Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1553 The atmosphere is warm again

"The Voice" show.

Yuan Yunpeng on the stage also obviously felt the change in the atmosphere of the scene, which made him a little flustered, "Is this show really going to be screwed up by me? How can this be good?"

After the panic, I sighed again in my heart, "Such a stage really shouldn't belong to me."

But soon, he thought again that he was invited by Li Fan himself, and Li Fan told him that this stage belonged to him.

Thinking of this, Yuan Yunpeng instantly regained his confidence.

Moreover, the sudden cooling down of the scene made him less nervous. Anyway, the audience had already given up hope for him. No matter how badly he sang, the audience would not be disappointed.

In a short period of time, Yuan Yunpeng's mood has undergone many changes, and he finally decided to ignore everything and just finish singing.

Has the mentor turned around? Do the audience at the scene and the audience in front of the TV like it? are no longer important.

This is the first time he sings on the stage, and maybe the last time, so cherish this only chance.

He gestured to the band, indicating that he was ready.

The background music comes from the stereo, and the world's top audio equipment transmits the music to every corner of the scene, as well as to the ears of every audience in front of the TV.

Together with the music, I don't know if it is because of the top-level audio equipment that makes the music extremely effective. Whether it is the audience at the scene or the audience in front of the TV, they all slowly turn their attention to the music.

"What song is this? The prelude is very familiar." Many people are thinking about this question in their hearts.

As for the burly guy on the stage, it didn't match the player image they were looking forward to. They gradually stopped thinking about it and just wanted to listen to this song.

"It's Whistling, this song is not low." Yun Fei said.

"The main difficulty is that the explosive force must be strong enough, otherwise it will be difficult to sing emotions." Jiang Huan said.

On the TV screen, a small window appeared in the lower right corner, and the picture in the window was exactly the picture when the instructors just spoke.

The audience in front of the TV suddenly realized, "It turned out to be 'Whistling'. This song is very old. How can I tell you that it feels a little familiar, but I can't remember what song it is?"

The audience in front of the TV knew the song title,

Some of the audience at the scene finally remembered.

"It's Whistling, a very old song."

"That's right, it's Whistling."

Knowing the name of the song, the audience has more expectations in their hearts. I wonder if the burly man on the stage can sing this song well?

On the stage, Yuan Yunpeng had already put the microphone to his lips.

"I used to wander in the endless night,

I also recalled the sadness of yesterday,

The brightest star in the night sky,

I wanted to touch but found it out of reach.


The voice is clean, slightly hoarse, without any pronunciation skills, but it makes the voice more real and sincere, giving people the feeling of singing with heart rather than technique.

This voice is sincere and simple, and it seems to contain endless screams and power. This is a humble and hesitant person, roaring in his heart.

This voice is not as full, mellow, and high-pitched as the original singing, but this voice shocked all the audience.

They looked at the time-worn face of the burly man on the stage and listened to the singing coming from his mouth.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered that the stage of the draft may not necessarily be handsome guys and beauties.

The audience was shocked, and the hearts of the four mentors were also shocked.

Although they can't see the appearance of the players, they don't know the height, short, fat and thin of the players, but they can feel the simplicity and sincerity of the players from the songs they sing with heart.

They like the sound of it.

Ling Hua had the urge to press the button immediately, but he resisted it, he wanted to hear it again.

At this time, Yuan Yunpeng on the stage also sang the part of Gao Chao.

"Let the inner call take me to that ideal sky.

I want to see the distance, fly to the distance..."

The emotion that had been brewing for a long time finally broke out completely. Ling Hua was excited and snapped the button without any hesitation.

Just after he clicked the button, the instructor chair also rotated 180 degrees, from back to the stage to facing the stage.

At this time, Ling Hua finally saw the appearance of the contestants on the stage, and his heart was lifted again. He really is a contestant who has gone through vicissitudes.

And just after Ling Hua's tutor chair was turned, Jiang Huan also slammed the button of the tutor chair.

Yuan Yunpeng's explosive voice, coupled with Ling Hua and Jiang Huan's two mentors, turned around one after another, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became warm again, and applause and cheers resumed.

One is because this is the first time that the instructor has turned around for the players. The scene they had imagined many times has finally happened.

It turns out that this is the mentor turning around for the players, and this matter itself is enough to make them excited.

The second is because Yuan Yunpeng was sincere and enthusiastic on the stage, and the voice that broke out from the bottom of his heart has completely infected them.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered that this beautiful stage does not necessarily have to be handsome and beauties. People who sing with heart may be more suitable for this stage than handsome and beauties.

They used to think that the burly man on the stage was out of tune with the scene, but now, they found that the sound is the foundation of this stage, as long as those who sing with heart can fit in with this stage.

Now, there are two mentors turning around for the players on the stage, which means that the players on the stage will not be eliminated. They are really happy for the players on the stage, and they have fully recognized the players on the stage.

From the regret at the beginning, I thought it was out of tune with this stage, and now I fully recognize it, I was excited to have a mentor to turn it around, and it only took a short one or two minutes.

In this short period of time, why did the audience's mentality undergo such a huge change?

One of the important reasons is naturally that Yuan Yunpeng's voice is very sincere and can move people.

In other words, sing well.

But just singing well is not enough.

But also imagine that if Yuan Yunpeng sang this song on the street, even if he sang heart-breakingly and sincerely, everyone would probably just take a few glances and not listen to him carefully. .

Because Yuan Yunpeng's appearance will make everyone have a preconceived and wrong judgment in their hearts. It is a joke to think that people with this appearance also come to sing. There is no natural condition to sing at all. would be in vain.

People with this appearance should not have a dream of being a singer by nature.

With this kind of preconceived and wrong judgment, how can everyone listen to his singing seriously and carefully?

No matter how well you sing, it's futile.

Even on other talent shows, like "Dream Singer," the results were the same.

When he sings on stage, both the judges and the audience will also have a preconceived misjudgment.

First of all, I sentenced him to death in my heart, and then I listened to him sing. Even if he sang well, everyone would feel normal after listening to him.

As a result, the audition could not pass.

Therefore, the reason why Yuan Yunpeng can be recognized now is that the mentors turned around for him, and the audience cheered and excited for him.

In addition to singing well, there is another important reason.

That is the stage, the stage of the good voice!


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