, which is very majestic. This year's show is definitely worth looking forward to!"

"Have you all seen the girl in red just now? My God! That face, that figure, she's so beautiful! I wonder who will be the first girl to appear?"

"Not only is it beautiful, but the singing is also good. Although I only heard one sentence for two or three seconds, the voice is definitely a powerful one."

"Except for the girl in red, the other players in the video clips are all handsome guys and pretty girls. The quality of this first episode is very high, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Yeah! This is the talent show. The real talent show is those talent shows that are crooked. They can't be compared at all."

"Oh my God! After watching the warm-up clip, I can't wait more and more, and I don't want to wait for 10 minutes."


After watching the pre-heating clip of South Sichuan Satellite TV, netizens couldn't wait for the first episode of "Dream Singer" to be broadcast soon.

I have to say that this is an absolute advantage of the entertainment program broadcast. Some wonderful scenes or pictures in the festival are broadcast in advance to seduce the audience.

Or deliberately make some mysterious scenes, such as putting a question mark on the face of a female player, so that the audience can only see her perfect and explosive body and so on.

These methods definitely made the audience very itchy. Even if they wanted to change the channel in the middle, they would give up changing the channel because they really wanted to see what that perfect and hot girl looked like.

The effect is very good.

If it is a live broadcast, then these methods cannot be used. Although some video clips can be recorded in advance, but because of the live broadcast, the picture in the live broadcast cannot be exactly the same as the previously recorded picture, and the effect will be It will be greatly discounted, and there is no need for much.

Therefore, although South Sichuan Satellite TV is also preheating "The Voice", the preheating picture effect is obviously not as good as "Dream Singer".

Of course, its influence does not seem to be great, because there are not many viewers who switch TV channels to South Sichuan Satellite TV.

Moreover, some of them don't really want to watch "The Voice", such as some people in the TV circle.

The reason why they switched the TV channel to South Sichuan Satellite TV was just to witness for themselves that "The Voice" became the beginning of a joke.

And those viewers who really want to watch "The Voice" have some helplessness in their hearts. "The Voice" is really at a disadvantage in all aspects.

Looking at the unfamiliar South Sichuan TV logo in the upper left corner of South Sichuan TV, I thought again, "I guess most people are not familiar with the logo of South Sichuan TV, right? Its popularity is comparable to that of Magic Capital TV. It’s just a world apart.”

It is normal for the popularity to be very different. One is the first-ranked satellite TV and the other is the last-ranked satellite TV. There is no comparison between the two.

"Oh! To be honest, I'm really not used to watching South Sichuan TV. It feels too unfamiliar."

"Yeah, if it weren't for the word 'South Sichuan' under the logo, I really don't know that this is South Sichuan Satellite TV."

"The presence of South Sichuan Satellite TV is too low. I estimate that many people in South Sichuan Province do not usually watch South Sichuan Satellite TV."

"The popularity gap between TV stations is really too big, and I feel that The Voice is really at a disadvantage in all aspects."

"Alas! I hope "The Voice" can have some surprises."



The audience watching South Sichuan TV in front of the TV was quite frustrated, but the audience at the No. 1 studio of South Sichuan TV was extremely excited.

The No. 1 studio of South Sichuan TV Station, which can accommodate 5,500 spectators, is now full.

Although the outside world is not optimistic about "The Voice", the vast majority of people also say that they will choose to watch "Dream Singer", but for the huge audience base, even if only a small number of people want to watch "The Voice", the number of It is also not to be underestimated.

More than 5,000 tickets for "The Voice" were sold out as soon as they went online.

At seven o'clock this evening, one hour before the live broadcast, the audience holding tickets had already entered the venue one after another.

As soon as they came to the scene, their mood instantly became excited. The well-built stage gave people a strong sense of visual impact, giving people a feeling that "The Voice" will be a very successful show.

Well, or an illusion.

But whether it's a feeling or an illusion, it can make the audience excited anyway.

Of course, the reason for the excitement of the audience is not only the stage, but also the four extremely high-end chairs in front of the stage.

That should be the legendary mentor chair, and every audience knows it.

At this time, the four tutor chairs are all facing the direction of the stage, and the audience directly opposite the stage can see the front and back of the tutor chair.

The tutor's name is written on the back of the tutor chair, from left to right: Ling Hua, Yun Fei, Jiang Huan, Zhang Yuhan.

The high-end atmosphere of the mentor chair and the names of the four top superstars on the back of the mentor chair also excited the audience.

There are still a few minutes before the show starts, and the audience at the scene is noisy, or whispering, or talking loudly.

"It's about to start, it's definitely not like watching the scene in this studio, you can only sing a 'liangliang' show!"

"Yeah, such a high-end and atmospheric studio is even better than the studio of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala."

"Look at the positions of the four mentor chairs, which are very close to the auditorium. I didn't expect to see the four top superstars so close."

"As soon as I entered the studio, I had a feeling that this show would surprise us. Do you feel that way?"

"Yes, I have it too. Originally, I didn't expect much of this show, but because it was a show planned by Mr. Li Fan, I wanted to come and watch it live. I didn't expect that as soon as I walked into the studio, I was suddenly very interested in the show. expectations."

"I'm looking forward to it very much now, maybe it's really a surprise."

"Then let's look forward to it together, it only takes a few minutes to start."


In addition to the excitement, the audience also became very excited about the show.

At this time, the voice of the program director Wang Pingsheng came out in the studio, "The four mentors, the host, the program staff, the contestants, the audience and friends at the scene, please pay attention, please pay attention, the live broadcast signal There are five minutes left to cut in, and now it's a five-minute countdown."


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